Tekken 7 Trophy Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genre: Beat Em Up.
Welcome to the Tekken 7 Trophy Guide.
- Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC.
- Trophies: 43: Platinum: 1, Gold: 3, Silver: 13, Bronze: 26.
- Release Date: 18-Mar-2015.
- Missable Trophies: None.
- Glitched Trophies: None.
- Online Trophies: 4: Yeah! I Did It!, Not Bad, Okay! I’m Ready!, Come And Get Some, I Dare You!.
- Difficulty Rating: 4/10.
- Approx. time to 100%: 20 Hours.
The Iron Fist Tournament is back!. Here is the complete trophy guide to help you through the game as efficiently as possible.

I’ll Get Everything Back!
Acquired all trophies.

Yeah! I Did It!
Won a ranked match online.
From the main menu, select online, then Ranked Match, to have the best chance of getting a match, make sure rank restrictions and connection quality are both set to any, then begin search. There is no way to boost / guarantee a win in Ranked Matches, you’ll be placed against a human opponent. So you either need some serious skill or a good amount of luck to defeat your opponent. As soon as you’ve defeated your first online opponent, your Trophy will unlock.

Not Bad
Won a player match online.
From the main menu, select online then Player Match, this is a lot easier to get a win as you can set up a session and boost this with a friend online. Failing that, select quick match where it will be luck of the draw for which opponent you’ll go up against. Whichever way you decide to do this as soon as you get your first win in a Player Match, your Trophy will unlock.

Okay! I’m Ready!
Won a battle in online tournament.
From the main menu, select online, then Tournament. You can either create a tournament or jump into a quick session. You will need 4 friends online if you’re looking at boosting this, in which case, select create session and invite your friends, otherwise, you will have 3 rounds you need to get through and then win the final. You’re going to need a lot of skill to get through the Tournament so boosting will definitely be preferable. As soon as you’ve defeated everyone and won the Tournament, your Trophy will unlock.

Come And Get Some, I Dare You!
Fought ten online battles.
The easiest of the online trophies. From the main menu, select online then choose any option you like. All you need to do here is simply complete 10 matches online, win, lose or draw. Once you’ve completed your tenth online match, your Trophy will unlock.

Instant Annihilation
Won three times consecutively in Treasure Battle.
From the main menu, select offline then Treasure Battles, all you need to do here is win 3 times in a row. Choose your best fighter and go for it, the difficulty doesn’t affect Treasure Battles as the fights get progressively more difficult as you proceed through the Ranks. If you are struggling, go into practice and learn some moves / combos to help out. As soon as you’ve won your third consecutive battle, your Trophy will unlock.

Wow, I’m Pretty Strong!
Won three special matches in Treasure Battle.
As you progress through the Treasure Battles every so often you’ll have a Special Battle that will start in between the normal fights, these are usually against pretty tough opponents. Win 3 of these matches to you’ll unlock your Trophy.

You Think You’re Tougher Than Me?
Finished the prologue of the main story.
See It’s Time For You To Meet Your End! for more information.

Let’s Do This
Finished Chapter 1 of the main story.
See It’s Time For You To Meet Your End! for more information.

You Challenge Me?!
Finished Chapter 8 of the main story.
See It’s Time For You To Meet Your End! for more information.

I Can’t Accept This Fate
Finished Chapter 13 of the main story.
See It’s Time For You To Meet Your End! for more information.

It’s Time For You To Meet Your End!
Watched the epilogue of the main story.
Select story from the main menu then proceed through all of the battles. You can do this on any difficulty you wish. If you do fail a battle, simply restart the fight and try again, as soon as you have viewed the epilogue (don’t skip this cutscene) your Trophy will unlock.

I Demand To Know The Truth!
Finished three Character Episode stories.
See Lightning Of Fate for more information.

Lightning Of Fate
Finished 10 Character Episode stories.
You can start character episodes once you have completed the main story. To select these stories, click on story then select character episode stories, simply play through 10 of these (there’s 1 for each Character). Once you have completed your tenth character episode your Trophy will unlock.

No Pain, No Gain
Dealt 50,000 damage in Practice mode.
From the main menu, select offline then practice. Choose any character and use the opportunity to learn the characters moves, combos, range and what they can do. You can inflict 50,000 points of damage with any number of players, the game will keep track of these points for you. As soon as you have dealt 50,000 points of damage in practice mode, your Trophy will unlock.

Obtained 20 treasure boxes.
See I’ve Finally Found You! for more information.

I’ve Finally Found You!
Obtained 50 treasure boxes.
You’ll naturally unlock this one as you progress through Treasure Battles with different characters. Near enough every battle you complete will earn you a Treasure Box. Obtain 50 of these Treasure Boxes where your Trophy will unlock.

