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The Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 3 (Ellie) Artefacts & Journal Entries

You can find the Seattle Day 3 (Ellie) artefacts and journal entries in the Archivist video above at 55:37.

Here you can find all of the, The Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 3 (Ellie) Artefacts & Journal Entries which will help you through Seattle Day 3 as Ellie obtain all 9 artefacts as well as the 2 journal entries found in Seattle Day 3. There are 2 separate chapters in The Last Of Us Part II called Seattle Day 3 which can be confusing on your first run but once you realise that both Ellie and Abby have chapters called Seattle Day 3 you will know where you are based on who you are playing as. Collecting all artefacts and journal entries will take up the bulk of your time whilst playing through The Last Of Us Part II as there’s 127 artefacts and 20 journal entries to find in total with this guide covering off the 9 artefacts and the 2 journal entries in Seattle Day 3 (Ellie) which is the fourth chapter in The Last Of Us Part II. If you need any other Artefacts and or Journal entries, check out the complete Archivist trophy guide.

Journal entries can only be found as Ellie and usually require to wait for a few seconds at a given point in the story then press Triangle to log the entry in your journal. Given the size of this guide, I have placed all journal entries in their own section at the bottom of the guide. Use the quick link to jump straight there and if you do miss any, you can get them via chapter select as long as you don’t complete the final mission; Chapter: The Farm, Epliogue on your current save.

It will be beneficial to have the Enhanced Listen Mode on (Pause> Options> Accessibility> Navigation And Traversal> Enhanced Listen Mode> On> Scan Range> 30m> Scan Time> 1s). You can then hold R1+Circle to send out a sonar which will highlight everything you can collect nearby including any artefacts and journal entries. Once you get to the penultimate chapter: Santa Barbara, The Beach make a manual save which will then allow you to go back through the game via chapter select from the main menu enabling you to collect anything you may have missed.

Please Note: If you save during the final mission: The Farm, Epilogue, you will need to play through the entire game again as chapter select will then be disabled!. Seattle Day 3 has 9 Artefacts and 2 Journal Entries which are found throughout the following chapters:

Chapter: Road To The Aquarium

Most of the artefacts collected here are found whilst going around on the boat so check the guide before going through each blockade you come to.
Chapter: Seattle Day 3, Road to the Aquarium has 3 Artefacts and 1 Journal Entry which are:

Artefact: Garage Note

Drop down into the water with Jessie then go up and around across the gap. You would ordinarily go right to continue the story, however, to get the artefact you need to go straight into a collapsed multi story car park. There will be a fair few enemies in here so put them down then go to the back wall and up and around to the left where you can collect the Garage Note Artefact from the edge of the ledge.

Journal Entry 16

Go through the chapter to where Ellie and Jessie go into the large bookstore. Jump down the fallen floor to the bottom level then turn right. Over on the far wall will be a large painting containing a mushroom fairyland scene which you need to interact with to log the Journal Entry.

Artefact: Bookstore Note

After dropping down into the library go around to the right pass the escalator you would usually go up to and follow the concrete around to find a table upon which will be the Bookstore Note Artefact.

Artefact: Textile Note

Proceed through the chapter staying to the right where you will come to a scaffold with blue tarpaulin and signs reading “Warren Properties”. Jump up the scaffold dealing with any enemies that are in the way then go through the window of the building. Go to the pillar in between the windows inside the building to find the Textile Note Artefact.

Chapter: The Flooded City

Chapter: Seattle Day 3, The Flooded City has 6 Artefacts and 1 Journal Entry which are:

Artefact: Stash Note

Continue through the chapter on the boat to where you need to open the shutter but before doing so go up the stairs that are off to your left. At the top of the stairs go left to find the Stash Note artefact next to a corpse.

Journal Entry 17

Chapter: Seattle Day 3, The Flooded City.
Proceed through the chapter on your boat to the first shutter then go left up the stairs and through to find a large window. Interact with the window to log the Journal Entry.

Artefact: Shambler Note

After going over the submerged barbed wire fence in the boat go over to the right and enter the grounds of the Carthy Hotel. Once under the hotel go to your right then over to the slither of land to find a camp which will have the Shambler Note Artefact.

Artefact: Sniper's Note

Come out of the Carthy Hotel then rather than going right to continue the game, go over to the left where you will find some crashed train cars. Climb up and through the carriages as far as you can then grab the yellow rope and throw it through the open roof hatch and climb up the rope to the roof. From here you can access the other side of the train car going to the last seat towards the front to find the Sniper’s Note Artefact.

Artefact: Encampment Note

Go into the grounds of the Kingsman Brewing Co. where you would usually go through the ground floor of the building to continue the chapter. Instead, you need to go up the left stairs then around to the pillar next to a display cabinet to find the Encampment Note Artefact.

Artefact: Arcade Flyer

Head through to the arcade then once off the boat go over to the furthest booth on the right where, on the table will be the Arcade Flyer Artefact.

Artefact: Arcade Note

Take care of the Bloater then go up the stairs where you would ordinarily cross a walkway in front of you. You need to go right instead to the end of the walkway then turn around to find the Arcade Note Artefact on the wall.

Chapter: Infiltration

The chapter: Seattle Day 3, Infiltration has 1 Journal Entry which is:

Journal Entry 18

Chapter: Seattle Day 3, Infiltration.
Proceed through until you are attacked and take down Alice the Alsation then go through the room with the large whiteboard. Take a left into the kitchen area then go to the blue duffel bag on the floor against the back wall and interact with it to go through Owen’s stuff logging your Journal Entry in the process.

That’s how to find all of the, The Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 2 (Ellie) Artefacts & Journal Entries. If you need any other Artefacts or Journal Entries check out the Archivist trophy guide.

That’s where to find all of the Last Of Us Part II Seattle Day 3 (Ellie) artefacts and journal entries. I hope it helped you collect all artefacts and journal entries in the fourth main chapter in The Last Of Us Part II.




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