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The Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 1 (Ellie) Artefacts & Journal Entries

You can find the Seattle Day 1 (Ellie) artefacts and journal entries in the Archivist video above at 07:56.

Here you can find all of the, The Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 1 (Ellie) Artefacts & Journal Entries which will help you through Seattle Day 1 as Ellie obtain all 45 artefacts as well as the 6 journal entries found in Seattle Day 1. There are 2 separate chapters in The Last Of Us Part II called Seattle Day 1 which can be confusing on your first run but once you realise that both Ellie and Abby have chapters called Seattle Day 1 you will know where you are based on who you are playing as. Collecting all artefacts and journal entries will take up the bulk of your time whilst playing through The Last Of Us Part II as there’s 127 artefacts and 20 journal entries to find in total with this guide covering off the 45 artefacts and the 6 journal entries in Seattle Day 1 (Ellie) which is the second main chapter in The Last Of Us Part II. You can find the rest of the artefacts and journal entries by checking out the Archivist trophy guide.

Journal entries can only be found as Ellie and usually require to wait for a few seconds at a given point in the story then press Triangle to log the entry in your journal. You can acquire any missed artefacts and journal entries via chapter select as long as as you don’t complete the final mission; Chapter: The Farm, Epilogue on your current save so ensure you make regular manual saves to avoid any mishaps. It will be beneficial to have the Enhanced Listen Mode on (Pause> Options> Accessibility> Navigation And Traversal> Enhanced Listen Mode> On> Scan Range> 30m> Scan Time> 1s). You can then hold R1+Circle to send out a sonar which will highlight everything you can collect nearby including any artefacts and journal entries.

Please Note: If you save during the final mission: The Farm, Epilogue, you will need to play through the entire game again as chapter select will then be disabled!. Seattle Day 1 has 45 Artefacts and 6 Journal Entries which are found throughout the following chapters:


Seattle Day 1 has the most artefacts in the game, once you’ve got all 45 you will be over a third of the way complete.

Chapter: The Gate

Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Gate has 6 Artefacts and 1 Journal Entry which are:

Artefact: Map Of Seattle

As you’re riding towards the Gate with Dina on Horseback you will see a small building on your left you can enter. Go to the second room in the building to find the Map of Seattle Artefact in a filing cabinet.

Journal Entry 5

Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Gate.
Proceed through towards the gate to see over to the right a large notice stating “Trespassers Killed On Sight!“. Interact with the message to complete the Journal Entry.

Artefact: Refugee Note

Go up to the first gate which will say in graffiti “Trespassers will be killed on sight!” then turn around and look to the trailer on your right. Once in the trailer go up to the desk to find the Refugee Note Artefact.

Artefact: Infected Infographic

Come out of the trailer where you collected the Refugee Note Artefact then go around to the left. Follow the path up to find another trailer where on the desk will be the Infected Infographic Artefact.

Artefact: Isaac's Orders

After you have made your way up to the top of the gate section and have crossed the concrete walkway you would usually go down the ladder, however, once in the small tower you can go up a ladder instead. At the top of the ladder look to your right to find the Isaac’s Orders Artefact on a green supply crate.

Artefact: Checkpoint Gate Codes

Continue through the chapter to where you’re in between the 2 main gates and need to turn the power on. Head into the trailer here to find the Checkpoint Gate Codes Artefact in a small filing cabinet next to an open door.

Artefact: Rooftop Note

As you prime the generator to turn on the power you would usually through the cable over the fence, however, to get the artefact and a few other useful items you need to throw the cable over the roof behind the sign. You can then go around to the other side of the building and climb the cable to get onto the roof of the building. You then need to go over to the chair and move the liquor bottle which will then reveal then Rooftop Note Artefact.

Chapter: Downtown

Artefact: FEDRA Census Document

When you get to the FEDRA Gate which will be marked “Fuck FEDRA Gate” on your map go over to the left inside a tollbooth looking small structure. On the desk will be the FEDRA Census Document Artefact.

