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The Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 2 (Ellie) Artefacts & Journal Entries

You can find the Seattle Day 2 (Ellie) artefacts and journal entries in the Archivist video above at 40:27.

Here you can find all of the, The Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 2 (Ellie) Artefacts & Journal Entries which will help you through Seattle Day 2 as Ellie obtain all 18 artefacts as well as the 5 journal entries found in Seattle Day 2. There are 2 separate chapters in The Last Of Us Part II called Seattle Day 2 which can be confusing on your first run but once you realise that both Ellie and Abby have chapters called Seattle Day 2 you will know where you are based on who you are playing as. Collecting all artefacts and journal entries will take up the bulk of your time whilst playing through The Last Of Us Part II as there’s 127 artefacts and 20 journal entries to find in total with this guide covering off the 18 artefacts and the 5 journal entries in Seattle Day 2 (Ellie) which is the third chapter in The Last Of Us Part II. If you need any other Artefacts or Journal entries in The Last Of Us Part II, check out the complete Archivist trophy guide.

Journal entries can only be found as Ellie and usually require to wait for a few seconds at a given point in the story then press Triangle to log the entry in your journal. Given the size of this guide, I have placed all journal entries in their own section at the bottom of the guide. Use the quick link to jump straight there and if you do miss any, you can get them via chapter select as long as you don’t complete the final mission: Chapter: The Farm, Epliogue on your current save.

It will be beneficial to have the Enhanced Listen Mode on (Pause> Options> Accessibility> Navigation And Traversal> Enhanced Listen Mode> On> Scan Range> 30m> Scan Time> 1s). You can then hold R1+Circle to send out a sonar which will highlight everything you can collect nearby including any artefacts and journal entries. Once you get to the penultimate chapter: Santa Barbara, The Beach make a manual save which will then allow you to go back through the game via chapter select from the main menu enabling you to collect anything you may have missed.

Please Note: If you save during the final mission: The Farm, Epilogue, you will need to play through the entire game again as chapter select will then be disabled!. Seattle Day 2 has 18 Artefacts and 5 Journal Entries which are found throughout the following chapters:


Some of these are easy to miss if you go to far through the story so get them in the order below before moving to far forward.

Chapter: Hillcrest

Artefact: Boris' Daughter's Drawing

When the chapter starts go over to the first building on your right to the back wall, go right through the smashed section of wall and down into the basement. Go round to the left to find the Boris’ Daughter’s Drawing Artefact on a small green table in front of the shelves.

Artefact: Join WLF Note

Starting back at the beginning of the chapter, go into the 2nd shop (launderette) on your left and through to the back office. You will find the Join WLF Note on the desk.

Journal Entry 11

Chapter: Seattle Day 2, Hilcrest.
From the start of the chapter go forward jumping over the truck then go straight forward to the “Fuck the WLF” sign directly next to the Ruston Coffee shop to log the Journal Entry.

Artefact: Yolanda's Note

Continue through the chapter to where you jump over a vehicle, you will have Ruston Coffee over to the right and an I-Move van in front of you. Go into the bookstore behind the I-Move van then around the counter to find the Yolanda’s Note Artefact.

Artefact: Need A Plan Note

Starting back from where you collected Yolanda’s Note this time go left then up to the right through the water to find an abandoned shop. On the far side of the central island will be the Need a Plan Note Artefact.

Artefact: Condolence Note

Continue through the chapter to where you jump across the gap through a hole in the wall then go right and right again into an office. Look to your left to find the Condolence Note Artefact next to the printer on the desk to the left.

Artefact: Note In Hillcrest Tattoo Parlour

Carry on through the chapter to where you have a yellow car that’s crashed into the side of an Army vehicle and liquor store with a ripped red awning across the street. From here, go left and into the tattoo parlour on the left then head through into the back right room to find the Note in Hillcrest Tattoo Parlour Artefact on the table.

Artefact: Dale's Combo

Starting back where you did to get the Note in Hillcrest Tattoo Parlour artefact this time go straight across the street to the pet store then right through the hole in the wall to a bar. Exit the bar through the yellow doors to the right then look left once through to find the Dale’s Combo Artefact on the wall.

Artefact: Turn In Boris Note

On your way back through the bar from the Dale’s Combo artefact, smash through the window to your left in the pet store then go through and collect the Turn in Boris Note from the worksurface to the right.

