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Lies Of P Directory

Lies of P

Welcome to the Lies Of P Directory where you can find every post we have for Lies Of P:

Lies Of P Hub

Lies of P

Here you can find all of our Lies Of P content including: Lies of P trophy guide, Lies of P trophy guides, Lies of P boss hub, Lies of P collectibles…

Lies Of P Trophy Guide

Lies of P

Welcome to the Lies of P trophy guide which will help you quell the puppet uprising as Pinocchio, a Puppet wishing to be a real boy in this re-telling…

Lies Of P Golden Lie Special Weapon

Lies of P Golden Lie Special Weapon Thumbnail

Here we will go over how to obtain the Lies of P Golden Lie Special Weapon which to do so will task you with fulfilling a series of exact…

Lies Of P Julian’s Wife Quest

Lies of P Julians Wife Quest Thumbnail

Here we will go over how to complete the Lies of P Julian’s Wife quest which you can begin in Chapter 6 from the Rosa Isabelle Street Culvert…

Lies Of P Broken Puppet Quest

Lies of P Broken Puppet Quest Thumbnail

Here we will go over the Lies of P Broken Puppet quest which can be started once you get to the Barren Swamp Stargazer in Chapter 8. The…

Lies Of P Story Lies And Truths

Lies of P Story Lies and Truths Thumbnail

Here we will go over all of the choices you need to make as you progress through both of your required playthroughs focusing on the Lies of P…

Lies Of P Boss Hub

Lies of P Boss Hub Thumbnail

Welcome to the Lies of P Hub which will help you through every boss encounter in the game whether they are optional or mandatory, we have…

Lies Of P Nameless Puppet Boss Guide

Lies of P Nameless Puppet boss guide thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Nameless Puppet boss guide which will help you make the right decisions in the game to be able to take on the best designed…

Lies Of P Red Fox Boss Guide

Lies of P Red Fox boss guide thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Red Fox boss guide which will help you take down this feline adversary who will aggro if you have already defeated her…

Lies Of P Black Cat Boss Guide

Lies of P Black Cat boss guide Thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Black Cat boss guide which will help you find and take down one of the antagonists who dared ransack Hotel Krat. Time for…

Lies Of P End Of Riddles Trophy Guide

Lies of P End of Riddles Thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P End of Riddles trophy guide which will help you discover all Trinity Sanctums of which there are 5 found throughout the City of…

Lies Of P Door Guardian Boss Guide

Lies of P Door Guardian boss guide Thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Door Guardian boss guide which will help you bring down this very powerful giant guardian who is currently preventing you…

Lies Of P Venigni Collection Boxes

Lies of P Venigni Collection Boxes Thumbnail

Here we will go over how to acquire all of the Lies of P Venigni Collection boxes of which there are 3 found in obscure locations throughout your…

Lies Of P Krat Supply Boxes

Lies of P Krar Supply Boxes thumbnail

Here we will go over where you can find all of the Lies of P Krat Supply Boxes of which there are 3 found throughout the City of Krat usually in…

Lies Of P Legion Plugs

Lies of P Legion Plugs Thumbnail

Here we will go over how to acquire all of the Lies of P Legion Plugs of which there are 4 found through the City of Krat usually in obscure…

Lies Of P Robber Weasel Boss Guide

Lies of P Robber Weasel boss guide thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Robber Weasel boss guide which will help you find and take down a very powerful Axe wielding Stalker who is an optional…

Lies Of P Owl Doctor Boss Guide

Lies of P Owl Doctor boss guide thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Owl Doctor boss guide which will help you find and defeat the reclusive Doctor who believes Humans are curable through…

Lies Of P Champion Victor Boss Guide

Lies of P Champion Victor boss guide thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Champion Victor boss guide which will help you take down this hulking Titan across a 2 phase battle which will test your…

Lies Of P Romeo, King Of Puppets Boss Guide

Lies of P Romeo King of Puppets boss guide thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Romeo, King of Puppets boss guide which will help you take down the controller of all Puppets throughout the City of Krat and one who is incredibly challenging to take down across a 2 phase fight.

Lies Of P Mad Clown Puppet Boss Guide

Lies of P Mad Clown Puppet boss guide Thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Mad Clown Puppet boss guide which will help you take down this tubby, dancing clown who can punch chunks off your health bar as easily as it can spin around.

Lies Of P White Lady Boss Guide

Lies of P White Lady boss guide

Here is the Lies of P White Lady boss guide which will help you find then take down a grieving Sister on the stage of a theatre who can easily thrust you into shredded puppet.

Lies Of P The Atoned Boss Guide

Lies of P The Atoned Boss Guide Thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P The Atoned boss guide which will help you find the right time to fight and put down the Atoned who is the dog-headed lady at the bottom of the Cable car in Chapter 4.

Lies Of P Fallen Archbishop Andreus Boss Guide

Lies of P Fallen Archbishop Andreus Boss Guide Thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Fallen Archbishop Andreus boss guide which will help you take down the first of the 2 phase bosses in Lies of P which means you have to kill this thing twice before it is down for good so conserving your consumables is imperative.

Lies Of P Chapter Stargazers

Lies of P Chapter Stargazers Thumbnail

Lies of P is a tough game with small moments of respite with lengthier breaks being made possible at Stargazer’s so here is a breakdown for all of…

Lies Of P Puppet Of The Future Boss Guide

Lies of P Puppet of the Future boss guide thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Puppet of the Future boss guide which will help you find, remove the Corruption threat and defeat this rogue machine who will slam you into the dirt given half a chance.

Lies Of P Survivor Boss Guide

Lies of P Survivor Boss Guide Thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Survivor boss guide which will help you find and defeat the Survivor who is a tough boss hiding out in a secret room in the…

Lies Of P Scrapped Watchman Boss Guide

Lies Of P Scrapped Watchman Boss Guide Thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Scrapped Watchman boss guide which will help you take down this incredibly challenging boss who has seemingly infinite reach, status effects and a series of wind-up attacks which can slam you back to the Hotel.

Lies Of P Mad Donkey Boss Guide

Lies of P Mad Donkey boss guide thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Mad Donkey boss guide which will help you take down the first Stalker in the game who can be a challenge given the length of his weapon, high defence and agility.

Lies Of P Parade Master Boss Guide

Lies Of P Parade Master Boss Guide Thumbnail

Here is the Lies of P Parade Master boss guide which will help you take down the first boss who feels a lot more powerful than perhaps he should given the fact you’re not only in a tutorial but there’s a level cap as well.