The Last Of Us Part 1 Master Of Unlocking Trophy Guide

Master of Unlocking
Break into every locked door using shivs
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
The Last of us Part 1 directory.
Here is the The Last Of Us Part 1 Master of Unlocking trophy guide where you need to break into every locked door using shivs. In total there are 13 shiv doors to break into as you progress through the game, which will, as the name suggest require a shiv to be able to break the lock allowing you through the door. Shivs can be created by going Touchpad> Crafting (default menu) then selecting Shiv which will require binding x1 and blade x1 which can be easily found throughout the game which will be made easier by using the Enhanced Listen Mode (Pause> Accessibility> Navigation and Traversal> Enhanced Listen Mode> Scan Range, 30m> Scan Time, 1s) which is then used in game by holding R1 followed by pressing Circle which will show you all nearby collectible items. Get yourself up to a shiv door, press Triangle to try the lock where you will then get the Use Shiv prompt on screen allowing you to again press Triangle to use a shiv to break the lock opening the door. The 13 shiv doors required are as follows:
Shiv Door 1
The Outskirts, Downtown.
After Joel is ambushed by the Clicker which Tess shoots in the face twice you need to take the first door on your right in the corridor, go around the fallen shelving unit to the shiv door.
Shiv Door 2
The Outskirts, Museum.
After Joel lifts the fallen rafters to allow Ellie and Tess through, go back the way you came taking the first left then first left again to come to a room with a Coca Cola vending machine against the right wall. Immediately after entering the room look to your right to find the shiv door.
Shiv Door 3
Bills Town, The Woods.
After using the planks to cross the buildings, continue down the slope then drop down pass the missing fence panel. From here, pick up the shiv just over to your right on the ground and go down in between the 2 buildings. Drop off the ledge where you will find the shiv door to your left.
Shiv Door 4
Bills Town, The Woods.
Head down the street to the Marquis Music Store then left through the alleyway where the Clicker will be blown up by the tripwire. From here, follow the path around to the right looking to your right where you will find the shiv door at the top of a small staircase.
Shiv Door 5
Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken.
Continue through the chapter to the Kingston Bookstore you need to go through to progress the story. I recommend taking the stairs on the ground floor over to the right of the entrance then head to the back wall towards the Rivers Café. Go over to the right of the café taking care not to be spotted by the patrolling Humans, to find the shiv door which will allow you entry into the Restroom.
Shiv Door 6
Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken.
As you’re heading towards the hotel, you will see a cutscene with a couple of guys laying planks in between 2 vehicles allowing you to cross later in the chapter. As you pass the Police car and the Taxi look to your left behind an abandoned security truck to find a blue awning for Regal Apartments. Under the awning will be a series of boards with a red cross on them, these boards are your shiv door.
Shiv Door 7
Pittsburgh, Financial District.
Proceed through the chapter to where you will come to the end of the street before you go up the ladder with a Tank outside of the Ration Depot building. Head inside the building taking care of any Humans you meet along the way to the back room where you will find the shiv door as part of the back wall.
Shiv Door 8
Pittsburgh, Escape the City.
As you’re making your way down the stairs with Henry, Sam and Ellie, go down one flight of stairs where you will see a white door in front of you. This door is the shiv door.
Shiv Door 9
Tommy’s Dam, Hydroelectric Dam.
Continue through the chapter to where you are next to the water with the overflow in front of you, head up the stairs then look to your right to find the shiv door.
Shiv Door 10
The University, Science Building.
After mantling up through the brick wall, go through the corridor, pass the door on your right you need to go through to continue the story all the way to the end of the corridor. The door on your right at the end of the corridor is the shiv door.
Shiv Door 11
Lakeside Resort, Cabin Resort.
From the start of the chapter, go directly forward to the motel rooms then walk right under the awning. Go through the door on your left pass the ice machine and straight through to the bathroom then out the open window. Look to your left to find an outhouse upon which will be the shiv door.
Shiv Door 12
Bus Depot, Underground Tunnel.
After Joel boosts Ellie over the gate and she is ambushed by the infected you need to shoot, once she has opened the gate, head up through to the back wall. Once through into the corridor go to your right to find the shiv door.
Shiv Door 13
The Firefly Lab, The Hospital.
Progress through the story to where Joel barricades the door with a chair keeping the guards back, go up the stairs then go forward and over to your right under the information sign. Once you’re behind the reception area, look to the left wall to find the shiv door underneath a sign saying “office 605”.
Once you have broken into every door listed above using a shiv your trophy will unlock.
That’s the The Last of us Part 1 Master of Unlocking trophy guide complete, I hope it helps you break into every locked door using a shiv.