Artefact: Note To Informant

Head to the block on your map in between 6th + 7th Avenue and Spring + Madison Street where you will be at a stream. Near the end of the stream there will be a rusty truck with the word “Fascists” spray painted on the side. Go to the rear of the truck and open the doors where you can then get inside and collect the Note to Informant Artefact from the floor.

Artefact: Cache Hunter Note

Leave the truck where you collected the Note to Informant where you need to go up and around towards 6th Avenue heading towards a fallen away flyover (you need to go up and around to the right). Near the end of the flyover will be the remains of a body with an open bag inside of which will be the Cache Hunter Note Artefact.

Artefact: Street Drawing

On 5th Avenue you will go under a bridge you can use a ladder to the left to climb up to. Once on the bridge go into the small tower in the middle and look to the left side of the table to find the Street Drawing Artefact.

Journal Entry 6

Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Downtown.
Go to 5th Avenue and climb the ladder up to the bridge. In the right side tower will be a drawer where you need to collect the Street Drawing artefact. Once you have the artefact you will then see the prompt on screen to collect the Journal Entry.

Artefact: Emergency Protocols Memo

In the Ration Distribution Centre which you go to as part of the story, push the pallet over to the left of the room allowing you to jump up. Once on the higher ledge go to the back where you will find the Emergency Protocols Memo Artefact on the left side of the table.

Artefact: Rabbi Saunders' Letter

After swinging across as Ellie you can go through the door at the end of the walkway to come to an office. Go around behind the desk and open the drawer of the desk to find the Rabbi Saunders’ Letter Artefact.

Journal Entry 7

Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Downtown.
After swinging across the gap in the Ration Distribution Centre rather than leaving through the window, go to the right into the office. In the office you will be able to collect the Rabbi Saunder’s Letter artefact from behind the desk in the drawer. Once you have the artefact you will automatically add the Journal Entry.

Artefact: Bank Heist Plans

Go to Westlake Bank which is found on Cherry Street then go through to the left behind the cashier’s desks to be in front of a vault door. On the floor next to the left of the table in this room will be an open satchel which you can interact with to collect the Bank Heist Plans Artefact.

Artefact: Bank Robber Letter

Go to the back wall of the room from where you collected the Bank Heist Plans and use the code 60-23-06 to open the vault door. Click the link to go to the Safecracker Trophy Guide for how to access all 14 safes. Once in the vault go to the right side of the table in front of you to collect the Bank Robber Letter Artefact.

Artefact: Antique Ring

Once you’re in the bank vault (see Bank Robber Letter for how to access the vault) then go to the top right corner behind a trolley full of money and open the drawer when prompted to collect the Antique Ring Artefact. Collecting the Antique Ring unlocks So Great and Small.

Artefact: Letter From Isaac

On 5th Avenue in between Colombia and Cherry Street will be a tank and behind the tank are some steps. At the top of the steps under some fallen rubble will be the remains of a body with a bag next to it. Interact with the bag to collect the Letter from Isaac Artefact.

Artefact: WLF Community Supply Chest Note

Head East on Madison Street in between 5th + 6th Avenue where you will find some stairs to your right. Climb the stairs and go round to the left where you will see a bag next to some tipped over crates. Interact with the bag to collect the WLF Community Supply Chest Note Artefact.

Artefact: WLF Safe House Supply Note

Ruston Coffee is found on the corner Spring Street and 5th Avenue. Head inside where you will find the WLF Safe House Supply Note Artefact on the corner of the counter.

Artefact: Pet Store Key

In the back of Ruston Coffee (see WLF Safe House Supply Note for the location) head around to the toilets where you will be ambushed so put the enemy down then look to the baby change station to find the Pet Store Key Artefact.

Artefact: Join WLF Note

On Marion Street in between 5th + 6th Avenue will be the Pet Store you can gain access to by using the Pet Store KeyOnce inside go through and look to your left to find the Join WLF Note Artefact on the printer.

