
The Last Of Us Part 1 Geared Up Trophy Guide

The Last Of Us Part I Geared Up trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Geared Up
Craft every item

Here is the The Last Of Us Part 1 Geared Up trophy guide where you need to craft every item. There are, in total, 6 items you will need to craft with some being a lot more effective than others as you progress through the game. Crafting items will require consumables which can be found a lot easier by using the Enhanced Listen Mode (Pause> Accessibility> Navigation and Traversal> Enhanced Listen Mode> On> Scan Range> 30m> Scan Time> 1s) where you can hold R1 and Circle to send a sonar out which will show you all nearby collectibles including scrap.

To craft an item you need to press Touchpad which will take you to the crafting menu then as long as you have the require components and have discovered the recipes in game you can then craft a given item as many times as is allowed. The 6 craftable items, their locations and recipes are as follows:

Craftable Item 1: Health Kit

Restores health when injured, Hold R2 to use.
Recipe requires alcohol and rag.
Alcohol and rag can be found throughout the game. You will be able to craft Health Kits once Joel collects his backpack in the chapter: The Quarantine Zone, 20 Years Later once you acquire some alcohol and a rag. You will no doubt craft a lot of Health Kits as you progress through the game.

Craftable Item 2: Shiv

Instantly kills enemies from stealth and saves from Clicker grabs. Breaks on use.
Recipe requires binding and blade.
Binding and Blade can be found throughout the game. You can find your first shiv in the chapter The Quarantine Zone, The Slums after acquiring the Warehouse Key (story progression item). Go through the blue door then out of the door through the left wall with the Exit sign then up the blue staircase on the right taking the out the Humans quietly as you go. At the top of the staircase go directly forward and drop the guard standing there quietly, go left where you will find a shiv on the desk next to a colour chart stand. Finding this shiv will now allow you to craft shivs as long as you have the required materials.

Craftable Item 3: Molotov

Explodes on impact, and fire lingers in the area.
Recipe requires alcohol and rag.
Alcohol and rag can be found throughout the game. Drop down through the building in the chapter: The Outskirts, Downtown all the way to the lowest section where you will be in the subway. Go directly forward from where you fall down to find a corpse laying face down, in front of whom will be a molotov. Collecting the molotov will allow you to craft one whenever you have the space and materials to do so.

Craftable Item 4: Melee Upgrade

Improves your melee weapon with a single instant kill strike.
Recipe requires binding, blade and melee weapon.
Binding, Blades and Melee weapons can be found throughout the game. Proceed through the game to the chapter: Bill’s Town, The Woods then at the start of the chapter, go forward and on to the first small building’s roof you lay the plank of wood on to cross the gap to the adjacent building. On the roof of this building will be an upgraded pipe you can pick up which unlocks the melee upgrades available for crafting whenever you have the materials to do so.

Craftable Item 5: Bomb

Detonates on enemy proximity. Can be deployed in place or thrown.
Recipe requires explosive and blade.
Explosive can be found in the latter half of the game whereas blades can be found throughout the game. Once you’re in the bunker with Bill and Ellie, Bill will make you a nail bomb on the table to the right of the room. Collect the nail bomb to be able to craft Bombs once you have the required materials to do so.

Craftable Item 6: Smoke Bomb

Stuns enemies in a small area on impact and generates a concealing cloud of smoke.
Recipe requires sugar and explosive.
Sugar and explosive can be found throughout the latter half of the game. Once you’re in the chapter: Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken, clear out all of the Humans who have ambushed you and Ellie then go over to the shutter barring the way to the room with the corpses on the tables. Once inside this room go over to your left to find a Smoke Bomb on the shelving unit next to a red tool station.

Sugar is a fairly rare commodity in The Last Of Us Part 1. You can find some sugar in the same chapter by swimming through the back of the truck once Ellie is on the pallet then up the stairs, around the walkway. Drop down to the lower level, go around behind the counter and check the cupboards to find some sugar allowing you to craft a smoke bomb as long as you have explosive as well.

Once you have crafted all 6 craftable items your trophy will then unlock.

That’s the The Last Of Us Part 1 Geared Up trophy guide complete I hope it helps you craft every item.




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