
The Last Of Us Part 1 Left Behind Optional Conversations

You can find the Left Behind optional conversations in the Getting To Know You video above at 35:55.

Here is where you can find all of the, The Last of us Part 1 Left Behind optional conversations which will help you find every optional conversation in the Left Behind DLC. Left Behind was originally a DLC pack for the original release of The Last Of Us back on PlayStation 3 then again with the PlayStation 4 release. Fortunately, they have included the Left Behind DLC in with the PlayStation 5 version and you will need to collect the 14 notes and artefacts that are found throughout the pack.

Whilst you can, if you choose to, start Left Behind before playing any of the main story, for the purposes of this guide I will assume you have started Left Behind after having finished the main story so this guide is to follow on from our Getting To Know You trophy guide. In this guide we will help you find all 15 optional conversations in the Left Behind DLC of which only 9 are actually required for the trophy, however, I’m not 100% sure on what those 9 are so we have listed all 15 to avoid any confusion and if you are following on from the Getting To Know You trophy guide I will bracket off the numbers below allowing you to continue following through chronologically.

Now there is a lot of confusion currently for the optional conversations in Left Behind. There are, as per the in game counter, 45 optional conversations in the main game. The trophy counter on PlayStation 5 lists there are 54 optional conversations required for the trophy. However, there are 15 optional conversations in the Left Behind DLC: 12 in Mallrats and 3 in Fun and Games making 60 in total meaning 9 are required leaving 6 additional conversations.

I’ll be honest, I’m not 100% sure, out of the 15 which 9 are required so we have listed all 15 optional conversations below. Get them all to avoid any potential issues in unlocking your trophy. If for whatever reason you have found and listened to all 15 optional conversations in the Left Behind DLC and still haven’t unlocked your trophy, double check then go back and check through the Getting To Know You trophy guide where you will hopefully be all set and good to go. The 15 optional conversations you can find in the Left Behind optional conversations found throughout The Last of us Part 1 are as follows:

Optional Conversation 1 (46)

Mallrats, Mallrats.
Follow Riley up through the room going through the open kitchen through into a bedroom where you will see a Firefly symbol on the wall with the message “Look for the light” above. The firefly symbol will have the prompt for the optional conversation on it.

Optional Conversation 2 (47)

Mallrats, Mallrats.
Cross the rooftops then once you’re back inside, go down the escalator then double back on yourself around to the right. On the wall now to your left will be a poster offering affordable getaways to Kauai, Hawaii. Look at the poster to get the optional conversation prompt.

Optional Conversation 3 (48)

Mallrats, Mallrats.
Go back to the bottom of the escalator then go straight forward to find a small poster advertising “Typhoon Blitz” water pistols. Look at the poster to reveal the conversation prompt.

Optional Conversation 4 (49)

Mallrats, Mallrats.
Proceed through the chapter down another escalator where you will see a large green tent sent up in the middle of the area. Just left of the tent Riley will stand still for a few seconds. Ensure you initiate the conversation with her before she moves on.

Optional Conversation 5 (50)

Mallrats, Mallrats.
Follow Riley into the green tent then go to the back wall where you can interact with the magazines there which initiates the optional conversation. It doesn’t matter if you accept or reject the drink, I have done both on separate accounts with no discrepancies in the trophy counter.

Optional Conversation 6 (51)

Mallrats, Mallrats.
Come out of the green tent and walk straight across to find a horse saddle slung over the back of a bench which you can interact with for the optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 7 (52)

Mallrats, Mallrats.
Continue through the chapter to the Halloween store and interact with the Wolf mask then follow Riley to the back of the store and take a right where you can interact with the jar of eyeballs on the shelf which will initiate the optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 8 (53)

Mallrats, Mallrats.
Turn around 180 degrees from the jar of eyeballs then go forward pass “Frankenstein Riley” taking a left and head halfway down the aisle looking to your right to find a Witch’s mask you can interact with to initiate the optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 9 (54)

Mallrats, Mallrats.
Go back up the aisle the way you came after donning the Witch’s mask and go over to the left corner behind the vehicle where Riley, will, after a short while put on Dracula’s mask. Interact with the mask whilst Riley is wearing it to activate the optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 10 (55)

Mallrats, Mallrats.
Go left from “Dracula Riley” walking a short way down the aisle looking left to find a Bird head mask. Interact with the mask to activate the optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 11 (56)

Mallrats, Mallrats.
From the Bird mask’s location, go to the end of the aisle looking right to find a “Skeleseer” display. You will need to interact with the skull 8 times in a row to complete this optional conversation entry. You will know you’re done when Riley says “You can have Poker“.

Optional Conversation 12 (57)

Mallrats, Mallrats.
Head through the double doors once you’re done in the Halloween shop where Riley will challenge you to a brick throwing contest. You need to win the contest in order to get the optional conversation prompt which is simply a case of being fairly quick in collecting any of the bricks scattered around the area and throwing them at the red car to smash the 7 windows (windscreen, rear window, drivers door, rear nearside, rear offside and front passenger windows as well as the sunroof) which can be done in any order.

Succeeding in this will earn you Brick Master as well as being able to initiate the optional conversation with Riley by choosing one of 3 questions. The question you choose is irrelevant just ensure you choose one, I’m not sure if the last option: Forget it will count as an entry for the optional conversation so better to be safe than sorry and choose any of the top 3 questions to ask.

Optional Conversation 13 (58)

Fun and Games, Fun and Games.
From the start of the chapter, head straight forward to the carousel and interact with the horse which will be the prompt for the optional conversation.

Optional Conversation 14 (59)

Fun and Games, Fun and Games.
Whilst on the carousel, Riley will hand you a joke book then once off the carousel you can press Triangle to tell a joke. You need to do this 21 times in order for it to count as having done the entire optional conversation. If you quit you will need to restart it all so ensure you run through all 21 where the final joke will be diarrhoea related where you will no longer be able to press TriangleThis optional conversation also counts as one of Ellie’s jokes.

Optional Conversation 15 (60)

Fun and Games, Fun and Games.
From where you tell Riley your 21 jokes head forward down the stairs to the Sharesnap photo booth. Interact with the photo booth then run through the button prompts to complete the optional conversation entry.

Once you have collected all 15 optional conversations as well as ensuring you have the 45 optional conversations from the main game as well which can be found in our Getting To Know You trophy guide, your trophy will unlock.

That’s where to find all of the, The Last of us Part 1 Left Behind optional conversations, I hope it helped you find the remaining 15 optional conversations in the Left Behind DLC.




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