The Last Of Us Part II Master Set Trophy Guide

Master Set
Find all trading cards
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
The Last of us Part II directory.
Here’s the The Last Of Us Part II Master Set Trophy Guide. You have a total of 48 Trading Cards to find throughout the game and they’re all found as Ellie. The Trading Cards are dotted around the various areas of the game, in safes (see the Safecracker Trophy Guide for how to open all 14 safes) as well as behind some enemy encounters. We will guide you through all 48 Trading Cards in this guide all of which can be done via Chapter Select from the main menu as long as you make a save during the penultimate chapter: Santa Barbara, The Beach and don’t overwrite it.
To help you find the Trading Cards exact locations whilst playing the game it would be advantageous to turn on the Enhanced Listen Mode (Pause> Options> Accessibility> Navigation And Traversal> Enhanced Listen Mode> On> Scan Range> 30m> Scan Time> 1s). You can then hold R1+Circle to send a sonar out which will show you the locations of all nearby items including the Trading Cards. Here is where to find all 48 Trading Cards:
Trading Card 1, Seismicayla
Chapter: Jackson, Waking Up.
As you’re walking towards town with Jessie you will go through a blue gate, from here, stay to the left going around to the left on the balcony, where you will find the Seismicayla trading card on a notice board to your left.
Trading Card 2, The Keene Twins
Chapter: Jackson, Waking Up.
After you’re done talking with Maria in the bar go over to the left to find the, The Keene Twins trading card on a barrel to the left of the dartboard.
Trading Card 3: Tesseracter
Chapter: Jackson, Patrol.
As you’re Horse riding through the chapter with Dina you will come to a series of houses, get off your Horse and go into the house on the right. Look left to see a bookcase where the Tesseracter Trading Card will be.
Trading Card 4: Laurent Foucault, CEO SPARK
Chapter Jackson, Patrol.
Continue through the chapter to where you and Dina collect Eugene’s Firefly pendant then head to the top corner of the room to find a small room. To your right on a desk will be the Laurent Foucalt, CEO SPARK Trading Card.
Trading Card 5: Motivator
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Gate.
Make your way through the the wooded area on Horseback with Dina until you find a bus stop on your right. Get off your horse (Triangle) then look on the right side of the inside of the bus stop to find the Motivator Trading Card.
Trading Card 6: The Starfire Kids
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Gate.
As you’re making your way through to the main gate you will be able to go into a building on your left where on notice board will be the, The Starfire Kids Trading Card.
Trading Card 7: Chessmaster
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Gate.
After Ellie jumps across the scaffolding and drops down onto the concrete walkway where ordinarily you would go down the ladder in the small tower. To collect the Chessmaster Trading Card you need to go up a ladder to your left when you enter the tower then go across to the table to collect it.
Trading Card 8: Oozer
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Gate.
Once you get to the gate and you need to turn the power on, ordinarily you would power the generator then throw the cable over the fence. To get the Oozer Trading Card however, you need to throw the cable over the building next to the generator. Go behind the building and grab the cable where you can pull yourself up to the roof where on the roof hatch along with a few other items will be the Oozer Trading Card.
Trading Card 9: Das Wort
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Downtown.
Starting from the corner of Madison and 5th Street head down 5th towards Marion Street ensuring you go up the ladder and across the balcony where you will be able to enter the Valiant Music Shop. Once in the music store head down to the ground floor where you can collect the Das Wort Trading Card from a closed drawer behind the counter.
Trading Card 10: Doctor Uckmann
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Downtown.
Open your map then head to Marion Street, you’re looking for the building on your map on the South side of Marion Street in between 5th + 6th Avenue. Once there follow the steps up through the remains of the building to the highest point where you will be able to open a supply crate inside of which will be Doctor Uckmann Trading Card.
Trading Card 11: Flo
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Downtown.
Make your way to the West side of Madison Street on the corner of 4th Avenue you will find a set of metal gates that are slightly open. Go through then go to the right to find a safe. (Click the link to go to the Safecracker Trophy Guide for how to open all 14 safes). Input the code 04-51 to open the safe where inside you will find the Flo Trading Card.
