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The Last Of Us Part 1 Getting To Know You Trophy Guide

The Last Of Us Part I Getting to Know You trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Getting to Know You
Engage in all optional conversations

Here is the The Last of us Part 1 Getting to Know You trophy guide where you need to engage in all optional conversations. In total there are 60 optional conversations as you progress through both the main game and the Left Behind DLC, however, only 54 are required for the trophy making this a potentially confusing trophy to sift throughSome of the conversations will be part of the story although they are still counted as optional for the purposes of this trophy and there are some conversations which have a few requirements you need to meet before the conversation becomes available.

In this guide we will help you find all 60 optional conversations, 45 in the main game then an additional 15 in the Left Behind DLC of which only 9 are actually required for the trophy, however, I’m not 100% sure on what those 9 are so we have listed all 15 to avoid any confusion. Check out the, The Last Of Us Part 1 Left Behind Optional Conversations guide for where to find all 15 conversations in the Left Behind DLC. The 45 optional conversations found throughout The Last of us Part 1’s main game are as follows:

Optional Conversation 1

The Quarantine Zone, 20 Years Later.
Follow Tess around to the right pass the barriers with the armed Police, then rather than following the street around to the left, go over to the right as the male is walking across to speak to the lady by the bus stop. Press Triangle when prompted to engage in the optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 2

Quarantine Zone, Beyond The Wall.
After mantling up through the diner floor stick close to Tess as when she leaves you will have a couple of seconds to initiate the optional conversation. If you do miss the prompt then quickly restart the checkpoint or replay the chapter trying to be quicker next time.

Optional Conversation 3

The Quarantine Zone, Beyond The Wall.
After Joel has his mask on due to the spores, go through the crawl-space looking to your right as you turn to go to right to see a corpse. Get close to the corpse to reveal the conversation prompt.

Optional Conversation 4

The Quarantine Zone, The Cargo.
Go through the building with Tess and Marlene to the outside area and take all of the Human’s out then take the first right before going down the stairs along the walkway to find 3 bodies on the floor. Wait around for a few seconds where Marlene will come up and you can activate the optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 5

The Outskirts, Outside.
Proceed through the chapter to the cutscene where Joel falls asleep on the sofa then when he wakes up Tess walks in. Follow Tess into the small room where you need to speak to her in order for her to move the bookcase out of the way so whilst this one isn’t optional, it does still count as an optional conversation for the purposes of this trophy.

Optional Conversation 6

The Outskirts, Downtown.
As you go up the ramp and around into the building with Tess and Ellie go through the 2nd doorway to get into the building where you will find a corpse on some faded yellow carpet. Look at the corpse to get the conversation prompt when Tess catches you up.

Optional Conversation 7

The Outskirts, Museum.
Take out the infected in the Museum then once Tess and Ellie walk over to the window, go to the left window to get a conversation prompt with Tess.

Optional Conversation 8

The Outskirts, Museum.
Immediately after you are done talking with Tess for optional conversation 7 look to Tess’ right where you will See Ellie standing there. Go to Ellie then activate the conversation prompt when it appears.

Optional Conversation 9

Bill’s Town, The Woods.
After Joel has boosted Ellie over the gate so she can remove the pipe blocking the gate go straight forward into the house with the blue awning, up the stairs then take a right to find a “The Turning” arcade machine. Stand by the machine where you will, after a short while, get a prompt to trigger the conversation.

Optional Conversation 10

Bill’s Town, Safehouse.
Once in the Bar with Bill and Ellie go over to the tables on the left where you will see a chess set which will be your optional conversation prompt.

Optional Conversation 11

Bill’s Town, Graveyard.
Follow Bill through the area to where you go through the tree house and drop into the back yard with the pool and go into the house. Head straight forward going up the stairs at the back of the house then take a right into the kids bedroom. Wait around for Ellie who will eventually come into the room (we went out on to the landing then back in the room to ensure she was there) then once Ellie is in the bedroom with you, you will the get the prompt for the conversation.

