
The Last Of Us Part 1 Look For The Light Trophy Guide

The Last Of Us Part I Look for the Light trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Look for the Light
Find all Firefly pendants

Here is the The Last Of Us Part 1 Look for the Light trophy guide. In total there are 31 Firefly pendants throughout The Last Of Us Part 1, however, only 30 are required for the trophy. Firefly Pendant 25: Riley’s Firefly Pendant is given to you later in the game and doesn’t count as you “finding” the pendant. The Firefly Pendants themselves serve no purpose in game apart from this trophy and they can all be acquired through chapter select as long as you have made a manual save in the final chapter of the game: The Firefly Lab, The Hospital. Here are all 31 Firefly Pendants you can find throughout the game:

Firefly Pendant 1: Vigil's Firefly Pendant

The Quarantine Zone, Beyond The Wall.
As you’re making your way through the first building with Tess you will go up a ladder then when Tess goes left you go straight into a small bedroom then look down to the left of the bed on the floor to find the Firefly pendant.

Firefly Pendant 2: Glueck's Firefly Pendant

The Quarantine Zone, Beyond The Wall.
Once you have crossed the wooden planks with Tess you will go through a small alley, Tess will go off to the right, you need to look to the left where you will see a tree. Look to the left of the tree where you will see the Firefly pendant glowing on the base of the branches. Shoot it down then make sure you pick it up from the ground.

Firefly Pendant 3: Liu's Firefly Pendant

The Quarantine Zone, The Cargo.
At the start of the, The Cargo chapter when you have Ellie accompanying you there will be a green building in front of you called Alliance Real Estate. In front of this building will be a corpse slumped against a green newspaper dispenser who will have the Firefly pendant on the floor next to its left hand.

Firefly Pendant 4: Lenz Firefly Pendant

The Outskirts, Downtown.
Continue around to where you would usually go in to the building on the left and look to the tree on the right side of the area before going to the building. Equip a bottle / brick or pistol then either throw at or shoot the Firefly Pendant that is hanging down on the lower right side of the upper branches (see the image below). The Pendant will then drop down to the floor where you can collect it.

Firefly Pendant 5: Kiper's Firefly Pendant

The Outskirts, Museum.
Progress through the building to where a section of floor has fallen down making a wooden ramp up to the next floor. Ordinarily you would go right, however, for the Firefly Pendant, you need to go left and sidestep your way across the the ledge to the platform where you can collect Kiper’s Firefly Pendant in the wooden cabinet.

Firefly Pendant 6: Davidson's Firefly Pendant

The Outskirts, The Capitol Building.
After using the green dumpster to mantle up and jump over the metal fence you will come to an open area where you would usually go off to the right, instead, stay left and go through through the water to a small bandstand area with a domed roof. Look in the centre of the bandstand in the water to find Davidson’s Firefly Pendant.

Firefly Pendant 7: Jiang's Firefly Pendant

The Outskirts, The Capitol Building.
After swimming under the crashed train carriages go over to the left section where you can get up onto the ledge then go right down the corridor and back into the water pass the corpse. Once underwater continue forward to the metal framed section, head inside and go straight to the wall in front of you to find Jiang’s Firefly Pendant on the second shelf down. This one might be a bit tricky to get as the marker doesn’t always allow you to collect it on your first go, if this does happen then move Joel back a couple feet then go for it again.

Firefly Pendant 8: Wang's Firefly Pendant

Bill’s Town, The Woods.
After Ellie opens the gate for Joel to get through make your way down the street to where you will see the Marquis Music Store with an RV over to the right side. Just in front of the RV is a Police Car you can jump on to then over to the bonnet of the RV and make your way up to the roof where you will find Wang’s Firefly Pendant on the right side.

Firefly Pendant 9: Vincent's Firefly Pendant

Bill’s Town, Safehouse.
After Bill decapitates the infected stuck in the window, go out the front of the store and take down every infected / Clicker around then go to the right of the area just pass the Ambulance. Look up to the lamp post where you should see the Firefly Pendant hanging down just behind the light fixture which I recommend you shoot as you’ll have a hard time throwing a brick or a bottle that high. Ensure you collect Vincent’s Firefly Pendant from the ground after shooting it down.

