The Last Of Us Part II Jackson Artefacts & Journal Entries
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
The Last of us Part II directory.
Here’s the The Last Of Us Part II Jackson Artefacts & Journal Entries which will help you find the 9 artefacts and 3 journal entries in the first Chapter of The Last Of Us Part II. Collecting all artefacts and journal entries will take up the bulk of your time whilst playing through The Last Of Us Part II as there’s 127 artefacts and 20 journal entries to find in total with this guide covering off the 9 artefacts and the 3 journal entries in Jackson which is the first chapter in The Last Of Us Part II.
You can find the rest of the artefacts and journal entries by checking out the Archivist trophy guide. Journal entries can only be found as Ellie and usually require to wait for a few seconds at a given point in the story then press Triangle to log the entry in your journal. You can acquire any missed artefacts and journal entries via chapter select as long as as you don’t complete the final mission; Chapter: The Farm, Epliogue on your current save so ensure you make regular manual saves to avoid any mishaps.
It will be beneficial to have the Enhanced Listen Mode on (Pause> Options> Accessibility> Navigation And Traversal> Enhanced Listen Mode> On> Scan Range> 30m> Scan Time> 1s). You can then hold R1+Circle to send out a sonar which will highlight everything you can collect nearby including any artefacts and journal entries. Please Note: If you save during the final mission: The Farm, Epilogue, you will need to play through the entire game again as chapter select will then be disabled!:
Jackson has 9 artefacts and 3 Journal Entries which are found through the following chapters:
- Waking Up: 1 Artefact.
- The Overlook: 1 Artefact.
- Patrol: 6 Artefacts, 2 Journal Entries.
- Packing Up: 1 Artefact., 2 Journal Entries.
Chapter: Waking Up
Chapter: Jackson, Waking up has 1 Artefact which is:
Artefact: Volunteer Request
As you make your way down towards the bar with Jessie, before entering go to the right behind some logs to find the Volunteer Request Artefact on a wooden crate.
Chapter: The Overlook
Chapter: Jackson, The Overlook has 1 Artefact which is:
Artefact: Letter From Seth
Head through the crawlspace under the building where an infected comes through and you need to shoot it then go into the far window on the right of the house. Once in the house look to your right to find the Letter From Seth Artefact.
Chapter: Patrol
Chapter: Jackson, Patrol has 6 Artefacts and 2 Journal Entries to find which are:
Artefact: A Note To Santa
Continue through the chapter to where Ellie says “Hey, shall we check these houses out?” then go into the house to the left. Go through the remains of the ground level then mantle up to the first floor heading to the right to find a bedside cabinet inside of which will be the A Note to Santa Artefact.
Journal Entry 1
Chapter: Jackson, Patrol.
Go through the chapter to where you and Dina dismount your horses and look out over Jackson. Once the dialogue has finished wait for a few seconds to see the journal entry prompt.
Artefact: Supermarket Apology
Once you have crawled under the snow stricken trailer (see the image below) you can then look to your right to see a ramp and an open fire door. Go through the door then take a right to be in the back of the trailer you crawled under squeezing through the boxes to find the Supermarket Apology Artefact on some boxes.
Artefact: Good Boy Combo
After Ellie and Dina put their masks on due to the spores, go through the door then make a right squeezing through the gap in the wall. Look to your right to see a white door you can go through then go to the top right corner to find the A Good Boy Combo Artefact on the desk.
Artefact: Eugene's Firefly Pendant
Carry on through the building with Dina where you will automatically acquire the Eugene’s Firefly Pendant Artefact when you try going through the door.
Artefact: Journal Entry 2
Chapter: Jackson, Patrol.
Continue through the chapter pass the supermarket where you nearly lose Dina in the snow then into the building going through and collecting Eugene’s Firefly Pendant artefact (mandatory). From here go through then over to the right to find a child’s bookcase on top of which will be a toy Giraffe which you need to interact with to complete this Journal Entry.
Artefact: Eugene's Ultimatum
In the room you enter whilst collecting Eugene’s Firefly Pendant go forward then around next to the bed to find a bedside cabinet. In the drawer of the cabinet will be the Eugene’s Ultimatum Artefact.
Artefact: Photo Of Tommy And Eugene
Once you have collected Eugene’s Ultimatum, turn around then go to the table to find the Photo of Tommy and Eugene Artefact.
Chapter: Packing Up
Chapter: Jackson, Packing Up has 1 Artefact and 2 Journal Entries to find which are:
Journal Entry 3
Chapter: Jackson, Packing Up.
Once you’re in Joel’s house, go around to the left on the ground floor to the kitchen then interact with the mug to the right of the sink to complete this Journal Entry.
Journal Entry 4
Chapter: Jackson, Packing Up.
Head up the stairs in Joel’s house as you usually would then go into first right door and over to the right where you can interact with the guitar completing this Journal Entry.
Artefact: Joel's Watch
Go into Joel’s bedroom and check out the red box on the bed where you will receive the Joel’s Watch Artefact.
That’s how to find all of the, The Last Of Us Part II Jackson Artefacts & Journal Entries. If you need any other Artefacts or Journal Entries check out the Archivist trophy guide.
That’s where to find all of the Last Of Us Part II Jackson artefacts and journal entries. I hope it helped you collect all artefacts and journal entries in the first main chapter in The Last Of Us Part II.