Optional Conversation 12

Bill’s Town, High School Escape.
Once you have escaped from the high school, have gone over the fence using the ladder and are in the house, after the cutscene Ellie will be in the drivers seat of the truck. Go to the open window of the truck, where, after several seconds you will get the conversation prompt to speak with Ellie.

Optional Conversation 13

Bill’s Town, High School Escape.
After you have spoken with Ellie for optional conversation 12, turn around and go through the house to the last room and take a left to the desk where you can collect the Note from Frank artefactTake the artefact back to Bill and activate the conversation prompt where he will read the note then throw it away. If you go round the car you will earn In Memorium for picking Frank’s Note up from the floor.

Optional Conversation 14

Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken.
Take out the Human’s who ambush you at the start of the chapter and go through the shutter door into the room with the corpses on the tables. Go over to Ellie before doing anything else in the room to reveal the conversation prompt.

Optional Conversation 15

Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken.
After dropping down to street level, go pass the bus then over to the solitary brown car on the right and look at Ellie where you will see the prompt for the conversation after a short while.

Optional Conversation 16

Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken.
Continue forward through the story to where a group of Humans come over the top of a blue bus. I highly recommend letting them pass quietly as if you engage them they will have reinforcements that can ruin your day on higher difficulties. Whichever you decide to do though, before going over the bus yourselves go to the tall wall to the left of the bus where Ellie will eventually have the conversation prompt which is also part of Ellie’s Jokes.

Optional Conversation 17

Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken.
After jumping over the blue bus the Human’s came over you will drop down into a FEDRA encampment, look to your right to see a sign saying “Stop feeding us. Give us our rations“. Go over to the message where Ellie will join you and have the conversation prompt appear.

Optional Conversation 18

Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken.
Head up through the Kingston Bookstore to the first floor and take out all of the Human’s who are patrolling (there will only be 1 if you take him down quietly) then stand next to the flaming barrel burning the wood inside where Ellie will eventually come over and give you the prompt for the conversation. This optional conversation also counts one of Ellie’s jokes.

Optional Conversation 19

Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken.
Continue through the chapter to where you see a cutscene with a couple of Human’s moving planks about outside the Hotel where once the cutscene has finished you will be standing to the side of a yellow cab. Turn around from here and go over to your right to a shop called Laron’s which has a poster in the window to the left of the entrance of a lady wearing a pink dress. Allow Ellie to catch up where, once she looks at the picture, the conversation prompt will appear.

Optional Conversation 20

Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken.
Once you have listened to optional conversation 19, turn around from the poster and walk directly forward to the planter with the bushes and the tree in front of you. Allow Ellie a few moments to walk around and interact with the fire hydrant where she will eventually come over revealing the conversation prompt. This optional conversation is another of Ellie’s Jokes.

Optional Conversation 21

Pittsburgh, Hotel Lobby.
Once the Hotel Lobby chapter starts (when Joel jumps down through the window) go to your left and behind the counter where you can interact with the coffee machine there for this optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 22

Pittsburgh, Hotel Lobby.
This optional conversation will only appear once you have opened the safe in the area which can be done so by going right from the start of the chapter and follow the path around to the reception area where you will find a safeYou can open the safe with the code: 22-10-56 ensuring you collect the training manual from inside.

Next, continue through the chapter collecting the ladder and climbing up to the ledge just in front of 2 golden elevator doors. Wait there for a short while where Ellie will eventually have the conversation prompt appear above her head. This conversation is also one of Ellie’s Jokes.

Optional Conversation 23

Pittsburgh, Hotel Lobby.
Proceed through the chapter to where Joel and Ellie are out on a roof terrace then go through the window to your left. There will be a good number of Human’s in here so either take them all down (which I recommend) or sneak pass them. Go directly forward to the back room with the mattress against the back wall, take a left, right then left again through an open window.

Jump on the bed then mantle up to the floor above using the wardrobe then go through the door in front of you, take an immediate left then look to the corpses in the bathtub, where, once Ellie has caught you up will be the conversation location with Ellie. Ensure you look at Ellie the whole time as the prompt only stays there for 1-2 seconds.