The Prosperous Inevitably Decline
Beat Akuma in an Arcade Battle or a Special Match in Treasure Battle.
As you progress through arcade or Treasure Battles you have a random chance of your progress being interrupted by a Special Battle. If your opponent is Akuma, defeat him to unlock your Trophy.

Fear My Wrath
Beat Devil Kazumi in an Arcade Battle or a Special Match in Treasure Battle.
As you progress through arcade or Treasure Battles you have a random chance of your progress being interrupted by a Special Battle. If your opponent is Devil Kazumi, defeat her to unlock your Trophy.

Don’t Take It Personally
Achieved a perfect victory. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
To achieve a perfect victory, you need to defeat your opponent without getting hit once. Choose your best character for this one, set the rounds to 1 to have an easier time of it. If you’re struggling with this trophy play as Hwoarang and spam Circle. As soon as you successfully defeat an opponent without taking any damage, your Trophy will unlock .

You Fought Well
Achieved a great victory. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
A Great victory, is where you win the fight with a slither of health left in your bar, as long as you have 5% or less health left and you take the win, your Trophy will unlock.

There’s Nowhere To Run. Give Up!
Dealt 10 homing attacks. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
A “homing attack” is essentially an attack that will still hit your opponent if they sidestep. A very good example of this is to use Bryan Fury then input his combo: Hold Left then press Square, Triangle, Circle. All 3 of these attacks in this combo are homing attacks so repeat this combo or use pretty much any move that goes horizontally rather than vertically to unlock your Trophy.

I’ll Kick Your Butt To Hell And Back
Dealt 70+ damage in an air combo. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
As you progress through Treasure Battles (main menu> offline> Treasure Battles) you’ll randomly be placed in a double damage battle. Once you’re in a double damage battle, launch your opponent in the air and hit them a few times before they land, an easy way of getting this done, is to use Devil Jin, get your health low enough to go into a rage state then perform his Wind God Fist attack: L1+Square. Then perform the same attack again whilst your opponent is in the air, as soon as the 2nd Wind God Fist attack lands, press R1 to perform Devil Jins’ aerial rage art. This will easily push you over the 70 damage required at which point, your Trophy to unlock.

Just Relax, You Can Do It
Performed three 10 hit combos. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
A 10-hit combo is a very powerful series of attacks using button presses in a certain order. The easiest character to perform a 10-hit combo with is Yoshimitsu, to perform his 10 hit combo input: Square, Triangle, Square, Cross, Cross, Cross, Square, Square, Square, Square. All 3 10-hit combos need to connect, if any part of the combo is blocked / dodged, you’ll have to try again. Once you connect all 10 hits of your 10 hit combo 3 times, your Trophy will unlock.

Elegance At Its Purest
Triggered 10 screws. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
A “screw” is a move that sends your opponent into a spin whilst they’re airborne. A good way of getting this done is to go to practice mode (main menu> offline> practice) choose Kazuya and any opponent, any stage. Ensure basic attacks are set to on to make this easier then press: L1+Square. Which will perform a launch attack then press: Left+Square. Which will perform a spin kick, this will “screw” your opponent back to the ground. Repeat this another 9 times where your Trophy will unlock.

Power Is Everything!
Dealt 10 power crushes. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Another trophy made a lot simpler in practice mode (main menu> offline> practice) a power crush is signified on the moves list by a red symbol with a person in a shield. The attacks essentially push through one of your opponents’ standard attacks dealing a good amount of damage in the process. Choose any character you wish for this and look for their Power Crush move in the move list, for me I went for Bryan Fury, his Mach Breaker move is a very easy Power Crush, to perform the Mach Breaker press: Right, Right+Triangle. Once you have performed this move 10 times, your Trophy will unlock

Dealt 10 Rage Drives. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
A rage drive is the move that’s at the top of the characters move list under rage drive, the easiest way to get this done is to go to practice mode (main menu> offline> practice) then select any character then pause the game, go to the other settings tab, set player rage to on. Then input the combo under the rage drive in the moves list, you don’t need to complete all of the combo simply start the rage drive 10 times, as long as they hit your opponent, your Trophy will unlock.

We Settle This Now!
Dealt 20 Rage Arts. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
To perform a rage art, you need to be at 20% health or lower, where your health bar will flash red, once this happens, press R1 with any character, this will perform a very powerful series of attacks. Once you have dealt and connected 20 rage arts, your Trophy will unlock.

