The Last Of Us Part 1 Trophy Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
The Last of us Part 1 directory.
Welcome to the, The Last Of Us Part 1 Trophy Guide.
- Platforms: PlayStation 5.
- Trophies:29: Platinum: 1, Gold: 7, Silver: 7, Bronze: 14.
- Release Date: 02-Sep-2022.
- Missable Trophies: Technically no trophies are missable for the main game as long as you make a manual save in the final chapter of the game, Jackson, Epilogue allowing you to replay any chapter via chapter select. The same rule applies for the Left Behind DLC which is included in the 2022 release. As long as you make a manual save during the chapter: The Enemy of My Enemy, The Enemy of My Enemy you will be able to go to any necessary chapter throughout Left Behind to earn the necessary trophies.
- Glitched Trophies: None.
- Online Trophies: None.
- Difficulty Rating: 4/10.
- Approx. time to 100%: 60+ Hours.
There are a lot of collectibles you need to acquire as you go through the game, all of which can be found easier by using the enhanced listen mode (Pause> Accessibility> Navigation and Traversal> Enhanced Listen Mode> On> Scan Range> 30m Scan Time 1s) which you can use by holding R1 and pressing Circle which sends a sonar out showing you all nearby collectibles.
Route to the Platinum:
Start the game off on any difficulty you are comfortable with as there are no difficulty based trophies you can play through on the easiest difficulty if you wish collecting any and all collectibles you find along the way where you will earn:
- No Matter What for completing the main game.
You can then go back via chapter select (ensure you have a manual save in the final chapter of the game: Jackson, Epilogue), using the guide(s) below to unlock any other trophy you didn’t get along the way. Once you are done with the main game, have every collectible and have earnt all of the miscellaneous trophies, I then recommend you go through the Left Behind DLC which can be accessed from the main menu where you will earn:
- Don’t Go for completing the Left Behind expansion.
As long as you make a manual save in the chapter The Enemy of My Enemy, The Enemy of My Enemy you can then go back through at any point to get any miscellaneous / collectible trophies you didn’t get on your playthrough.

It can’t be for nothing
Collect all trophies
Earn the other 28 trophies in The Last Of Us Part 1 to unlock It can’t be for nothing.

No Matter What
Complete Part 1
Part 1 is the main campaign in the game. Work your way through the game to the credits where your trophy will then unlock.

Don’t Go
Complete Left Behind
Left Behind was originally a DLC pack for the original The Last Of Us and is including in the PS5 version of the game. Select Left Behind from the main menu then work your way through to its conclusion to unlock your trophy.

Look for the Light
Find all Firefly pendants
There are 31 Firefly Pendants to find throughout The last Of Us Part 1, however, only 30 are required for this trophy. Click the link to go to the complete Look for the Light trophy guide.

Endure and Survive
Collect all comics
There are 13 comics to find throughout The Last Of Us Part 1. Click the link to go to the complete Endure and Survive trophy guide.

Find all notes and artifacts
There are a total of 97 notes and artifacts throughout The Last Of Us Part 1. Click the link to go to the complete Chronicles trophy guide.

Getting to Know You
Engage in all optional conversations
There are 60 optional conversations you will need to participate in throughout the game as well as the Left Behind DLC which can be accessed from the main menu although only 54 are required for the trophy. Click the link to go to the complete Getting to Know You trophy guide.

That’s all I got
Survive all of Ellie’s jokes
There are 6 jokes you need to “survive” as you make your way through the game, 2 of which can easily be missed if you make a mistake along the way. Click the link to go to the complete That’s all I got trophy guide.

Something to Fight For
Find all training manuals
There are 12 training manuals to find as you progress through the game. Click the link to go to the complete Something to Fight For trophy guide.

