Grand Theft Auto V Directory

Welcome to the Grand Theft Auto V Directory where you can find every post we have for Grand Theft Auto V:
Grand Theft Auto V Hub

Here you can find all of our Grand Theft Auto V content in one easy to manage section including our the main game trophy list, news on next gen releases and more
Grand Theft Auto V Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Grand Theft Auto V Trophy Guide. There’s a LOT to do in GTA V and I’m here to guide you through evry trophy in the game.
Grand Theft Auto V Kifflom Trophy Guide

Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V Kifflom Trophy Guide.
We’re here to help you through this long winded trophy in 10 easy to follow steps.
Grand Theft Auto V Career Criminal Trophy Guide

Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V Career Criminal Trophy Guide where you need to achieve 100% completion in game. You have a lot to do along the way and we’re here to break it all down for you.
Grand Theft Auto V Solid Gold, Baby! Trophy Guide

Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V Solid Gold Baby Trophy Guide where we help you obtain 70 Gold Medals throughout Los Santos
Grand Theft Auto V Red Mist Trophy Guide

Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V Red Mist Trophy Guide. Helping you find and complete all 5 Rampages as Trevor found throughout San Andreas.
Grand Theft Auto V Waste Management Trophy Guide

Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V Waste Management Trophy Guide.
In total you will need $250,000 then set off collecting 30 Nuclear Waste barrels…
Grand Theft Auto V Decorated Trophy Guide

Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V Decorated Trophy Guide.
In total, throughout the base game there are 85 potential platinum awards giving you plenty of scope to earn 30.
Grand Theft Auto V Stick Up Kid Trophy Guide

Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V Stick Up Kid Trophy Guide. There are 20 stores to hold up around Los Santo which you can do by…
Grand Theft Auto V Los Santos Customs Trophy Guide

Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V Los Santos Customs Trophy Guide helping you fully mod a vehicle which is best left until later in the game as it will cost you $76,665
Grand Theft Auto V Show Off Trophy Guide

There are 50 Stunt Jumps to complete across Los Santos and they vary greatly in difficulty, some stunt jumps are a case of using a large ramp to jump a small gap whereas others require a certain vehicle going at a certain speed threading the needle through a very tight gap.
Grand Theft Auto V A Mystery Solved Trophy Guide

Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V A Mystery Solved Trophy Guide.
Solving the mystery of Leonora Johnson will take you right across San Andreas as you need to collect 50 letter scraps…
Grand Theft Auto V From Beyond The Stars Trophy Guide

Here’s the Grand Theft Auto V From Beyond The Stars guide helping you collect all 50 Spaceship Parts throughout San Andreas