Firefly Pendant 10: Mrozik's Firefly Pendant

Bill’s Town Graveyard.
After going through the graveyard where you sneak pass / deal with the Clickers, go through the wooden gate Bill opens for you then go right, up the hill to the large house. Go into the house where there will be some infected so take care of them quietly if you want to avoid the inevitable carnage going loud will bring, then go into the second room on your right which is a downstairs toilet. Look to your left to find Mrozik’s Firefly Pendant on the floor next to the toilet and the wall.

Firefly Pendant 11: Risk's Firefly Pendant

Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken.
Go through the Pittsburgh Military Zone to the Kingston Bookstore you need to go through to continue the story. Before going into the bookstore, go left from the entrance along the wall then take a right down the alleyway. You will be able to find Risk’s Firefly Pendant behind a wooden shelving unit and in front of the dumpster.

Firefly Pendant 12: Reed's Firefly Pendant

Pittsburgh, Hotel Lobby.
Go up the ladder then drop down through the damaged stairwell where you would normally go through the first door on the right to progress the story. Instead, go into the door on your second left which will be the women’s toilets where at the back there will be 2 cubicles next to each other. Go into the left cubicle then look on the floor to your left to find Reed’s Firefly Pendant.

Firefly Pendant 13: Rios's Firefly Pendant

Pittsburgh, Escape the City.
Continue through the chapter to where Joel, Henry, Sam and Ellie go outside and have to deal with a few Humans who are patrolling. Jump up on the lorry trailer then up to the floor above where there will be a few more Humans to take down. Once they’re all dealt with, head into the building then through the first doorway on your left in to the men’s restroom where you can find Rios’s Firefly Pendant on the toilet seat in the left hand cubicle.

Firefly Pendant 14: Scheffler's Firefly Pendant

The Suburbs, Sewers.
Once you’re on the beach, stay to the right to find a beach vessel. Jump up on the deck the drop down to the right in to the hold where you will find Scheffler’s Firefly Pendant.

Firefly Pendant 15: Righetti's Firefly Pendant

The Suburbs, Sewers.
Once Joel, Ellie, Sam and Henry have gone through the grate into the sewers, follow the path around to the left then look to the right wall to find a small opening with water pouring out. Go through the opening to the end then look to the wall on your left to find a waterfall with a small break to the right side where you can retrieve Righetti’s Firefly Pendant.

Firefly Pendant 16: Fuentes' Firefly Pendant

The Suburbs, Sewers.
Keep progressing through the sewers to where Joel will need to jump in the water to the right to move the debris out of the way. Instead of going right, jump in the water to your left where there is a partly submerged car just next to a tree. Dive underwater with Circle where you will be able to find Fuentes’ Firefly Pendant on the rocks just in front of the windscreen.

Firefly Pendant 17: White's Firefly Pendant

The Suburbs, Suburbs.
Head around to the end of the street to the white house with the abandoned ice cream truck outside then go in to the yard to the right of the house to find a tree. Equip a bottle / brick or pistol then aim just to the left of the main trunk to the small branch pointing upwards and either throw at or shoot the Pendant down where you can then retrieve White’s Firefly Pendant from the ground.

Firefly Pendant 18: Oliverio's Firefly Pendant

Tommy’s Dam, Hydroelectric Dam.
After following Tommy across the dam in to the main control room just pass Buckley the dog, take your first left then exit right through the door. Go down 3 sets of stairs then into the first room on your right, look to the left to find a door leading outside where just to the right of this door whilst you’re still indoors will be 2 filtration pumps. Look on the floor in between the 2 pumps to find Oliverio’s Firefly Pendant on the floor.

Firefly Pendant 19: B. Pino's Firefly Pendant

Tommy’s Dam, Ranch House.
Head through the red front door of the Ranch House then staying on the ground floor, go right then through into the final room with the fireplace and the mounted Stag head on the wall. Look to your left to find B. Pino’s Firefly Pendant on the wooden desk.

Firefly Pendant 20: H. Pino's Firefly Pendant

The University, Go Big Horns.
From the start of the chapter go forward then take a right at the crossroads (you would usually go left to progress the story) then look to the tree to your right. Equip a brick / bottle / pistol then either throw or shoot at H. Pino’s Firefly Pendant which will be hanging down just to the left of the trunk camouflaged by the leaves ensuring you collect it from the floor once it’s fallen down.

