The Last Of Us Part II Santa Barbara Artefacts & Journal Entries
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
The Last of us Part II directory.
You can find the Santa Barbara artefacts and journal entries in the Archivist video above at 1:26:05.
Here you can find all of the, The Last Of Us Part II Santa Barbara Artefacts & Journal Entries which will help you through Santa Barbara obtaining all 6 artefacts as well as the 2 journal entries found in Santa Barbara. Collecting all artefacts and journal entries will take up the bulk of your time whilst playing through The Last Of Us Part II as there’s 127 artefacts and 20 journal entries to find in total with this guide covering off the 6 artefacts and the 2 journal entries in Santa Barbara which is the ninth chapter in The Last Of Us Part II. If you need any other Artefacts and or Journal entries, check out the complete Archivist trophy guide.
Journal entries can only be found as Ellie and usually require to wait for a few seconds at a given point in the story then press Triangle to log the entry in your journal. It will be beneficial to have the Enhanced Listen Mode on (Pause> Options> Accessibility> Navigation And Traversal> Enhanced Listen Mode> On> Scan Range> 30m> Scan Time> 1s). You can then hold R1+Circle to send out a sonar which will highlight everything you can collect nearby including any artefacts and journal entries.
Once you get to the penultimate chapter: Santa Barbara, The Beach make a manual save which will then allow you to go back through the game via chapter select from the main menu enabling you to collect anything you may have missed. Please Note: If you save during the final mission: The Farm, Epilogue, you will need to play through the entire game again as chapter select will then be disabled!. Santa Barbara has 6 Artefacts + 2 Journal Entries which are found throughout the following chapters:
- 2425 Constance: 1 Artefact.
- Pushing Inland: 3 Artefacts + 1 Journal Entry.
- The Resort: 2 Artefacts + 1 Journal Entry.
Collecting the 6 Artefacts in Santa Barbara, providing you’ve picked up the other 121 will complete your collection.
Chapter: 2425 Constance
Santa Barbara, 2425 Constance has 1 Artefact which is:
Artefact: Rattler's Note
From the start of the chapter go right then into the second house on your left which will have faded green paint on the outside and a boat in the neighbours’ garden. Deal with the infected then go into the downstairs bathroom to find the Rattler’s Note Artefact on the toilet seat.
Chapter: Pushing Inland
Santa Barbara, Pushing Inland has 3 Artefacts + 1 Journal Entry which are:
Artefact: Abby's Note
As soon as the chapter begins look to your left to find the Abby’s Note Artefact on the worktop next to the cooker.
Artefact: Mansion Note
Proceed through the story to where you will see a semi-circular small wall and a yellow crashed SUV in the grounds of a house which will be to your right. There is an I-Move van just outside the garage of the house and inside the garage itself over to the left of the back wall will be the Mansion Note Artefact.
Artefact: Runaway Warning
Carry on through until you mantle up to a sloping roof allowing you to gain entrance to the mansion then drop down to the ground floor. From here, turn right then head through to the central island of the kitchen to find the Runaway Warning Artefact.
Journal Entry 19
Chapter: Santa Barbara, Pushing Inland.
Go through the house clearing out the enemies then through the garden grounds going under the hole in the white wall. Once through you will see a Police car to your right, you would usually go left to continue the game, however, you need to walk forward then press L3 when prompted with the “look at” message as you walk straight towards the edge of cliff. As long as you press L3 you will then log your Journal Entry.
Chapter: The Resort
Santa Barbara, The Resort has 2 Artefacts and 1 Journal Entry which are:
Journal Entry 20
Chapter: Santa Barbara, The Resort.
Clear out the enemies at the start of the chapter then go through and take down the remaining enemies who are pretty well armoured so aim for the legs to have an easier time taking them down. After you have cleared the area go to the van which is side on and has a Rattlers logo on the side of the van. Interact with the logo to log your final Journal Entry.
Artefact: Rattlers Letter Home
After you climb up the ladder onto the green rusty fuel freight transporter train car and see the hostages getting moved across the field drop down and go to your left to find a small platform. Go on the platform going to the left where you will find a corpse next to a barrel, on the barrel will be the Rattler’s Letter Home Artefact.
Artefact: Santa Barbara Slave Note
Head through to the mansion then go up the stairs (story progression) where you would usually go to the left. However, to the right will be a small table at the end of a bed upon which will be the Santa Barbara Slave Note Artefact.
That’s how to find all of the, The Last Of Us Part II Santa Barbara Artefacts & Journal Entries. If you need any other Artefacts or Journal Entries check out the Archivist trophy guide.
That’s where to find all of the Last Of Us Part II Santa Barbara artefacts and journal entries. I hope it helped you collect all artefacts and journal entries in the ninth main chapter in The Last Of Us Part II.