Trading Card 12: Big Blue
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Downtown.
Go into the Huston Coffee Shop then look in the far drawer under the coffee machine behind the counter to find the Big Blue Trading Card.
Trading Card 13: Know It All
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Downtown.
On 8th Avenue you will be able to enter the Serevena Hotel. Once inside go right up the stairs then straight into a room with blue carpet. Go into the adjoining room where you can look in between the 2 beds to find a bedside cabinet. Open the drawer of the cabinet to find the Know It All Trading Card.
Trading Card 14: Cardio
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Eastbrook Elementary.
Once you and Dina are up on the roof go round to your right and jump across the gap onto a balcony and into an apartment. Ordinarily you would go left out the room, however, you will need to jump over the bed to your right to come to a small room. Look in the bedside cabinet in the room to find the Cardio Trading Card.
Trading Card 15: Kinnard, Esq.
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Capitol Hill.
Once you and Dina drop down to street level go to your right behind some railings where you’re looking for house number 3 (right then right again). When you’re in the house you will need to stay on the ground floor where you will see a small unit to the left of the sofa. Open the drawer in the unit to acquire the Kinnard, Esq. Trading Card.
Trading Card 16: Rockafella
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Capitol Hill.
Make your way through the chapter to the Capitol Inn motel area. You would usually need to go up through the first floor exit, however, to acquire the card you need to stay on the ground floor. Go into room 4 which is on the left of the lot and has an open door, go through room 4 jumping out the back window and take a left aiming for the adjacent window which will bring you into room 3. On the floor next to the television in the remnants of a tipped over rubbish bin will be the Rockafella Trading Card.
Trading Card 17: Doctor Stem
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Capitol Hill.
Directly across the street from the gas station will be a bookstore which you can go into. Once inside go through taking a right into a small reading room where you can find the Doctor Stem Trading Card to the left on a chest that’s being used as a table.
Trading Card 18: Sergeant Frost
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Capitol Hill.
Go through the area to the basketball courts then rather than going through go forward where you can drop down into a building below. Once you drop down turn around and go through to the room in front of you where you will find the Sergeant Frost Trading Card in the first locker to your left.
Trading Card 19: Candelabra
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Capitol Hill.
After the Clicker runs out of the store and blows itself up on the trip wire go into the shop it ran out from to the back wall. Look on the shelving unit to the left in between an ATM and 2 fridges on a unit to collect the Candelabra Trading Card.
Trading Card 20: Bizarrebra
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Capitol Hill.
Just before you go through the area where you need to throw bottles / bricks at the trip wires enabling you to go through there will be a Wellwishers shop to your left. Enter the shop then stay on the left wall where you will be able to collect the Bizarrebra Trading Card in the shelves marked “Childrens”.
Trading Card 21: Kimimela
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Channel 13.
Continue through the chapter to the section where you need to walk around the outside of the building on the narrow walkway to come to an office. Leave the office and go to the room directly opposite where you will find the Kimimela Trading Card on the desk.
Trading Card 22: The Imp
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Tunnels.
Crawl under the blue crashed train carriage then rather than going through the door to your right continue through the tunnel where you will find the, The Imp Trading Card on some rubbish bags under the train carriage.
Trading Card 23: Dr. Daniela Star
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Tunnels.
When you’re off the tracks and through into the tunnel marked “Maintenance” on your right and “Station Access” to your left which will be on a yellow and blue large sign on the right side of the wall. Continue forward going through the first door on your right which will be marked “Storage”. Once in Storage stay right and jump over the desk at the back of the room then go around through the crawlspace. At the back wall in the caged area will be a desk upon which will be the Dr. Daniela Star Trading Card.
Trading Card 24: Bastet
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Tunnels.
After Ellie has barricaded the red double doors head through to where there are a lot of fallen train carriages. Cross the platform then drop down to the next set of tracks to find a blue train carriage with heavy scuff damage to its’ open door. Go through the carriage exiting out of the door to your right then go left and around the carriage where you will see a red vending machine that’s tipped over to your left. To your left from the vending machine will be another carriage you can crawl under which once through look to your left to find the Bastet Trading Card in an open suitcase.