Optional Conversation 24

Pittsburgh, Hotel Lobby.
Once you have dropped down to the lower level where you will have an ornate stair case to your right go straight to the end of the corridor then through the door on your right to come to a grand looking dining room. Once inside the dining room go right along the right wall to a white painting which reads “Paradise” then wait for Ellie who will have the conversation prompt once she catches you up. Ellie will have 3 conversation prompts back to back here. You will need to initiate and listen to all 3 although they only count as 1 optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 25

Pittsburgh, Financial District.
From the start of the chapter, Ellie will have a sniper rifle and be on overwatch protecting you as best as she can. You need to make your way through the area killing every Human in the location which will be made easier if you take as many out as you can quietly then go loud to flush out the stragglers. Once everyone is dead there will be a short cutscene between Ellie and Joel where you can then look right to see the Rivers Café. If you look opposite the café you will see a body hanging from a tree, go over to the body then when Ellie joins you, look to the body to get the conversation prompt.

Optional Conversation 26

Pittsburgh, Financial District.
After boosting Ellie up to the Red ladder, walk around the red walkway then drop down on to the truck and down to ground level. You would usually go left to continue the game, however, to get the optional conversation prompt you need to go forward looking to the Military Preparatory School’s gates where Ellie will have the conversation prompt appear once she catches you up.

Optional Conversation 27

Pittsburgh, Financial District.
Once you have optional conversation 26, turn around then go around the ramp to the right where you will see a “Dawn of the Wolf” poster. Head over to the poster where Ellie should stand in front of you revealing the conversation prompt.

Optional Conversation 28

The Suburbs, Suburbs.
Proceed through from the start of the chapter to the first right turn on the street where you will see a large white detached house with writing on the wall. Wait for Henry to catch you up where he will have the conversation prompt after a few seconds. This optional conversation will also be the first part of getting optional conversation 30 to activate.

The second part of optional conversation 30 involves you going into the house opposite where you had this conversation with Henry through the blown at section of wall into the kitchen, where Henry will have more talking to do. This is the second step in initiating optional conversation 30.

Optional Conversation 29

The Suburbs, Suburbs.
Continue down the street where you will see an abandoned ice cream truck over to the right outside of a red house. Go to the ice cream truck where Ellie will join you and you can initiate the conversation with her. This conversation will be the third requirement for initiating optional conversation 30.

Optional Conversation 30

The Suburbs, Suburbs.
This conversation has 4 requirements you need to meet in order for it to initiate and they must be done in order:

  1. Trigger optional conversation 28 with Henry outside the white house.
  2. Go into the house opposite the white house with the blown out section of wall into the kitchen where Henry will automatically start talking again.
  3. Ensure have initiated and listened to optional conversation 29 outside the ice cream truck.
  4. Go to the end of the street from the ice cream truck and around the corner looking left to find a firefly symbol on the wall where Henry and Joel will have a conversation about it (this isn’t an optional conversation as far as the trophy is concerned but it is required).

Once you have followed all 4 steps above, Ellie will go over to the grass and mill around for a few minutes. She will, eventually, get her joke book out which counts as the optional conversation although there will be no physical prompt as there usually would be. This entry also counts as one of Ellie’s jokes.

Optional Conversation 31

The Suburbs, Suburbs.
Go into the white house at the end of the street then head up the stairs in the hallway to the top level into the attic.

Head back downstairs to the ground floor then take a left into the sitting room where Ellie and Sam will be having a short game of Darts. Once they are done and have walked off, go to the stool with the books on top and interact with the Dart which will trigger the optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 32

Tommy’s Dam, Hydroelectric Dam.
After jumping into the water and ferrying Ellie across on the pallet, cross the walkway then rather than heading up to the stairs over to your right, drop down to the left. Ellie will hold her hand up once Joel is across, if you choose not to high five her, you will earn Left HangingThen once you have dropped down to the left, vault over the moss covered tree to find a child’s grave with a yellow teddy bear on top of it. Interact with the teddy bear to initiate the optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 33

Tommy’s Dam, Hydroelectric Dam.
Once Joel and Tommy are reunited and have gained access into the compound, go straight forward to the back wall of the area to find a horse. Wait for Ellie to stroke the horse which will cause the conversation prompt to appear.