Combat Ready
Fully upgrade a weapon
You can upgrade weapons at any workbench in the game (see Prepared For the Worst for where to find all workbenches in the game). To upgrade a weapon you will need scrap which can be found throughout the game which is made a lot easier to find if you use the Enhanced Listen Mode (Pause> Accessibility> Navigation and Traversal> Enhanced Listen Mode> On> Scan Range> 30m> Scan Time> 1s) where you can hold R1 and Circle to send a sonar out which will show you all nearby collectibles including scrap.
A lot of weapon upgrades will only be completable once you have various workbench tools (see Sharpest Tool in the Shed for more information). So ensure you follow that guide along the way to have an easier time upgrading a given weapon type. The easiest / cheapest weapon in the game to upgrade is the Revolver which costs 165 scrap to fully upgrade. You find the Revolver in the chapter: The Outskirts, Downtown once you have crossed the scaffold around the outside of the building. You will go through back into the building and find a Soldiers corpse slumped against the desk who holds the revolver. The 2 categories you will need to upgrade for the Revolver are:
Reload Speed.
Allows you to reload the weapon faster.
- Level 1: +25% Reload Speed, 25 Scrap.
- Level 2: +5% Reload Speed, 20 Scrap plus workbench tool 1, Pliers.
- Level 3: +25% Reload Speed, 30 Scrap plus workbench tool 3, Muzzle Cleaner.
Fire Rate.
Allows you to fire the weapon faster.
- Level 1: +15% Fire Rate, 20 Scrap.
- Level 2: +20% Fire Rate, 30 Scrap plus workbench tool 1, Pliers.
- Level 3: +25% Fire Rate, 40 Scrap plus workbench tool 3, Muzzle Cleaner.
Once you have fully upgraded any weapon (like I say, the Revolver is the cheapest) your trophy will then unlock.

Master of Unlocking
Break into every locked door using shivs
There are 13 locked doors you will need to unlock using Shivs throughout the game. Click the link to go to the complete Master of Unlocking trophy guide.

Prepared For the Worst
Find all workbenches
There are 11 workbenches to find as you make your way through The Last Of Us Part 1. Click the link to go to the complete Prepared For the Worst trophy guide.

Sticky Fingers
Open All Safes
There are 4 safes in total as you work your way through the game. Click the link to go to the complete Sticky Fingers trophy guide.

Sharpest Tool in the Shed
Find all workbench tools
There are 5 workbench tools to locate as you progress through the game. Click the link to go to the complete Sharpest Tool in the Shed trophy guide.

Build Em Up, Break Em Down
Upgrade and then break one of every melee weapon
There are a total of 5 melee weapons you will need to upgrade then break found throughout the game. Click the link to go to the complete Build Em Up, Break Em Down trophy guide.

Fallen Firefly
Find a Firefly pendant
See Look for the Light for more information.

Self Help
Find one training manual
See Something to Fight For for more information.

Savage Starlight Fan
Find a comic
See Endure and Survive for more information.

Geared Up
Craft every item
There are 6 craftable items in The Last Of Us Part 1. Click the link to go to the complete Geared Up trophy guide.

In Memorium
Pick up Frank’s note after it’s discarded
Continue through the game to the chapter: Bill’s Town, High School Escape then once Ellie is in the truck, go left through the door then head through the house to the bedroom and look left to find the Note from Frank artefact on the white table against the window. Take the artefact back to Bill who will then take it, read it and throw it away. You then need to go around the back of the truck to just in front of the front right wheel and look on the floor where you can collect the Note from Frank artefact again which will unlock your trophy.

Lights Out
While in stealth, turn off the spotlight generator in Pittsburgh.
Proceed through the game to the chapter Pittsburgh, Escape the City then ensure you have the game on an easy difficulty to make this a lot simpler. Come out of the building with the Police cars outside, cross the road using the Police car for cover then stay against the left wall using the pillars for cover when the spotlight ahead is facing towards you taking care not to be spotted by the patrolling guard. Take him out quietly so as to avoid attention with either an arrow to the head or sneak up behind and give his neck a break. From there, go to the generator below the spotlight and press Triangle, where as long as you haven’t been detected in the entire section your trophy will unlock.

Ride the sewer contraption with Henry and Sam
Continue through the game to the chapter: The Suburbs, Sewers where you will be with Ellie, Henry and Sam. You will, as part of the story need to dive in the water, remove the debris with Triangle then go up and around to throw a pallet in to the water then get Ellie across the water to a generator, where she will then be able to activate the sewer contraption Henry and Sam will be on. As soon as you drop Ellie off swim straight back across the water, and go up and around to join Henry and Sam where you will all cross the water together unlocking your trophy once the journey has been completed.