Artefact: Boris' Confession

Carry on through the chapter to where you jump over the wooden fence into the garden with a hot tub on your right then go through into the house. On the coffee table in the lounge will be the Boris’ Confession Artefact.

Artefact: Rosemont's Flyer

From the coffee table where you collected Boris’ Confession turn around and go to the wall on your left to find the Rosemont’s Flyer Artefact on the sideboard.

Chapter: Finding Strings

Chapter: Seattle Day 2, Finding Strings has 1 artefact and 1 Journal Entry which are:

Journal Entry 12

Chapter: Seattle Day 2, Finding Strings.
From the very start of the chapter, go right to the cliff then log the Journal Entry.

Artefact: Tara's Invitation

Make your way through the area with Joel then once you both climb up and over a hole in the wall, go into the corridor then take an immediate left into room 107. Go straight to find the Tara’s Invitation Artefact on the top of the unit.

Chapter: The Seraphites

Artefact: WLF Target List

After going through the Quickmart at the start of the chapter you will come out to a junction with a sign above you that points left towards Route 5. Look to your left to see a bar called Kingsgate Brewing. Smash through the window where you will face 2 Clickers and some infected. Take them all down then search the infected to find the WLF Target List Artefact.

Journal Entry 13

Chapter: Seattle Day 2, The Seraphites.
Go through to the first open area then head into the building on the right. the Conference Centre then go to the back wall to a sign painted in blood which reads “Feel Her Love“. Interact with the sign to log the Journal Entry.

Artefact: Last Letter To Husband

Starting back from where you got the WLF Target List artefact this time go forward and into the building to your right called the Conference Centre. Go up the ladder in the elevator shaft to your left then smash the window to the right, grab the fire hose from the floor and throw it across the outside awning to your upper left. Swing across to the awning on your left then go through into the room then look behind the blue crates to your right to find the Last Letter to Husband Artefact.

Artefact: Evacuation Letter

From the intersection outside where you collected the Last Letter to Husband artefact go straight up pass the garbage trucks and take a left down the side street. Jump up on to the truck then up and around to the awning above smashing through the window then go to the table behind the sofa to collect the Evacuation Letter Artefact.

Artefact: WLF Deserter Letter

Go through the white door in front of you where you collected the Evacuation Letter artefact then through the far white door to the workbench to the right of the back wall in this room. Here, you will be ambushed by a team of human’s looking to take you down so return the favour and kill them all. In the process of the ambush a door will open down the hallway you previously came through as you entered through the white door so go into the small room that’s now accessible and loom to your right to find the WLF Deserter Letter artefact on the unit in front of the telly.

Journal Entry 14

Chapter: Seattle Day 2, The Seraphites.
After successfully getting the large rolling rubbish bin through the shutter, go through and jump up the side of the building where Ellie will automatically log the Journal Entry as part of the story.

Journal Entry 15

Chapter: Seattle Day 2, The Seraphites.
Continue through the chapter to where Ellie gets shot in the shoulder by an arrow (mandatory) where you then need take down the enemies in the local area. From here, go through the vegetated area to the street and look to your left to find a corpse next to a bus stop with an axe to their left side. Interact with the corpse to log the Journal Entry.

Artefact: Dying Husband's Plea

Proceed through the chapter towards the FEDRA Hospital Disaster Recover Centre then after the Stalker has knocked you in to water you will come to the Garden Suites. Head through the room as you usually would then once out on the fire escape rather than going right to the ladder, go left up the stairs to the very end of the fire escape. Smash through the window then go to the top right corner to find the Dying Husband’s Plea Artefact next to a green bin and a corpse.

Artefact: Pharmacy Note

After going down the ladder into the water, use the stairs to your left to get up into Weston’s Pharmacy then go around behind the counter to find the Pharmacy Note on a shelf down by the till.

Artefact: Hospital Supply List

Make your way through the hospital grounds to where you push through a set of double doors and need to go up a flight of stairs. Once up the stairs you will go through a double set of doors and see a blue sign in front of you which reads: “The Care You Need. The People You Trust“. From here go left then into the door to your right where you will find the Hospital Supply List Artefact on the unit behind the sofa straight in front of you.

That’s how to find all of the, The Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 2 (Ellie) Artefacts & Journal Entries. If you need any other Artefacts or Journal Entries check out the Archivist trophy guide.

That’s where to find all of the Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 2 (Ellie) artefacts and journal entries. I hope it helped you collect all artefacts and journal entries in the third main chapter in The Last Of Us Part II.




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