Artefact: Plea To A Friend Letter

Continue through the story with Dina to the Courthouse then once inside go down to the lower level pass the conveyor belts which will be to your right and go to the end of the large corridor to find the remains of 2 people that have been shot dead. On the corpse to the right will be the Plea to a Friend Letter Artefact.

Artefact: Lt. Torres' Final Memorandum

From where you collected the Plea to a Friend Letter turn around and smash through the window to your right. Go right to the back wall to find a FEDRA Guard with a machete through his chest. Collect the machete where you will then be able to collect the Lt. Torres Final Memorandum Artefact.

Artefact: List Of Known WLF Agitators

To the left where you collected the Lt. Torres Final Memorandum artefact look to your left to see a filing cabinet. In the bottom drawer of the right side cabinet will be the List of Known WLF Agitators Artefact.

Artefact: WLF Recruiter Journal

Carry on through the chapter to the Serevena Hotel then once inside go right and up the stairs. Once at the top go straight then into a bedroom. Take a right into the adjoining room then look to the left to find a unit with a large flat screen television on it. In one of the drawers of the unit will be the WLF Recruiter Journal Artefact.

Chapter: Eastbrook Elementary

Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Eastbrook Elementary has 3 Artefacts which are:

Artefacts: Leah's Note + Leah's Photograph

As you go through the cutscene where you transition between Downtown and Eastbrook Elementary you will have your horse blown up as well as being captured and tied to a pole. After you take out Jordan, the cutscenes will end and you’ll need to fight your way out the building. Once the cutscenes have ended you will automatically have both the Leah’s Notes and Leah’s Photograph Artefacts in your collection.

Artefact: Isaac's Mandate

On the roof of the school you will have to clear out a lot of enemies. Once they’re all down go through the blue door against the far left wall then look to the right to see a blue table. On the table will be the Isaac’s Mandate Artefact.

Chapter: Capitol Hill

Artefact: Chevy's Apology

Go forward and around to the right after starting the chapter to come to a few houses. You’re looking for house number 6 then once inside go up to the bedroom where you will find the Chevy’s Apology Artefact on the bed.

Artefact: Raul's Olive Branch

At the parking lot of the Capitol Inn Motel go around to the right and move the rubbish bin a few foot to the left allowing you to mantle up to the balcony above. Once in the apartment go around to the right to the kitchen then open the drawer next to the fridge to find the Raul’s Olive Branch Artefact.

Artefact: Rebecca's Tip Off

Continue through the chapter to the gas station then look to the right of the gas station across the street to find a bookstore. Get into the bookstore then go through the door in the back wall and look to find a kitchen area with a coffee machine. Just next to the coffee machine will be the Rebecca’s Tip Off Artefact.

Artefact: Tower Doodles

Carry on through the chapter until you get to a concrete barricade which reads “Seattle Military Zone”, take a right then an immediate right before sliding down the grassy bank to find a tower. Climb the ladder into the tower then go around to the left to find the Tower Doodles drawing which does have explicit pornographic images on.

Artefact: Raul's Account

Slide down the grassy bank to a stream with a lot of abandoned cars that have fallen down from the smashed bridge above. Directly under the smashed bridge will be a military truck with an open back. Get into the truck where you will be able to collect the Raul’s Account Artefact.

Artefact: Fran's Refusal

Go up through the stream and up the bank to the right where you will come to a series of shops just before the tripwire section. The building to your right will be a Martial Arts Centre which you can access by smashing through one of the windows. Once inside go to the back wall to find the Fran’s Refusal Artefact on the noticeboard.

Artefact: Thrift Store Reminder

Come out of the Martial Arts Centre (see Fran’s Refusal for the location) and head across the street to the Wellwishers store. In the store go through the white door over to the right then turn right to find the Thrift Store Reminder on a noticeboard.