Left Hanging
Leave Ellie hanging after a job well done
Get through to the chapter, Tommy’s Dam, Hydroelectric Dam where you will help Ellie cross the river allowing her to go and operate the bridge enabling you to cross over. Ellie will stand there with her left hand up, you will also receive a button prompt to high five her. Ignore the prompt and continue forward, dropping down to your left where Ellie will say “Really? You just gonna leave me hanging” at which point your Trophy will unlock.

Who’s A Good Boy?
Pet Buckley the dog
Continue forward from where you can earn Left Hanging then once you are with Tommy going into the the building with the fork lift truck outside. Just pass a green crate will be Buckley laying down in the rain, chewing on a ball. Go up to him and press Triangle to stroke him earning your trophy in the process.

Nobody’s Perfect
Played the Jak X game in Left Behind
This trophy is obtainable in the Left Behind DLC pack which can be accessed from the main menu then play through to the chapter: Fun and Games, Fun and Games. Continue through the chapter until you come to Raja’s Arcade where you would usually play the “The Turning” arcade machine to advance the story. Instead, go to the top left corner of Raja’s arcade and press Triangle to interact with the Jak X game where Ellie will pretend to be a racing driver for a short time. Once Ellie is done on the Jak X racing game your trophy will unlock.

Brick Master
Win the brick throwing contest
The brick throwing contest is accessible in the Left Behind DLC which you can start from the main menu then play through to the chapter: Mallrats, Mallrats. Riley will challenge you to a contest where you need to throw bricks down on 2 cars below you to smash the windows with the victor being the one who smashes all of their windows first. There are plenty of bricks laying around so you will have a few chances to miss, but as long as you aim by holding L2 then throw with R2 you should be able to get this done easily enough.
Out of the 2 cars that are below you both, Riley has the blue car whilst Ellie needs to smash the red cars’ windows with the sunroof, windscreen, rear window and all 4 side windows (2 on each side) needing to be smashed. It might sound a bit daunting at first, however, time is on your side as I smashed 2 windows on the wrong car at first and still went on to win. If you do lose the contest, either reload the checkpoint or restart the chapter and try again until you are successful at which point your trophy will unlock.

Angel Knives
Defeat Black Fang without getting hit
This is another trophy that can only be completed in the Left Behind DLC which can be accessed from the main menu then head through to the chapter: Fun and Games, Fun and Games. Once there, go up the escalator into Raja’s arcade ensuring that you firstly earn Nobody’s Perfect. Where, once completed you then go and interact with the “The Turning” arcade machine over on the right side of the arcade.
You will need to successfully input the button commands quickly that appear on screen where you will then not be hit by Black Fang. If you make a mistake then restart the checkpoint and try again. The last button sequence you will have to input is lengthier than the previous ones but once you have input the sequence successfully and have avoided being hit by Black Fang by successfully inputting every other button sequence, your trophy will then unlock.

Win the water gun fight
This is a trophy that can only be earnt in the Left Behind DLC which can be accessed from the main menu then continue through to the chapter: Fun and Games, Fun and Games. Riley will challenge you to a water gun fight where you initially need to fill Riley’s “Soak level meter” before she fills yours then take part in a best of 3, one hit showdown event. Being a water pistol, you will need to pump the weapon a few times by pressing R2 to load the water into the gun then go after Riley whilst staying in cover to avoid her water blasts. Going for this trophy on easier difficulties will give you a much easier time of it as you will be harder for Riley to detect and to be fair, she’s a pretty good shoot so take your time. If you fail you can reload the checkpoint / restart the chapter until you are successful where your trophy will then unlock.

Live Bait
Use bricks or bottles to lure an infected into attacking a human
Another trophy you can easily acquire in Left Behind which can be accessed from the main menu then make your way through to the chapter: The Enemy of My Enemy, The Enemy of My Enemy. Continue through the chapter to where you will go through a ventilation shaft and come out into a fairly open area with humans and Clickers below you. Look around for a brick or a bottle of which there are plenty then aim with L2 and throw a bottle / brick with R1 to distract the infected who will then give chase to the humans. As soon as an infected successfully attacks one of the humans your trophy will unlock.
That’s the The Last Of Us Part 1 Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.