
Resident Evil Village Veteran Gunsmith Trophy Guide

Resident Evil Village Veteran Gunsmith trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Veteran Gunsmith
Equip every gun with their customizable parts in the story.

Here is the Resident Evil Village Veteran Gunsmith Trophy Guide helping you find and equip every gun with their customisable parts. There are 22 weapon customisable parts to be found throughout Resident Evil Village which are found either throughout the world or purchased from the Duke on New Game +. The weapons you need to find are the:

  1. LEMI Handgun.
  2. M1897 Shotgun.
  3. F2 Rifle.
  4. M1911 Handgun.
  5. W870 TAC Shotgun.
  6. GM 79 Grenade Launcher.
  7. M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum.
  8. WCX.
  9. V61 Custom.
  10. SYG-12.
  11. S.T.A.K.E..

You will not only need to find the weapon parts, you will also need to equip the parts on their respective weapons which you can do by combining the weapon part with the weapon in your inventory. Here is a full breakdown of every weapon and their respective weapon parts as required throughout Resident Evil Village;

LEMI Handgun

When you get to the Village for the first time you will have access to the LEMI Handgun in your inventory. The LEMI Handgun has 2 weapon parts which are the:

  • LEMI Handgun: Recoil Compensator:
    After defeating the first of Dimitrescu’s daughters, go through the kitchen the straight ahead to the unit where you will find a briefcase containing the LEMI Recoil Compensator.
  • LEMI Handgun: High Capacity Mag:
    Complete the game on any difficulty then play through the game on new game + to where you escape the Mines and find the Duke. You can then purchase the LEMI, High Capacity Mag for 9,000 Lei.

M1897 Shotgun

Play through the story to the first Lycan ambush then go into the house on the west side of the Village where you will find the M1897 Shotgun on the table. The M1897 Shotgun has 1 weapon part which is the:

  • M1897 Shotgun: Hair Trigger:
    You can purchase the Hair Trigger from the Duke before entering Castle Dimitrescu once you’re in New Game + and have acquired the M1897 Shotgun for 8,000 Lei.

F2 Rifle

You can find the F2 Rifle in the Attic section of Castle Dimitrescu after you have shot the 5 bells in the Atelier (One moving between the left wall, one to the left of a bust near the half-stairs, one on top of the small unit on the right side of the room, another by shooting the window on the roof then going up the half-stairs to shoot the bell outside and finally shoot the chandelier which will move it allowing you to shoot the bell on the chandelier). Once in the Attic, go near the exit where you will find the F2 Rifle on a chair. The F2 Rifle has 3 weapon parts which are the:

  • F2 Rifle: High Capacity Mag:
    Firstly, you will need to collect Luthier’s Key in the Gardener’s House as you’re making your way back to the Village after having completed House Beneviento. Now that you have Luthier’s Key make your way back to the East Old Town (the section of the Village you went through after having cranked up the Tractor and were ambushed by the armoured Lycan). To the left of the path at the end will be a set of blue gates you will need to shoot the padlock off of to get through to the yard. Use Luthier’s Key on the door with the Guitar which allows you inside, from here, go to the locked cupboard and use the code 27-09-17 to gain access where you can collect the F2 Rifle’s High Capacity Mag.
  • F2 Rifle: High Magnification Scope:
    The F2 Rifle’s High Magnification Scope becomes available from the Duke when you’re in New Game + and will cost you 15,000 Lei as long as you have the F2 Rifle.
  • F2 Rifle: Cheek Rest:
    You can purchase the F2 Rifle’s Cheek Rest from the Duke in New Game + for 20,000 Lei after you as long as you have access to the F2 Rifle.

M1911 Handgun

Continue through the game to where you unlock the cabinet through the Do Not Enter gates using code 07-04-08 which contains the Jack Handle. On the top shelf of the cabinet will be the M1911 Handgun. The M1911 Handgun has 2 weapon parts which are the:

  • M1911 Handgun: High Capacity Mag:
    Make your way through the Reservoir where you need to crank the windmills around giving power back to the Sluice Gate Controls then go in and lower the water. After this, follow the path where Moreau will be trying to run away from you. Enter the first building you come to then go to the end to find a silver briefcase which contains the M1911 Handgun High Capacity Mag.
  • M1911 Handgun: Improved Grip:
    The M1911 Handgun’s Improved Grip becomes available from the Duke in New Game + for 12,000 Lei as long as you have the M1911 Handgun.

W870 TAC Shotgun

The W870 TAC Shotgun can be found outside the Gardener’s House in the Hut as you’re making your way back from house Beneviento. The W870 TAC Shotgun has 2 weapon parts which are the:

  • W870 TAC Shotgun: Foregrip:
    After beating Moreau, you will have the crank which you will need to lower the drawbridge on the Lone Road section (the same road you took back to the Village from Castle Dimitrescu). Go to the Lone Road then take a right down the stairs, use the crank to lower the drawbridge then get in the boat. Take the boat down-stream to the next docking point then take a right going through the crack in the wall into a cave. At the end of the path here will be a silver briefcase inside of which will be the W870 TAC Shotgun’s Foregrip.
  • W870 TAC Shotgun: Improved Stock:
    The W870 TAC Shotgun’s Improved Stock can be purchased from the Duke on New Game + for 22,000 Lei as long as you have access to the W870 TAC Shotgun.