Trading Card 25: Mortem
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Theatre.
From your starting point in the Theatre head to the back wall where you will find several glass cabinets. Smash the glass of the right-most cabinet to find the Mortem Trading Card.
Trading Card 26: Beyond
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Theatre.
Make your way up the stairs from where Dina is asleep then go straight forward down the red faded carpet. Follow the hallway around to find the Beyond Trading Card in front of a makeshift barricade.
Trading Card 27: The Nighthawk
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Birthday Gift.
Proceed through the chapter to where Ellie will come to a series of Dinosaur skeletons on rocks. Go through the path to your right where you will see a bench to your left. On the bench will be the, The Nighthawk Trading Card.
Trading Card 28: Saura
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Birthday Gift.
Once Ellie has jumped through the small window leaving Joel behind in order to unlock the door go round to the right then take an immediate right once in the display. You will find the Saura Trading Card under the bench to your right.
Trading Card 29: Wachumero
Chapter: Seattle Day 2, Hillcrest.
As soon as the chapter loads turn around and drop down to a fallen part of the road where you will find a truck in some water. Jump up onto the back of the truck and look through the rear window to find the Wachumero Trading Card.
Trading Card 30: Sahir The Sorcerer
Trading Card 30: Sahir The SorcererChapter: Seattle Day 2, Hillcrest.
Head through the chapter until you see Ruston Coffee in front of you to the right and an I-Move van in front of you to the left. Drop down off the vehicle you climb over heading to the left then climb up the rockface to your right enabling you to enter a building. At the back of the building in some paper boxes will be the Sahir the Sorcerer Trading Card.
Trading Card 31: Naledi the Youthful
Chapter: Seattle Day 2, Hillcrest.
Jump through the hole in the wall (it’s mandatory to continue the story) then go down the right passageway to find the Naledi the Youthful Trading Card on the rear wheel of the bike.
Trading Card 32: Brainstorm
Chapter: Seattle Day 2, Hillcrest.
Proceed through the chapter to where you jump over the wooden fence into a garden which has a hot tub. To the left side of the garden will be a Wendy House which you can go behind to find the Brainstorm Trading Card on the shelf.
Trading Card 33: Reverb
Chapter: Seattle Day 2, Hillcrest.
Once you’re on the main street in Hillcrest go up to your left then into the last house on the right through the smashed out living room window. Head up the stairs then around to the right and finally go through the door on your left. Crawl under the bed to collect the Reverb Trading Card.
Trading Card 34: The Austringer
Chapter: Seattle Day 2, Finding Strings.
Head through the chapter where you will come to an I-Move van and a white van you need to jump over. Once over the van you will be on a slope leading down to a pool of water. Halfway down the slope will be a car with its offside rear door open. Look inside the car to find the, The Austringer Trading card on the rear seat.
Trading Card 35: Randy Styles
Chapter: Seattle Day 2, The Seraphites.
Continue through the chapter going through the turn-style into the “Quarantine Area” then head right to the Quickmart. Go right in the Quickmart looking to the shelves on the right side of the cashier’s area to find the Randy Styles Trading Card on the shelf.
Trading Card 36: Shift
Chapter: Seattle Day 2, The Seraphites.
Make your way through the chapter to the where the area opens up. You will see a small bridge on the road to your left and a large overpass style archway to your right. Go to your right (left continues the story) into the remains of the Conference Centre. Once inside you will see on the back wall Feel Her Love painted in blood with an open elevator shaft to the left of the painting. Climb the ladder then go left and smash the left-side window.
There will be a rope next to the stair railings you can pick up with Triangle. Throw the rope over the pipe to your left outside the window then jump to the rope, reposition yourself so you’re facing the balcony to your left and swing across. Head inside the building and look to your right to find the Shift Trading Card on the seating area next to a blue duffel bag.
Trading Card 37: Star Sign
Chapter: Seattle Day 2, The Seraphites.