Firefly Pendant 21: Rohner's Firefly Pendant

The University, Go Big Horns.
After Joel uses the generator allowing Ellie to come through with Callus (your horse). Go out of the building and over to your left, up the stairs then stop just before the grey barriers. Dismount your horse then look right and mantle up into the window to come to small office room where you can find Rohner’s Firefly Pendant on the desk to your right.

Firefly Pendant 22: Warren's Firefly Pendant

The University, Go Big Horns.
Make your way through the story to where you drop down into the area with the overgrown viral sections all over the walls. There will be a good number of Clickers down here so take them down quietly. The main reason for the stealthy kills is there is also a tough Bloater who you need to take out as he drops the Warren’s Firefly Pendant when he dies. Make good use of flammables / high powered weaponry / explosives to deal with Bloaters as even on easier difficulties they can be a challenge.

Firefly Pendant 23: Grigg's Firefly Pendant

The University, Go Big Horns.
Once you have moved the generator trolley over to the cable and have let Ellie through the gate, continue forward on Callus then rather than staying right to continue the story, stick to the left side of the area. Go to the tent in the far left corner to the table against the back wall to find Grigg’s Firefly Pendant.

Firefly Pendant 24: Hickmann's Firefly Pendant

The University, Science Building.
Head through the chapter to the room marked “Room 308, Biology Lab” where once you have opened the door you will scare the Monkey’s off. Make your way to the back of the room and take a right where you will find Hickman’s Firefly Pendant on the end of the worktop behind the microscope.

Firefly Pendant 25: Riley's Firefly Pendant

Lakeside Resort, The Hunt.
Riley’s Firefly Pendant is added to your inventory once you start playing as Ellie, however, it doesn’t actually count towards the 30 Firefly Pendants required to unlock your trophy. I have added it here just to offer some clarification if, like me, you got every pendant and wondered why you had 31.

Firefly Pendant 26: Kristof's Firefly Pendant

Lakeside Resort, The Hunt.
Once David boosts you up to lower the ladder, head around the walkway and the drop the Clicker. Head left into the room the Clicker came out of then look to the left to find Kristof’s Firefly Pendant on a wooden crate.

Firefly Pendant 27: Braun's Firefly Pendant

Lakeside Resort, Cabin Resort.
After Callus has been shot dead go through the house at the bottom of the snowy slope then proceed through exiting out of the window to the right of the house. Look to your right to find a wooden seating area and look to the right on the bench to find Braun’s Firefly Pendant.

Firefly Pendant 28: Perich's Firefly Pendant

Bus Depot, Highway Exit.
Head down the offramp pass the yellow school bus then rather than going right as you normally would, go left behind the school bus following the area around to the left pass the water. Look on the floor in front of the 2 orange traffic cones behind the blue pickup truck to find Perich’s Firefly Pendant.

Firefly Pendant 29: Nicole Hoo's Firefly Pendant

Bus Depot, Highway Exit.
Once you’re out of the building you will be at the edge of a FEDRA encampment with a FEDRA tank in front of you and a large white FEDRA marquee over to your left. Head over toward the white marquee then take the first right to where you will see a 4 piece spotlight in front of the back of a green tent. Equip a brick / bottle / pistol then aim at the lower right of the 4 spotlight sections where you will see the pendant glistening. Throw / shoot at Nicole Hoo’s Firefly Pendant then retrieve it from the floor afterwards.

Firefly Pendant 30: Natalie Hoo's Firefly Pendant

Bus Depot, Underground Tunnel.
Go through the crashed bus with Ellie allowing you to go to the slope leading down into the tunnel. Look to your left at the top of the slope to find another crashed bus which you can go around to the left of to find Natalie Hoo’s Firefly Pendant amongst a small pile of debris.

Firefly Pendant 31: Stewart-Seume's Firefly Pendant

The Firefly Lab, The Hospital.
After Joel barricades the door with the chair to keep the Human enemy’s back, go up the stairs then take a right and immediate left to come to the reception area. Take the first door on your left which is a shiv door in to the room marked “Office 605” and look to your right to find Stewart-Seume’s Firefly Pendant on the desk.

Once you have collected all 30 Firefly pendants your trophy will then unlock.

That’s the The Last of us Part 1 Look for the Light trophy guide complete I hope it helps you find all Firefly pendants.




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