Stun Gun!
Snatched victory from the jaws of defeat 5 times with Rage Art. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
When your health gets low, you’ll be placed in a “rage state” a red aura will surround you and you can unleash a very powerful attack. Ensure your opponent has less than a quarter of their health left then press R1 to perform your rage art, as long as you defeat your opponent with a Rage Art 5 times your Trophy will then unlock.

This Should Be Fun
Got promoted to 1st dan.
See Hot-Blooded Fighter for more information.

Your Technique Is Impressive
Got promoted to Initiate.
See Hot-Blooded Fighter for more information.

Roar! (Nice Moves!)
Got promoted to Brawler.
See Hot-Blooded Fighter for more information.

Hot-Blooded Fighter
Got promoted to Warrior.
The easiest way to do this like a good amount of trophies in Tekken 7 is in Treasure Battle (main menu> offline> Treasure Battle). All of your characters start off at Beginner, to get to Warrior you need to make your way up to 12th dan with a single character (the ranks aren’t spread throughout the characters). You’ll rank up by winning, some of the fights can be tough, don’t worry too much about losing, it doesn’t really affect you here. Keep winning battles until you reach the rank of Warrior (12th dan) where your Trophy will unlock.

Anger Of The Beast
Dealt an overall total of 1,000 damage while in rage mode. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
A nice, quick, easy trophy you can unlock in practice mode, go to practice mode (main menu> offline> practice), choose any character, opponent & stage. Once you’re in the fight, pause the game and go to the other settings tab, set player rage to on, which will put you in a permanent rage state, then simply inflict 1000 damage. Once you have inflicted 1000 Damage your Trophy will unlock.

Sturdy And Indestructible
Blocked 5 Rage Arts. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Another trophy that is made a lot easier in practice mode to unlock. Load up practice mode (main menu> offline> practice) then pause the game, on the first tab (action settings) change CPU opponent action to CPU then press R1 to reach the other settings tab, then set opponent rage to on. With all that done, keep an eye out for when your opponent will use their rage art, the animation will begin before the attack lands so as long as you’re standing still and not performing any other action, hold the D-Pad away from your Opponent (Left is the default) to block their rage art. Do this 5 times to unlock your Trophy.

Don’t Hold Anything Back
Defeated 20 opponents of a higher rank.
You should easily get this trophy whilst on your way towards the platinum, set yourself up in Treasure Battles and progress through, every time you defeat an opponent that is a higher rank than you of which nearly every opponent will be, it will then count towards the total. Once you have successfully claimed victory over 20 opponents of a higher rank, your Trophy will unlock.

Destructive Drive
Performed a floor-breaking move. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
See Going Somewhere? for more information.

Crushing Impact!
Performed a balcony-breaking move. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
See Please Don’t Tell My Father for more information.

Going Somewhere?
Reached the bottom floor of the Forgotten Realm stage. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
From the main menu, select offline, then practice, choose the character, Alisa and choose the stage, Forgotten Realm. Once the stage has loaded, throw your opponent: Triangle+Circle. This will slam your opponent through the floor. You will unlock Destructive Drive for performing this throw once. Perform the throw another 2 times which will slam your opponent down another 2 levels, where your Trophy will unlock.

Please Don’t Tell My Father
Reached the deepest part of the Jungle Outpost stage. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
From the main menu, select offline then practice, choose any character with a good strong push-back attack such as Law, then make sure the stage is the Jungle Outpost. Push your opponent over to the right side of the starting part of the stage, then use the Dragon Fang attack: Right, Square, Triangle. Which will smash them down to the lower level, which will unlock Crushing Impact!. Underneath the platform you were just on are some vines, use the same attack with your opponent against the vines which will open a new area and unlock your Trophy.

It’s Just Business
Obtained an overall total of 5,000,000G.
See Excellent for more information.

Obtained an overall total of 10,000,000G.
This will more than likely be one of your last trophies to earn in Tekken 7. You won’t need to hold 10 million credits at once, so feel free to buy as many cosmetic items as you wish. The easiest way to earn credits is in Treasure Battles, grind them out using a variety of different characters as you progress through. Once you have collected a total of 10,000,000 credits, your Trophy will unlock.

Master Of Iron Fist
Finished the Special Chapter of the main story.
You will unlock the Special Chapter once you have beaten the main story and it’s the toughest fight in the game. You’re going up against a very powerful, Akuma. Even trying this on the easiest difficulty, it’s a nasty fight. Use your best moves against him, block as often as you can and remember, practice makes perfect. As soon as you have his health down to 5% keep spamming R1 to end the fight with your Rage Art, otherwise, he will use his which is an instant defeat regardless of if you block it or are still somehow at full health. Once you have defeated Akuma, your Trophy will unlock.
That’s the Tekken 7 Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.