
The Last Of Us Part 1 Sticky Fingers Trophy Guide

The Last Of Us Part I Sticky Fingers trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Sticky Fingers
Open All Safes

Here is the The Last Of Us Part 1 Sticky Fingers trophy guide where you need to open all safes. There are 4 safes to be found and opened throughout the game all of which can be found via chapter select if you have missed them on a previous playthrough. Once you get to a safe you will interact with the safe using Triangle then move Up+L3 or Down+L3 to change the numbers on screen and press Cross to move to the next number until you have inputted the code allowing you to open the safe. The 4 safe’s, their locations and their codes are as follows:

Safe 1: Round Note Shop Safe

The Outskirts, Downtown.
As you’re making your way through the subway area going towards the exit you will be passing a lot of Clickers. Head towards the “Orange Line” sign then behind the partition to the Round Note shop. Take out the infected in the top left corner quietly so as not to alarm the Clickers then look behind the counter to find the safe. Use the code: 03-43-78 to open the safe, loot everything then move on.

Safe 2: Abandoned Safe

Bill’s Town, The Woods.
Head down the main street to an RV that will be side on to you. Just to the left of the RV will be Marquis Music Store. Face the store then turn around 180 degrees and go to the left to find the safe just pass a white and red Mandatory Evacuation Notice sign. Use the code: 05-17-21 to open the safe, loot the contents then we can move on.

Safe 3: Hotel Lobby Safe

Pittsburgh, Hotel Lobby.
Cross over the river using the plank in between the 2 vehicles as a bridge with Ellie then once you go through the window go directly in to the room on your right. Go around the counter in to the reception area then look to your left to find the safe. Use the code: 22-10-56 to open the safe, loot everything including the Training Manual: “Shiv: Reinforcement” then continue through the story.

Safe 4: Bedroom Safe

The Suburbs, Suburbs.
At the end of the street where you go through the white house next to the ice cream truck, you would usually go through into the kitchen and out the back door. Instead, take a right in the hallway up the stairs, take the first left into the master bedroom and look to your right inside the wardrobe to find the safe. Use the code: 08-21-36 to open the safe.

Once you have found and opened all 4 safes your trophy will unlock.

That’s the The Last of us Part 1 Sticky Fingers trophy guide complete I hope it helps you open all safes.




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