Chapter: Channel 13

Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Channel 13 has 1 artefact which is:

Artefact: Dad's Pep Talk

Once you’re inside the Channel 13 building by walking around the outside ledge, go up the stairs then rather than going right as you usually would to continue the story go into the office to your left in the top left corner of the building. Inside this office on the sofa to the right will be the Dad’s Pep Talk Artefact.

Chapter: The Tunnels

Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Tunnels has 5 Artefacts and 1 Journal Entry which are:

Artefact: Subway Note

Once Ellie closes the carriage door blocking the Clicker from getting to her and Dina go to the end of the 2 carriages and look to your left before leaving via the door on the right to find the Subway Note Artefact on the wall next to a window.

Journal Entry 8

Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Tunnels.
Proceed through the area swinging across the gap then dropping down through the ventilation system where you face off against some infected and more importantly; 2 Shamblers. You need to take down both Shamblers where the 2nd of whom will then become the Journal Entry so ensure you get it before proceeding forward.

Artefact: Whittled Statue

Pass the 2 large blue and yellow signs which read “Station Access” and “Maintenance” then go into the first door on your right which is marked “Storage”. Go through the door on your left then looked immediately left to find the Whittled Statue Artefact on a table in front of the microwave.

Artefact: Locker Room Code

Starting from where you collected the Whittled Statue, turn right staying in the same room and go forwards then right towards the far section where you will find the Locker Room Code Artefact on a table.

Artefact: Soda Can Note

Look to your left from the Locker Room Code artefact to find a vending machine. Smash the glass of the vending machine and interact with the drinks can to acquire the Soda Can Note Artefact.

Artefact: Subway Station Note

Continue through the chapter until you use a red fallen vending machine to mantle up to the higher ledge with Dina. Once up here go into the next carriage then look to your right to find the Subway Station Note on the door.

Chapter: The Theatre

Artefact: Programme For Cassandra

When the Theatre has loaded and Dina is asleep on the sofa go to the top left corner of the room you’ll be in to find the Programme for Cassandra Artefact on a green crate.

Artefact: Lone FEDRA Soldier Journal #1

Head up the stairs in the Theatre then go left out onto the balcony then look to your left where you will find the Lone FEDRA Soldier Journal #1 Artefact on the table.

Artefact: Lone FEDRA Soldier Journal #2

Procced up to the Projector Room (story progression) and interact with the radio on the back table to acquire the Lone FEDRA Soldier Journal #2 Artefact.

Artefact: The Sick Habit Flyer / Set List

Once you have the keys go back to the ground floor and through to the stage. Go up onto the stage to find a load of crates. On one the crates behind a grey bit of fabric will be the, The Sick Habit Flyer / Set List Artefact.

Chapter: The Birthday Gift

Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Birthday Gift has 1 Artefact and 2 Journal Entries which are:

Journal Entry 9

Please Note: Ellie does have a viewable journey at the start of the chapter, however, this one isn’t part of the 20 required.
Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Birthday Gift.
Make your way through the flashback with Joel until you get to the T-Rex statue then interact with the sign in front of the statue to log the Journal Entry.

Journal Entry 10

Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Birthday Gift.
Head up to the space section of the museum then rather than going over to the pod which continues the story go straight ahead to find 2 semi-circular benches. On the bench to the right will be the Journal Entry.

Artefact: Suicide Note

After jumping through the window as Ellie when she goes to open the door for Joel go round to the right, then a left pass the display through the doorway next to the “I killed for them” message on the wall. Go straight through then around to the right ducking under the fallen beam to find a corpse next to whom will be the Suicide Note Artefact.

That’s how to find all of the, The Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 1 (Ellie) Artefacts & Journal Entries. If you need any other Artefacts or Journal Entries check out the Archivist trophy guide.

That’s where to find all of the Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 1 (Ellie) artefacts and journal entries. I hope it helped you collect all artefacts and journal entries in the second main chapter in The Last Of Us Part II.




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