The Last Of Us Part 1 That's All I Got Trophy Guide

That’s all I got
Survive all of Ellie’s jokes
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
The Last of us Part 1 directory.
Here is the The Last Of Us Part 1 That’s all I got trophy guide where you need to survive all of Ellie’s jokes. The wording on this trophy is very misleading, not to mention the trophy tracker isn’t currently working properly. If you check the amount of jokes there are when you start the game, it will say there are 3, the tracker won’t actually update until you find all 6 jokes.
The jokes themselves are also more like sets of jokes with Ellie telling quite a few at a time for the most part and then an impressive 21 jokes back to back for the final entry. You will have a fair amount to do in order to get Ellie to pull out her joke book and start reciting the jokes she has for you at a particular stage of the game. Everything is detailed below to help you unlock all 6 of Ellie’s joke (sets).
Ellie's Joke 1
Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken.
Drop down to street level then proceed forward where some Humans will come over the top of a blue bus. If you engage them they will have reinforcements come in so I recommend staying low and quiet, letting them pass. Either way, once they have gone, go over to the foliage next to the wall to the left of the bus, keep Ellie in focus where you will see the prompt you can use to activate Ellie’s Joke 1.
Ellie's Joke 2
Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken.
Continue through the chapter to the Kingston Bookstore then head up to the first floor, take out all patrolling Humans then go over to the right side of the area in front of the Rivers Café keeping Ellie in focus where you will, after a minute or so get the prompt to activate Ellie’s Joke 2.
Ellie's Joke 3
Pittsburgh, Alone and Forsaken.
Continue through the chapter coming out of the Kingston Bookstore, up the staircase and through the alleyways, drop down to the street where there will be a short cutscene showing you the men placing planks in between the vehicles allowing you to end the current chapter. Straight after the cutscene, turn around and head over to the your left by a concrete square with vegetation growing out of it, turn around the way you came (the same way you looked down the street during the cutscene, towards the yellow taxi). Wait anywhere between a few seconds and a minute where Ellie will eventually decide she wants to tell you some more jokes, ensure you keep an eye for her prompt then once activated, you will have Ellie’s Joke 3 complete.
Ellie's Joke 4
Pittsburgh, Hotel Lobby.
You will have a little bit to do before Ellie activates her joke book here. First off, drop down into the Hotel Lobby / start the chapter then go over to the right and follow the passage around to the reception area to find a safe which can be opened with the code: 22-10-56.
Loot everything in the safe including the training manual then proceed through the area to where Joel needs to put a ladder against the back wall (story progression) then once you’re on the ledge in front of the golden elevator doors just stay there whilst looking off to to the right at Ellie. Ellie will, after a short while have the prompt allowing you to activate her latest supply of jokes.
Ellie's Joke 5
The Suburbs, Suburbs.
This is the easiest joke to miss as you have a few things to do before the joke will become available. To start off, follow the path around to the street then on the first right turn, there will be a white house on its own with the message “I’m Armed, No Trespassing, I Will Shoot On Sight” written in red paint. Stand on the road where you can initiate an optional conversation with Henry.
From here go into the house directly opposite the solitary white house through the hole in the wall to the kitchen where you will have another conversation with Henry (there is no prompt for this conversation, entering the kitchen will trigger it instead).
The next step is to proceed further around the street to the abandoned ice cream truck where Ellie will have a conversation prompt once she catches up, ensure you initiate the conversation with her and listen to all of the dialogue.
The final step is to go to the end of the street then turn to your left and look at the Firefly symbol on the low wall where you will have another conversation (there is no prompt for this conversation, but you will need to take part in it).
As long as you have followed the steps above, Ellie will then go over to the grassy area and pull her joke book out reciting off her latest series of jokes (there will not be a prompt for this set of jokes).
Ellie's Joke 6
Fun and Games, Fun and Games.
From the start of the chapter, head over to the carousel and interact with it, once Ellie and Riley are done on the carousel, and Ellie is holding the joke book, stand still and press Triangle to activate all 21 of Ellie’s Jokes.
Once you have survived the 6th joke from Ellie your trophy will unlock.
That’s the The Last Of Us Part 1 That’s all I got trophy guide complete I hope it helps you survive all of Ellie’s jokes.
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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.