Proceed through the chapter until you come to a garbage truck in the road then head left down the side road jumping up on top of a truck. Jump up the truck and onto the metal awning allowing you to follow the balcony around. Go through a window into the building to come to a room which has a beige wooden door in the back wall of the room. Head through the door to come to a bedroom with a bedside cabinet which has a lamp on it. Open the drawer of the bedside cabinet to find the Star Sign Trading Card.
Trading Card 38: Arch-Enemy
Chapter: Seattle Day 2, The Seraphites.
Once you have smashed through the Seattle Conference Centre and gone down the scaffold go around to the right then throw a brick / bottle or just shoot out the window above you in the area you were previously standing on up top. Jump up through into the office and head to the left desk which will have the Arch-Enemy Trading Card in one of its drawers.
Trading Card 39: Doppleganger
Chapter: Seattle Day 2, The Seraphites.
Push your way through the golden doors which lead into the “Garden Suites” go up the stairs where you would usually go through the white door in front of you to continue the game. However, to collect the card you instead need to follow the corridor around to the left where you will find the Doppleganger Trading Card on the floor next to a table and a corn-on-the-cob ornament.
Trading Card 40: Bhat M'Andarr
Chapter: Seattle Day 2, The Seraphites.
Drop down the ladder into the water then go up the stairs to your left to Weston’s Pharmacy. Once in the Pharmacy look to the left side of the front of the counter to find the Bhat M’Andarr Trading Card on a shelf.
Trading Card 41: Esquire
Chapter: Seattle Day 3, Road to the Aquarium.
Going from the dressing room at the start of the chapter go towards the stage then before going through the red curtain go to your left. Behind some spotlights will be some audio equipment as well as the Esquire Trading Card.
Trading Card 42: Tormentra
Chapter: Seattle Day 3, Road to the Aquarium.
Make your way through the outside overgrown area pass the trucks covered in vegetation with Jessie until you go through the crawlspace into the building. Go through the door at the end of the first room then go through the 2nd door on your right in the corridor (you would usually go left to continue the game). Duck down under the debris which reads “Trusted Shipping Since 1942” then go left looking right to find a desk upon which will be the Tormentra Trading Card.
Trading Card 43: Tanager
Chapter: Seattle Day 3, Road to the Aquarium.
Drop down through the Library onto a collapsed section of the first floor then once on the dirt turn around and crawl under the platform you landed on looking to your left to find the Tanager Trading Card.
Trading Card 44: Tatuaje
Chapter: Seattle Day 3, Road to the Aquarium.
Cross the roof with Jessie then drop down to a walkway carrying on through the chapter to be inside a building. Once in go forward then right where you can drop down to a room below through the collapsed ceiling. From here, go behind the shelves to your right jumping over a smaller shelf unit then immediately turn around where you can collect the Tatuaje Trading Card on the shelves you jumped over.
Trading Card 45: Seff-L'ho'phad
Chapter: Seattle Day 3, The Flooded City.
Proceed along the water on your boat until you get to a closed shutter. Get off the boat, turn around the way you came taking a left into a small room. Open the drawer in the desk to find the Seff-L’ho’phad Trading Card.
Trading Card 46: Khazakh Bright
Chapter: Seattle Day 3, The Flooded City.
After you take down the Shambler, lift the shutter then go through to the next room. Go to your right to find the Khazakh Bright Trading Card on a shelf.
Trading Card 47: CBB-73
Chapter: Santa Barbara, Pushing Inland.
Head through the chapter to where you need to go over or under a white wall then climb up a car and into the first floor of the building. Usually you would drop down to the ground floor, however, to collect the trading card you need to go right through a narrow hallway to find a children’s bedroom. On a white desk against the far wall where you came in will be the CBB-73 Trading Card.
Trading Card 48: Sparkthug
Chapter: Santa Barbara, The Resort.
Clear out the initial enemies then head through to the mansion. As soon you enter the front door look to your right to find the Sparkthug Trading Card on a table next to a stereo.
Once you have collected all 48 Trading Cards your Trophy will then unlock.
That’s the Last Of Us Part II Master Set Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you find all trading cards.
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