
Rocket League Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Rocket League Trophy Guide.

  • Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC.
  • Trophies: 36: Platinum: 1, Gold: 5, Silver: 10, Bronze: 30.
  • Release Date: 07-July-2015.
  • Missable Trophies: None.
  • Glitched Trophies: None.
  • Online Trophies: 1: Barras Bravas.
  • Difficulty Rating: 2/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 30 Hours.

Rocket league originally came out back in 2015, it has had a multitude of DLC packs, containing countless new vehicles, rocket trails, arenas, toppers, game modes and oh so much more. On September 23rd 2020, Rocket League went free to play, allowing you to experience everything this incredible game has to offer. Here is the complete Trophy guide specifically tailored for the free to play version which will help you navigate your way through the best Arenas and conquer the toughest Challenges.

Rocket League Virtuoso trophy
PlayStation Platinum Trophy

Unlock All Trophies

Rocket League Stocked trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Collect 150 Items

Every time you complete a match, you will 9/10 receive an item which you can access in your customisation tab in the garage. Keep playing games, winning where you can to increase your chances to receive better items. Once you have acquired 150 items, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Far, Far Away... trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Far, Far Away…
Drive a total of 50 km

I wouldn’t focus on this one until you have completed every other trophy in the game, depending on your skill at getting everything else done, you’ll more than likely unlock this one through normal play. Every inch you drive counts towards the total 50 km, as soon as you’ve gone the distance, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Super Victorious trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Super Victorious
Win a total of 30 games across any game mode

Another trophy that will come naturally, if you’re looking at getting this done sooner rather than later, go main menu> Play> Custom Games> Exhibition. Then change the game mode to Soccar, Team Size 1v1, bot difficulty No Bots. Then in the Mutator Settings, change the Max Score to 1 Goal. It’s now a simple case of “winning” 30 games to unlock your Trophy.

Rocket League Champion trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Win the Season Championship

Here’s a nice way to make this so much easier than it potentially could be, all you need is a small understanding on how to play the game. From the main menu> Play> Custom Games> Season> Start New Season. Change the settings to Team Size 1v1, Difficulty Rookie, Season Length 9 Weeks, Playoffs Teams 4 Teams. Then simply make your way through the season winning the matches as you go. You will need to complete all 9 weeks, then at the end of the season, if you’ve won, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League The Streak trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

The Streak
Win 10 games in a row across any mode

Not as daunting as it sounds. From the main menu, select Play> Custom Games> Exhibition then choose Game Mode as Soccar, Team Size 1v1, Bot Difficulty No Bots then in the Mutator Settings, change the Max Score to 1 Goal. All you need to do now is win 10 matches in a row, as there are no bots, if you can’t do this then this isn’t the game for you. Once you have won the 10 games in a row, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Helen's Pride trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Helen’s Pride
Score 6 Goals in a single game

From the main menu, select Play> Custom Games> Exhibition then change the Game Mode to Soccar, Team Size to 1v1, Bot Difficulty No Bots then in the Mutator Settings change the Max Score to 10 Goals and start the match. Simply run through the match scoring goal after goal until you have scored 6, if you’re struggling, go back to the Mutator Settings and change the Match Length to Unlimited. Once you have scored 6 goals in a row, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Car Collector trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Car Collector
Collect 5 Cars

There are plenty of cars to unlock as you make your way through the game and all you need to do is acquire 5 of them to unlock this one. You will easily have this done whilst you’re working towards StockedAs soon as you have unlocked 5 cars, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Drops in the Bucket trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Drops in the Bucket
Collect 50 Items

See Stocked for more information.

Rocket League Rocketeer trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Complete the regular Season

See Champion for more information.

Rocket League Grease Monkey trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Grease Monkey
Customize the Decal, Topper, Rocket Boost and Wheel on a car

In the standard edition of Rocket League, you can access a plethora of customisation options from the start of the game. To get this one done. You need to from the main menu> Garage> Customisation, tab right or left to find the Decal, Topper, Rocket Boost and Wheel tabs changing at least one thing in each tab as you go. Once you have made changes to all aforementioned tabs, your Trophy will then unlock.

Rocket League Pitch Veteran trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Pitch Veteran
Play a total of 20 games across any game mode

Exactly what is says, all you need to do is complete 20 games across any variety of modes, maps and mutators of your choosing. Win, lose or draw, at the conclusion of your 20th match, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Rider's Block trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Rider’s Block
Make 20 Saves

You should be able to get this through natural play, but maybe not so we’ll go over it briefly. A “save” is where you stop the ball from going in the goal, you can do this any number of ways, either by staying in front of the goal line and hoping you can stop the ball or by boosting towards the goal, jumping and doing a double somersault to flick the ball away with some finesse and style. Either way, as long as it’s your vehicle that stops the ball from going in the goal, that will count as a save, do this 20 times to unlock your Trophy.

Rocket League Break Shot trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Break Shot
Score a goal by hitting your opponent into the ball

Easily done in boostable multiplayer. However, you can also do this offline, it’s basically a case of getting your opponent to score for you, you need to tap the ball close to the goal in a way that when your opponent tries to make a save, the ball will go in the goal. This might take a couple attempts but is easily doable, quick hint, turn the difficulty up a bit to make the AI more aggressive in their movements and saving techniques. As soon as you have knocked the ball into your opponent and they then score an own goal, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Turbocharger trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Use your Rocket Boost for a total of 5 minutes

Another one that should easily come through natural play.