GM 79 Grenade Launcher

You can get the GM 79 Grenade Launcher from the house listed with the Waterwheel Weapon icon on your to the Reservoir to face off against Moreau. You will need to use the Iron Insignia Key (obtained in Castle Dimitrescu as part of the story) to gain access to the house. The GM 79 Grenade Launcher has no weapon parts.

M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum

The M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum can be found after you have defeated Moreau as you will now have the crank. Exit Moreau’s Mines via the Windmill after using the elevator then go directly opposite the exit and use the crank to get through the gate. From here, follow the path up to the highest building which you can enter via a crawl-space at the back and go inside where you will find the M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum in a chest on the table. The M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum has 2 weapon parts:

  • M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum: Long Barrel:
    Continue through Heisenberg’s Factory until you have Heisenberg’s Key (you need this key as part of the story). Once you have Heisenberg’s Key, go through the open doorway you opened with the Horse Relief earlier (right as you’re facing the casting machine) then use Heisenberg’s Key on the heavy vault door with the horse symbol. Inside this room in a silver briefcase will be the M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum’s Long Barrel.
  • M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum: Increased Capacity Cylinder:
    The M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum’s Increased Capacity Cylinder becomes available for purchase from the Duke in New Game + for 100,000 Lei as long as you have access to the M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum.


The WCX is an Assault Rifle that becomes available in the Extra Content Shop (beat the game on any difficulty then go Main Menu> Bonuses> Extra Content Shop) for 30,000 CP (Completion Points which are awarded for completing various challenges throughout the game. Pause> Challenges to see which ones you have left to complete to earn you Completion Points) and can be redeemed from the Duke for 190 Lei. The WCX has 2 weapon parts which are the:

  • WCX: Foregrip:
    The WCX Foregrip can be purchased from the Duke in New Game + for 80,000 Lei as long as you have the WCX available.
  • WCX: Red Dot Sight:
    You can purchase the WCX Red Dot Sight from the Duke in New Game + for 140,000 Lei as long as you have the WCX available.

V61 Custom

The V61 Custom is available for purchase from the Duke in New Game + for 120,000 Lei. The V-61 Custom has 3 weapon parts which are the:

  • V61: Gunstock:
    The V61’s Gunstock is purchasable from the Duke on New Game + as long as you have the V61 available and will cost you 35,000 Lei.
  • V61: Long Barrel:
    You can buy the V61’s Long Barrel from the Duke in New Game + for 56,000 Lei after you have acquired the V61.
  • V61: Drum Magazine:
    The V61’s Drum Magazine can be bought from the Duke in New GAME + for 70,000 Lei once you have the V61 available.


The SYG-12 is a very powerful shotgun available in New Game + from the Duke which will cost 180,000 Lei. The SYG-12 has 3 weapon parts which are the:

  • SYG-12: Red Dot Sight:
    The SYG-12’s Red Dot Sight becomes available from the Duke in New Game + for 42,000 Lei after you have access to the SYG-12.
  • SYG-12: Long Barrel:
    You can buy the SYG 12’s Long Barrel from the Duke in New Game + for 64,000 Lei once you have access to the SYG-12.
  • SYG-12: Drum Magazine:
    The SYG-12’s Drum Magazine is available from the Duke for 88,000 Lei in New Game + once you have access to the SYG-12.


One of the most powerful weapons in the game, especially when it’s fully upgraded and is an essential asset for getting through the Village of Shadows difficulty without to much trouble (Sturm, Heisenberg and the end section of the game aside). The S.T.A.K.E. can be bought from the Duke for 300,000 Lei in New Game +. The S.T.A.K.E. has 2 weapon parts which are the:

  • S.T.A.K.E.: High Capacity Mag:
    The S.T.A.K.E. High Capacity Mag can be purchased from the Duke in New Game + and will cost you 120,000 Lei once you have the S.T.A.K.E. available.
  • S.T.A.K.E.: Improved Grip:
    You can purchase the S.T.A.K.E. Improved Grip from the Duke in New Game + for 180,000 Lei.

Weapons not required for Veteran Gunsmith

These weapons are in the game, however, they are not needed for the Veteran Gunsmith Trophy:

  • Karambit Knife.
  • USM-A1 Semi-Auto Pistol.
  • Dragoon Assault Rifle.
  • Handcannon PZ.
  • Rocket Pistol (this is, however, required for Tinkerer / Artisan (Click the link to go to the Tinkerer Trophy Guide for more information) and can only be acquired in the Extra Content Shop after having beaten the game on the Village Of Shadows difficulty).

Once you have found / purchased every weapon and equipped their respective weapon parts, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Resident Evil Village Veteran Gunsmith Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you equip every gun with their customisable parts in the story.




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