The Last Of Us Part II Trophy Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
The Last of us Part II directory.
Welcome to the, The Last Of Us Part II Trophy Guide.
- Platforms: PlayStation 4.
- Trophies: 28: Platinum: 1, Gold: 7, Silver: 8, Bronze: 10.
- Release Date: 19-Jun-2020.
- Missable Trophies: None: Every collectible / trophy can be obtained via chapter select in the main menu providing you don’t complete the final chapter: The Farm, Epilogue. Make a manual save in the penultimate chapter: Santa Barbara, The Beach and ensure you keep it otherwise you will need to run through the game again to the point you missed rather than just using the chapter select.
- Glitched Trophies: None.
- Online Trophies: None.
- Difficulty Rating: 3/10.
- Approx. time to 100%: 120+ hours without a guide, 60 hours with our guide.
You will be playing through a post apocalyptic world as both Ellie and Abby and will face several challenges throughout both emotionally and physically as you try and survive in your revenge fuelled quest. You can obtain every trophy in the base game on the easiest difficulty and there a wealth of accessibility options to help you through the game if you’re struggling which are found; Options> Accessibility. You can drastically reduce the difficulty of the game under Combat Accessibility as well as enabling the enhanced listen mode which sends out a sonar by pressing R1+Circle which will show you everything you can collect in the local area.
There are a lot of collectibles to acquire as you go through the game all of which can be collected via chapter select as long as you make a save in the penultimate chapter; Santa Barbara, The Beach then don’t overwrite the save. This guide will take you through the entire game as smoothly as possible with each trophy with collectibles having it’s own dedicated page to help you as much as possible. Good luck with the game and enjoy the experience.

Every Last One of Them
Collect all trophies

What I Had to Do
Complete the story
You can play through the game on the easiest setting if you want to get through it as easily as possible then come back later on if you feel like being challenged. There’s plenty of accessibility options you can utilise to make the game even easier which are found under Options> Accessibility. You have a lot of accessibility options available if you’re struggling with the game such as reduced enemy accuracy which makes you harder to hit, reduced enemy perception meaning enemies have a hard time finding you and invisible when prone meaning when you lay down flat with Circle no enemies can find you. You need to play through all 45 chapters which will take you through as both Ellie and Abby in a variety of missions, flashbacks and encounters where once you have completed the final mission your Trophy will then unlock.

Survival Expert
Learn all player upgrades
Click the link to go to the complete Survival Expert Trophy Guide.

Arms Master
Fully upgrade all weapons
Click the link to go to the complete Arms Master Trophy Guide.

Find all artifacts and journal entries
Click the link to go to the complete Archivist Trophy Guide.

Master Set
Find all trading cards
Click the link to go to the complete Master Set Trophy Guide.

Find all coins
Click the link to go to the complete Numismatist Trophy Guide.

Prepared For the Worst
Find all workbenches
Click the link to go to the complete Prepared For the Worst Trophy Guide.

Fully upgrade a weapon
See Arms Master for more information.

Learn all player upgrades in one branch
See Survival Expert for more information.

Unlock every safe
Click the link to go to the complete Safecracker Trophy Guide.

Visit every location in downtown Seattle
Click the link to go to the complete Sightseer Trophy Guide.

Find all training manuals
Click the link to go to the complete Journeyman Trophy Guide.

Survival Training
Learn 25 player upgrades
See Survival Expert for more information.

High Caliber
Find all weapons
See Arms Master for more information.

In the Field
Find 12 workbenches
See Prepared For the Worst for more information.

In the Field
Craft every item
Click the link to go to the complete Tools of the Trade Trophy Guide.

Upgrade a weapon
See Arms Master for more information.

Learn a player upgrade
See Survival Expert for more information.

Starter Set
Find 5 trading cards
See Master Set for more information.

Mint Condition
Find 5 coins
See Numismatist for more information.

Looks Good On You
Put a hat on your companion
You will need to play through the game to the chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Birthday Gift where you will be in a flashback with Joel whilst playing as Ellie. Go through the chapter until you get inside Wyoming Museum then go to the right to find a cowboy hat on a white display unit. Ellie will wear the hat where you need to then go through to the next area and place the hat on the dinosaur (Stegosaurus) to her left then retrieve the hat. From here go over to the Triceratops and place the hat on that dinosaur’s skull then again retrieve it. Now you need to quickly go over to Joel then place the hat on his head. If you take to long then he will walk off and you need to restart the checkpoint (Pause> Restart Checkpoint). Once you have successfully placed the hat on Joel’s head you will then earn your Trophy.

Win the marksmanship competition
Continue through the game to where you have control of Abby in Chapter: Seattle Day 1, The Stadium then proceed through until Manny tells you to sign out. From here go through the blue door next to where Manny is standing and score more points than Manny does by shooting the target in front of you. You will have a scoreboard in the bottom right of the screen and Manny is a good shot so take your time in between shots and aim carefully aiming for the head and the torso ensuring you hit as close to the centre of the red patches as you can. Score more than Manny to unlock your Trophy.

Put My Name Up
Earn the high score in the archery game
Head through the game to the chapter: Seattle Day 1, Winter Visit where you play as Abby accompanied by Owen. Go over to the score board to find a crossbow underneath then shoot the targets that are dotted throughout the area. They’re easy to find as long as you look up and around the area. It might take you a few attempts but it’s easy enough as it’s right at the start of the chapter. Providing you take down 11 or more targets you will beat Mel’s score of 10 where you will earn your Trophy.

Relic of the Sages
Find the Strange Artifact
You can find the Strange Artefact which is called the Strange Relic in game in Chapter: Seattle Day 1 Hostile Territory which is played as Abby. After dropping down over the brick wall go forward then left then into the Ruby Dragon which is on your left. From here, go through the door, up the stairs then through the crawlspace dealing with the Clicker and infected as you go aiming for the left exit which you can run through and jump across the street below to the adjacent building. You can then go to your left through the room then look right before dropping down to find the Strange Artefact on a table next to a fan.

So Great and Small
Find the Engraved Ring
You can acquire the Engraved Ring which in game is called the Antique Ring in Chapter: Seattle Day 1, Downtown. Go to Westlake bank which is found on Cherry Street then go through to the back room behind the cashier desk to your left. Once in here, input the code 60-23-06 to open the vault door then go to the top right corner where you will be able to open one of the security deposits and acquire the ring.
That’s the Last Of Us Part II Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.