Rocket League Drill Sergeant trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Drill Sergeant
Complete every Practice Drill (any difficulty)

You can access the practice drills by going to Play, Training, you can change the difficulty to Rookie to make things a lot easier, then completing the following sections:

  • Aerial:
    Score a series of aerial goals, use the double jump to make this a lot easier. If you miss an aerial goal, you can simply move on, if you miss to many aerial goals, restart and use the time to practice, once you have successfully scored 10 goals, you can move on to the next one.
  • Goalie:
    Save 10 shots from a bot, these will come at various different angles and speeds, the last 2 will come from the right then the left, take your time with these 2 and you’ll have this done in no time.
  • Striker:
    Score a series of shots and crosses, you have 10 attempts at this, don’t be to aggressive here and you shouldn’t have any trouble completing this one.

Once all 3 training modules have been completed, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Minute to Win it trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Minute to Win it
With only 60 seconds left, Win a game in which you were tied or trailing

Go into an Exhibition match (main menu> Play> Custom Games> Exhibition) on the Bots, choose 1v1 and start the match. Score a goal first off then allow your opponent to score or just get an own goal, then wait for the timer to tick down to a minute, just keep playing with the ball, moving it around the field, if they score again, you score again, ensuring you are drawing or losing by one goal maximum when the timer hits a minute. Then it’s just a simple case of scoring 1 or 2 more goals ensuring that you take the win, when successful, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Speed Demon trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Speed Demon
Completely fill and then empty your Rocket Boost 10 times in a single match

You can easily do this playing a match on your own (main menu> play> custom games> exhibition> no bots) then simply race around the field collecting boost orbs until your boost is at 100, then run it down to 0, fill it up again and run it down, do this 10 times to unlock your Trophy.

Rocket League Pick-Me Up trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Pick-Me Up
Collect 5 Items

See Stocked for more information.

Rocket League Wall-Crawler trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Drive on the dome walls for a total of 5 minutes

You can get this done in any of the arenas in the game, you simply need to drive along the walls or roof of the arena for a total of 5 minutes, this can be done across any number of matches and will more than likely come through natural play. Once you have hit 5 minutes, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Far, Far Away... trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Team Player
Play against every team in a Season

See Champion for more information.

Rocket League SARPBC Forever trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

SARPBC Forever
Play one game each with Octane and Backfire

Octane you have as a starting vehicle, so go off and complete any match you like with that vehicle, to change your car go to Garage> Customise Car> Body> Octane. You will receive the Backfire shell eventually as a reward for completing or winning matches. Once you have the Backfire, equip it then go off and complete any match, as long as you have completed a match with each body, the Octane and the Backfire, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Feather in Your Recap trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Feather in Your Recap
Watch a save file in Replay mode

First up, go off and complete any match then at the conclusion of the match, press Cross to save the replay. Then from the main menu, select Profile, Replays then choose any replay you have available, once you have watched it, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Winner trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Win a total of 5 games across any mode

See Super Victorious for more information.

Rocket League Clean Sheet trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Clean Sheet
Win a game without giving up a single Goal

Nice and easy, from the main menu> Play> Custom Games> Exhibition, change the Bot Difficulty to No Bots, then in the Mutator Settings, change the Max Score to 1, simply score a goal to win the match, as you have not conceded a goal, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Triple Threat trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Triple Threat
Win a 3v3 game

Go to an exhibition game (main menu> play> custom games> exhibition), choose Soccar as the Game Mode (not essential but easier), any Arena then for Singles Club, complete with a Team Size of 1v1, for Double Up complete with a Team Size of 2v2 and for Triple Threat, complete a match with a Team Size of 3v3. Then, in the Mutator Settings, change the Max Score to 1 Goal to. To make things even easier, these can all be completed with a Bot Difficulty of No Bots. As soon as you have completed the requirements for all 3, their Trophies will unlock.

Rocket League Double Up trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Double Up
Win a 2v2 game

See Triple Threat for more information.

Rocket League Singles Club trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Singles Club
Win a 1v1 game

See Triple Threat for more information.

Rocket League Perfect Start trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Perfect Start
Win your first game of the Season

See Champion for information on how to start a season, ensure that you win the first game of the season. If you fail to win, simply quit and restart a season until you have taken the win, where your Trophy will then unlock.

Rocket League Still A Show-Off trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Still A Show-Off
Score a goal while reversing

A nice easy one you can do in an Exhibition with No Bots (main menu> play> custom games> exhibition, change the bot difficulty to No Bots). Then simply drive up to the ball, turn around and reverse with L2, the better you line yourself up, the easier this will be. You can look directly behind you to help as well by holding R3. Once you have scored a goal whilst reversing, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Know the Drill trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Know the Drill
Complete a Practice Drill

See Drill Sergeant for more information.

Rocket League Traveler trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Play a game in six different Arenas

There are an amazing amount of arenas to enjoy in Rocket League, this should easily come through natural play, if, for some reason it becomes your last trophy, simply go to an exhibition match and change the arena on any game mode, complete the match, rinse and repeat until your Trophy unlocks.

Rocket League Tinkerer trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Customize one slot on a car

From the main menu, select Garage, Customise Car then simply change anything in any of the available options to unlock your Trophy.

Rocket League First-Timer trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Score your first Goal

Self explanatory.

Rocket League Barras Bravas trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Barras Bravas
Play an Online game with someone in your Party

Please Note: This can only be done PS4> PS4, Xbox> Xbox etc. (no cross play). You will need to have at least one friend online in order to unlock this one, fortunately, you will both unlock the trophy by doing this. Go to the main menu and press Square to create a party, go into any Online game and complete it. Once you have reached the conclusion of the match, your Trophy will unlock.

Rocket League Friendly trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Play an Exhibition match

From the main menu, select Play, Custom Games, Exhibition, choose any settings you wish, at the conclusion of the match, win, lose or draw, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Rocket League Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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