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The Last Of Us Part 1 Build Em Up, Break Em Down Trophy Guide

The Last Of Us Part I Build Em Up, Break Em Down trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Build Em Up, Break Em Down
Upgrade and then break one of every melee weapon

Here is the The Last Of Us Part 1 Build Em Up, Break Em Down trophy guide where you need to upgrade and then break one of every melee weapon. In total, there are 5 melee weapons found through the game which will need upgrading then breaking which is a lot simpler than it sounds as once a melee weapon has been upgraded it breaks with one hit which sounds worse than normal but it also performs a one hit kill on every Human, infected, Clicker enemy in the game.

You can upgrade a melee weapon once you have discovered how to craft melee upgrades which can be done easily in the chapter Bill’s Town, The Woods where you will be able to craft melee upgrades once you collect the pipe on top of the first small roof where you lay the plank to cross to the adjoining building. Now that you have the melee upgrade you then need to have x1 binding and x1 blade to upgrade whichever melee weapon you currently have equipped then hit an opponent with that upgraded weapon which will kill them instantly (doesn’t work on Bloaters). The 5 weapons and their locations after you can craft Melee Upgrades are:

Melee Weapon 1: Pipe

Bill’s Town, The Woods.
This is the firs upgraded weapon in the game and can be found on the roof of the small building you need to lay the plank on to cross to the adjoining building. Get a kill with this upgraded pipe on any opponent in the area.

Melee Weapon 2: 2x4

Bill’s Town, Graveyard.
As you are sneaking pass the Clickers around the crypts in the graveyard go down the stairs to an area with a fountain and a few stone benches around. You can find a 2×4 on one of the stone benches which you can upgrade if you have x1 binding and x1 blade then get a kill with the upgraded 2×4 on any of the Clickers around or save the 2×4 until you have the materials then get a kill at a later date before picking up another melee weapon.

Melee Weapon 3: Baseball Bat

Bill’s Town, Graveyard.
Once you, Bill and Ellie have dropped down into the yard with the pool from the treehouse go right into the house then head left to the garage. Look against the back wall to find a shelving unit with a baseball bat on it which can be upgraded as long as you have x1 binding and x1 blade then head outside and melee one of the infected patrolling around the school buses. If you don’t have the required materials then hang on to the baseball bat until you do then get a kill when you can.

Melee Weapon 4: Hatchet

Tommy’s Dam, Hydroelectric Dam.
Head through the dam until the Humans ambush you then go up the stairs and look to the pallet on your right once you’re back outside from the control room to find a Hatchet. Upgrade the Hatchet then get a kill on any of the Humans around or keep hold of the weapon and upgrade then get a kill when you can.

Melee Weapon 5: Machete

Tommy’s Dam, Ranch House.
Once the Humans invade the Ranch House, take out the one with the gun then go into the room to the right of the staircase and drop the enemy with the Machete. Ensure you pick the machete up then craft the melee upgrade if you can, go downstairs and get a kill on one of the Humans. If you don’t have the required materials then hold on to the Machete and get a kill with an upgraded machete when you can.

Once you have upgraded and then broken all 5 melee weapons throughout the game your trophy will then unlock.

That’s the The Last of us Part 1 Build Em Up, Break Em Down trophy guide complete I hope it helps you upgrade and then break one of every melee weapon.




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