Spiderman Miles Morales Review
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Open World, RPG.
Spider-Man Miles Morales directory.
Here is our Spiderman Miles Morales Review giving you a subjective, unbiased review helping you make a more educated decision on whether or not the game is for you.
- Release Date: 12-Nov-2020.
- Platforms: PS5, PS4.
- Price At Launch: £54.99.
- Developer: Insomniac Games.
- Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment.
- Genre(s): Open World, Action, Adventure.
The game
Spiderman Miles Morales sees you play not as the usual Spiderman most people know and love (Peter Parker) but as the comic book hero, Miles Morales who was, like Peter Parker, bitten by a radioactive spider in Oscorp Labs given him similar powers to that of Peter Parker, becoming Spiderman. In Spiderman Miles Morales, you play as Spiderman for the most part which is where the game is fantastic, swinging through the streets of a very well lived in feeling New York city, scaling up to the tops of Skyscrapers then diving back down to street level where you can get some serious speed for your next swing through to the city that never sleeps.
As you make your way through the game there are a good amount of activities to take part including combat, stealth and traversal challenges as well as crimes you can help the Police stop and a decent number of collectibles to find. In Miles Morales you have Venom Powers which you utilise in Combat which greatly enhance your abilities, there are also a good number of skill trees to help you become stronger so you can take down the biggest and baddest the game has to throw at you. A good amount of Spidey suits can be unlocked throughout the game as well which can give you a greater increase in your power output.
What is a shame, however, is the length, or lack of more to the point of the main story, for a full priced retail game I was hoping for a longer story as it just feels to short and a bit uninspired. That said, the other activities in the game do help increase the game length but overall I was left wanting more given the handful of story missions that are available. I do love the fact as well that they have put in a tribute to the late legend that is Stan Lee in the game, allowing you to pay respect to a statue of him. That earnt a lot of respect and admiration from me for the developers.
The good
Spiderman Miles Morales is at its best when you’re swinging through the city doing all manner of tricks and flips, running up the side of a building, spring-boarding off the top then diving back to street level to get a speed boost for your next swing. The combat in the game also feels solid, you can feel when the punches and kicks connect, even if some of the animations are a bit goofy at times. Being able to stealth your way through a lab or an enemy hideout crawling around the ceiling and the walls strategically taking down the enemies as you make your way to your target is a good time and I really enjoyed working out who should be taken down first without another enemy seeing me do it, it feels immersive and well thought out for the most part.
The not so good
One of the main criticisms I have about Spiderman Miles Morales is the lack of length of the main story, it feels more like a large DLC pack from the 2015 Spiderman game which was a much larger, more immersive experience than you get in Miles Morales especially given the fact it’s a full priced game at £54.99 at launch,. I feel they should have priced the game even at £39.99 which would feel fair to me.
The story itself falls flat as well, I just didn’t really care about the characters you meet throughout the game, mainly because I don’t know them. Most Spiderman fans know Aunt May and Uncle Ben, instead we’re thrown a new family to try and care about which will only really connect with comic book fans who have spent years reading about them. Also, the boss variety is very weak in the game, you get Rhino at the start and a double Vulture fight and that’s about it really, no one else from the Spidey universe makes an appearance which compared to the 2015 Spiderman just feels a bit on the lazy side.
Spiderman: Miles Morales’ audio is fairly good. When you’re swinging through the city you can hear the wind whistle pass you and the “thwick” of the web attaching to buildings all sound nice and crisp. The combat, however, sound wise at least can get a bit same with regular thumps connecting with what sound like similar audio clips regardless of who you seem to be fighting which can get slightly tedious. Don’t get me wrong, the combat is solid, in this section, I am purely looking at it from an auditory perspective.
The voice acting from the players as well as Miles Morales himself is good enough, even if it does try a bit to hard to be humorous at times ultimately leading to a fairly lacklustre portrayal. The in-game audio does do a very good job keeping up when the action gets intense on screen which is very welcome, there is no drops in quality, regardless of how many enemies are on screen on both PS4 and PS5 which is nice to see… or hear.
Spiderman Miles Morales is an offline, single player game.
You are well catered for trophy wise in Spiderman Miles Morales as the trophy list, if you’re going for the platinum will see you cover every aspect the game has to offer, you need to 100% every district, take down all Roxxon labs and enemy hideouts, collect every suit, unlock all of the collectibles and perform well throughout the combat, stealth and traversal challenges the game has to offer. Click the link to go to the Spiderman Miles Morales Trophy Guide.
Here are a series of photos to show you how the game looks:
Spiderman Miles Morales is a solid game, which for fans of the comic books will be a must play game, the combat is very good, as is the swinging through the streets of New York. The story is to short overall and falls flat compared to what it could be, there are a few side quests to help bolster the experience, but ultimately, it just left me wanting more.
I think the problem is for anyone that played the 2015 Spiderman game Miles Morales falls short on expectations, hopefully the next Spiderman game can fix this and they can go nuts with the Spidey universe and really dive in to that massive pool of characters and enemies which are so prevalent in the comics. Overall, I’ll give Spiderman Miles Morales a well earned 8 out of 10.
Final Score: 8
That’s our Spiderman Miles Morales Review I hope it helps you decide whether or not the game is worth your time and money.