The Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 2 (Abby) Artefacts
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
The Last of us Part II directory.
You can find the Seattle Day 2 (Abby) artefacts in the Archivist video above at 01:14:48.
Here you can find all of the, The Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 2 (Abby) Artefacts which will help you through Seattle Day 2 as Abby and obtain all 14 artefacts found in Seattle Day 2. There are 2 separate chapters in The Last Of Us Part II called Seattle Day 2 which can be confusing on your first run but once you realise that both Ellie and Abby have chapters called Seattle Day 2 you will know where you are based on who you are playing as. Collecting all artefacts and journal entries will take up the bulk of your time whilst playing through The Last Of Us Part II as there’s 127 artefacts and 20 journal entries to find in total with this guide covering off the 14 artefacts in Seattle Day 2 (Abby) which is the seventh chapter in The Last Of Us Part II. If you need any other Artefacts and or Journal entries, check out the complete Archivist trophy guide.
It will be beneficial to have the Enhanced Listen Mode on (Pause> Options> Accessibility> Navigation And Traversal> Enhanced Listen Mode> On> Scan Range> 30m> Scan Time> 1s). You can then hold R1+Circle to send out a sonar which will highlight everything you can collect nearby including any artefacts and journal entries. Once you get to the penultimate chapter: Santa Barbara, The Beach make a manual save which will then allow you to go back through the game via chapter select from the main menu enabling you to collect anything you may have missed.
Please Note: If you save during the final mission: The Farm, Epilogue, you will need to play through the entire game again as chapter select will then be disabled!. Seattle Day 2 has 14 Artefacts which are found throughout the following chapters:
- The Shortcut: 6 Artefacts.
- The Descent: 3 Artefacts.
- Ground Zero: 5 Artefacts.
There are plenty of hard to find easy to miss Artefacts in Seattle Day 2 so ensure you have each artefact before moving to far forward.
Chapter: The Shortcut
Seattle Day 2, The Shortcut has 6 Artefacts which are:
Artefact: Amputation Supplies
You are given the Amputation Supplies Artefact during the cutscene at the very start of the chapter.
Artefact: Survivor Plea
Continue through the chapter to where you go up and jump over the remains of the road that have made makeshift islands in the fast flowing water then go up the stairs in the building you come to. Once up the stairs go pass the flipped brown sofa then through the doorway immediately looking to your right to find the Survivor Plea Artefact in front of the smashed brown door.
Artefact: Neighbour Exchange
After dropping off the road onto the balcony, go into the room then go straight forward to find a whiteboard on a table. On the same table will be the Neighbour Exchange Artefact.
Artefact: Scavenging List
After jumping across the remains of the road you will enter a building called Interbay. Once inside look straight ahead to see a corpse slumped against the reception desk which holds the Scavenging List artefact.
Artefact: Seraphite Truce
As Lev jumps across the beams you will need to go left through an office / server room. Look to the table on your right once pass the white board to find the Seraphite Truce Artefact.
Artefact: Seraphite Orders
After leaving the elevator with Lev go forward pass the wooden crates then before going through the doorway look to the right to find the Seraphite Orders Artefact on the wall.
Chapter: The Descent
Seattle Day 2, The Descent has 3 Artefacts which are:
Artefact: Gym Safe Combo
After Abby falls from the crane and both her and Lev have stopped talking, go through the double doors on your right then right again going through the women’s toilets. Go through the door in the back wall to come to the Orchards juice bar then head around the counter into the backroom to find the Gym Safe Combo Artefact on a noticeboard.
Artefact: FEDRA Orders
You will obtain the FEDRA Orders Artefact automatically after pushing your way through the door at the back of gymnasium with Lev.
Artefact: FEDRA Final Note
Continue the story to where Abby slides down the fire hose then at the bottom look for the grey hole in the wall which will be just down a step next to a vending machine (very close to where you land). In the top left corner of the room will be a guard with the FEDRA Final Note Artefact in front of the corpse.
Chapter: Ground Zero
Seattle Day 2, Ground Zero has 5 Artefacts which are:
Artefact: Annex Letter
Make your way through the chapter until you go through the door marked “Atrium” then head down the walkway. At the end of the first walkway will be a door you can go through on your right where you duck under some debris. At the back of the room will be a corpse holding the Annex Letter next to her left hand.
Artefact: Chapel Note
Go down the stairs then jump down through the smashed gap in the railings. You would usually go through the yellow door in front of you, however, you need to turn around then go into the Chapel which will now be on your right. Once inside the Chapel look to the left edge of the altar to find the Chapel Note Artefact.
Artefact: Soldier's Letter
Come out of the room where you collected the Chapel Note then go left then immediate right where you will see the remains of a corpse against a turn-style. Just to the left of the corpse will be the Soldier’s Letter Artefact in an orange satchel.
Artefact: Patient's Note
Go through all 3 partitions once Abby has her mask on then go right and look to your left to see a large red sign which reads “Ambulance Drop Off + Check-In”. Go into the room behind the sign smashing through the glass on your right then look at the deceased patient on the gurney to find the Patient’s Note Artefact.
Artefact: Doctor's Note
Continue through the chapter to the room at the end of the corridor where you would usually jump over the smashed section of wall. Before jumping over the wall, look on the table to the right of the opening to find the Doctor’s Note Artefact.
That’s how to find all of the, The Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 2 (Abby) Artefacts. If you need any other Artefacts or Journal Entries check out the Archivist trophy guide.
That’s where to find all of the Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 2 (Abby) artefacts. I hope it helped you collect all of the artefacts in the seventh main chapter in The Last Of Us Part II.
[…] Day 2 so ensure you have each artefact before moving to far forward. Check out the complete Seattle Day 2 Abby Artefacts guide to ensure you don’t miss any artefacts throughout the seventh main chapter in The Last Of Us […]