Optional Conversation 34

Tommy’s Dam, Hydroelectric Dam.
Inside the sleeping area which you come to after entering the building, Tommy will go over to some bags in between 2 bunk beds. Go over and stand next to him where the conversation prompt will appear after a short while. This conversation is mandatory, although it does count as an optional conversation for the purposes of the trophy.

Optional Conversation 35

Tommy’s Dam, Hydroelectric Dam.
Continue through the chapter to where Joel and Tommy are back outside and crossing the platforms over the water then look over to the right to see a lady standing on her own. Go over to her and wait for a few seconds for the conversation prompt to appear.

Optional Conversation 36

The University, Go Big Horns.
From the start of the chapter go into the University grounds then continue forward until you pass a white truck then jump over the small grey barrier. Look up to the building on your left to find a large Bull which will have the conversation prompt appear.

Optional Conversation 37

The University, Go Big Horns.
Once you have used the first generator and opened the metal gates, get back on Callus (your horse) with Ellie and go through to the large open courtyard. Go over to the top left and through the small tunnel as you usually would do to continue the game then take a right. If you look over to the left wall you will see a Firefly symbol which once looked at will have the conversation prompt appear as long as you’re going slow enough on Callus.

Optional Conversation 38

The University, Science Building.
Proceed through the chapter to where you would go up the stairs to the upper floors. Just before doing so you will see a series of plastic crates and file boxes on the floor in front of the stairs. On one of the plastic crates will be a clipboard you will need to interact with in order to have the optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 39

Lakeside Resort, The Hunt.
Once you crossed the wooden bridge with David go right and up the stairs where you can interact with a corpse on the floor in front of the table to initiate the optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 40

Bus Depot, Highway Exit.
Head forward to the green car from the start of the chapter just before you get to the ambulance where Ellie will have the conversation prompt above available. Be quick for this one as she only stays there for 2-3 seconds.

Optional Conversation 41

Bus Depot, Highway Exit.
This optional conversation is very buggy and for the most part won’t trigger (it took me 9 attempts to make it happen). What I recommend you do is to get optional conversation 40 done then restart the chapter (Pause> Restart Checkpoint). From here go straight forward then into the RV where you will find, on the worksurface on the right, the Family Photograph artefact.

Pick the artefact up then go back outside and look over to the left where Ellie will hopefully be in front of the left side of the bus looking at a poster of a plane. If she has walked off pass the yellow cab then try again where eventually the game will realise what you’re trying to do and keep Ellie next to the bus giving you the optional conversation prompt.

Optional Conversation 42

Bus Depot, Highway Exit.
Continue through the chapter to the Logan James Bus Station then go down the stairs to the lower level. Wait for Ellie to catch you up where she will then sit on a red tiled bench where you can initiate the conversation with her.

Optional Conversation 43

Bus Depot, Highway Exit.
Make your way through the corridors following a very excitable Ellie to where you will see a Giraffe eating leaves growing up the edge of the building. Interact with the Giraffe to initiate the optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 44

Bus Depot, Highway Exit.
Head up to the roof of the building where Ellie is watching the Giraffe’s, go over to her where you will be able to initiate the optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 45

Bus Depot, Highway Exit.
Proceed through the FEDRA encampment to the bus you need to go through (story related), you will get an L3 Look-At message appear in the bottom left of the screen. Ensure you press L3 which will enable Ellie to tell you to wait then turn around and initiate the optional conversation with her where you get a nice kick in the feelings with a photo of Joel and Sarah.

Once you have engaged in the 45 optional conversations throughout The last Of Us Part 1’s main game, you will then need to go to the Left Behind DLC from the main menu and listen to the 15 optional conversations in the DLC. Only 9 are required, however, after multiple playthroughs on different profiles, the optional conversations don’t seem to be set so we’ve listed all 15 available which you can find in our The Last Of Us Part 1 Left Behind Optional Conversations guide.

That’s the The Last of us Part 1 Getting to Know You trophy guide complete I hope it helps you engage in all optional conversations.




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