The Last Of Us Part II Journeyman Trophy Guide

Find all training manuals
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
The Last of us Part II directory.
Here’s the The Last Of Us Part II Journeyman Trophy Guide. There are 8 Training Manuals to be found through your playthrough and you will need to find them all in order to unlock the upgrades required for Survival Expert. Click the link to go to the Survival Expert Trophy Guide for more information on player upgrades. The Training Manuals are fairly easy to find as you progress through, however, they are also easily missed.
To alleviate any issues whilst going through trying to find the Training Manuals, turn your Enhanced Listen Mode on (Pause> Options> Accessibility> Navigation And Traversal> Enhanced Listen Mode> On> Scan Range> 30m> Scan Time> 1s). You can then hold R1+Circle to send a sonar out which will show you the locations of all nearby items which will show up everything you can pick up around you including the training manuals. You can go back via chapter select from the main menu to get any missed Training Manuals as long as you haven’t completed the final chapter (The Farm, Epilogue). The Training Manuals and their locations are as follows:
Training Manual 1: Prep
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Downtown.
Make your way to Marion Street on the Map in between 5th and 7th Street where you can jump a gap onto a bridge section containing a Fire Truck. To the right of the Fire Truck will be a hose you can interact with by pressing Tirangle then slide down the hose and swing across using L3 whilst holding R1 then finally Cross to jump off when you’re happy you’ve got enough momentum to clear the gap. Go into the open fallen truck to find the Prep Training Manual which will open Ellie’s Crafting skill tree and has the following 5 skills:
- Craft Melee Upgrades.
- Faster Crafting.
- Craft Smoke Bombs.
- Craft Improved Health Kits.
- Craft More Smoke Bombs.
The Crafting Skill Tree helps Ellie stay alive longer whilst dealing increased damage with melee weapons.
Training Manual 2: Last Round
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Capitol Hill.
Head through Capitol Hill to the Gas Station and clear out the enemies there. You can then go through a window into a bookstore then into the adjoining coffee house. Once in the coffee house go over to the right to find the Last Round training manual on a bench. The Last Round manual unlocks the Stealth skill tree which has the following 5 upgrades available:
- Craft Silencers.
- Listen Mode Clarity.
- Faster Prone Movement.
- Improved Silencers.
- Faster Stealth Kills.
These skills make Ellie a lot more effective at staying hidden whilst taking down her enemies.
Training Manual 3: Outdoor Sportsman
Chapter: Seattle Day 2: Hillcrest.
Make your way out of the bike store into the liquor store opposite then go down into the basement being careful pass the Shambler ducking through the gap in the wall next to the metal shelves. Go left then right up the wooden stairs where you will find the Outdoor Sportsman training manual next to a chrysalis. The Outdoor Sportsman manual will give you access to the Precision skill tree which has the following 5 skills:
- Aim Stability Increase.
- Faster Aim Movement.
- Listen Mode Range.
- Hold Breath.
- Craft More Arrows.
The Precision Skill Tree makes Ellie a lot more efficient at ranged combat.
Training Manual 4: Organic Chemistry
Chapter: Seattle Day 2, The Seraphites.
Stand outside the apartment building then go left up to a truck you can jump on top of via the bonnet then jump up to the ledge allowing you to enter the building. Go left then head towards the back wall to find a workbench (click the link to go to the Prepared For the Worst Trophy Guide for all Workbench locations) where you will then be ambushed by a team of humans. Take them down then with your back to the workbench go forward and into the bedroom which is the 2nd door on your left to find the Organic Chemistry training manual on the bed. The Organic Chemistry manual unlocks the Explosives skill tree which allows you to upgrade the following 5 skills:
- Craft Explosive Arrows.
- Improved Trap Mines.
- Improved Molotovs.
- Craft More Trap Mines.
- Craft More Explosive Arrows.
Ellie’s Explosives Skill Tree makes her a lot more efficient at causing wide spread damage to her opponents.
Training Manual 5: David Versus Goliath
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, On Foot.
Proceed through the chapter to where you send Mel around to open a locked blue door then grab the metal walkway creating a path to the top of the boat. Head into the boat to find the David Versus Goliath training manual on a table to your right.
The David Versus Goliath manual unlocks the Covert Ops skill tree which gives you access to upgrade the following 5 skills:
- Craft Shivs.
- Listen Mode Movement Speed I.
- Grabbed Enemy Movement Speed.
- Faster Prone Movement.
- Craft More Shivs.
Abby’s Covert Ops skills make her a lot more efficient at staying quiet and getting one hit kills against Clickers / Stalkers which can be invaluable when mobbed.
Training Manual 6: Urban Warrior
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Hostile Territory.
After Abby and Manny part ways go forward then left to the building opposite the entrance to Tang Fabrics + Imports where you can jump through an open window. Look to your right to find the Urban Warrior manual on the worktop next to the sink. The Urban Warrior unlocks the Close Quarters skill tree which has the following 5 skills available to upgrade:
- Momentum.
- Craft improved Health Kits.
- Aim Stability Increase.
- Faster Health Kits.
- Momentum Duration.
Upgrading the skills in Abby’s Close Quarters skill tree greatly improves her chances of staying alive with better health kits and more momentum.
Training Manual 7: Bring Your Own Bullets
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Forest.
Make your way into La Rosa’s Auto Shop taking a right then right again into a waiting room where you will find the Bring Your Own Bullets Training Manual. The Bring Your Own Bullets manual gives you access to the Firearms Skill Tree giving you access to the following 5 skills:
- Craft Incendiary Shells.
- Craft Hunting Pistol Ammo.
- Faster Aim Movement.
- Craft More Hunting Pistol Ammo.
- Craft More Incendiary Shells.
Fully upgrading Abby’s Firearm skill tree should enable her to always have the right type of ammo for any given situation she could face in the game.
Training Manual 8: Identify, Counter And Destroy
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Coast.
You will need to head into the Ferry then make your way up to the Bridge taking care as you go as you have a good number of enemies to get through including Clickers and a Shambler. Once on the Bridge look to the left of the ships’ controls to find a safe (click the link to go to the Safecracker Trophy Guide for how to open all 14 safes). Input the code: 90-77-01 to open the safe where you will then be able to acquire the Identify, Counter and Destroy Training Manual which unlocks the Ordnance Skill Tree. The Ordnance skill tree gives you access to the following 5 skills you will need to upgrade:
- Faster Crafting.
- Improved Melee Weapon Upgrades.
- Improved Pipe Bombs.
- Improved Silencers.
- Craft More Pipe Bombs.
Needless to say once you have upgraded all of Abby’s Ordnance skills she will be a lot more proficient in both stealth and explosives as well as being able to hit harder with melee upgrades.
Once you have collected all 8 Training Manuals your Trophy will then unlock.
That’s the Last Of Us Part II Journeyman Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you find all training manuals.