Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon Keep A Wonderlands One Shot Adventure Challenge Accepted Trophy Guide

Challenge Accepted
Complete the first rank of all non-level-specific challenges with a single character.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: FPS, RPG.
Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep directory.
Here’s the Tiny Tina’s Assault On Dragon Keep A Wonderlands One Shot Adventure Challenge Accepted Trophy Guide where we will help you complete all 89 challenges. For the most part, challenges will complete themselves as you work through the game, especially if you use a variety of weapons / playstyles. I recommend holding on to a certain type of weapon / grenade / shield then checking through this list if it’s new to see what type of challenge is associated with a particular piece of gear then get it done before selling / dropping the item. Kills with Tediore reloads for example can only be performed by Tediore weapons, if you haven’t got one, you need to find one etc.
You can view the challenges in game by pressing Touchpad then tabbing right to the Badass Rank then press Right to go to the Challenges which will show you your progress. If there’s some challenges that are “Undiscovered” then work through the other challenges in that category to unlock them. There are, in total there are 89 challenges to complete found throughout 16 categories:
- Dragon Keep: 10 challenges.
- Elemental: 7 Challenges.
- Loot: 8 Challenges.
- Money And Trading: 6 Challenges.
- Health And Recovery: 6 Challenges.
- Grenades: 6 Challenges.
- Shields: 4 Challenges.
- Rocket Launcher: 5 Challenges.
- Sniper Rifle: 6 Challenges.
- Assault Rifle: 5 Challenges.
- SMG: 4 Challenges.
- Shotgun: 6 Challenges.
- Pistol: 5 Challenges.
- Melee: 2 Challenges.
- General Combat: 6 Challenges.
- Miscellaneous: 3 Challenges.
Personally, I wouldn’t worry about any of these challenges until you have completed the game on normal difficulty where, like I said, you will more than likely be over halfway there as long as you vary your play style. Below we detail how to complete every challenge required. Good luck with it all.
Dragon Keep
You will more than likely get this section complete through natural gameplay, if you need to kill more Dragons then go to Dragon Keep.
- Fus Roh Die:
Kill Dragons> 10.
Once you get to Dragon Keep you will more than likely have already killed 4 Dragons (3 in Immortal Woods with Roland and the Handsome Dragon boss in the Mines of Avarice) so kill a few more in Dragon Keep until you have 10 kills in total. - Magical Massacre:
Kill Wizards> 10.
Wizards are the Necromancers found in the Lair of Infinite Agony and the Dragon Keep. - Orcs Should Perish:
Kill Orcs> 50.
If you haven’t killed 50 Orcs by the end of the game go to the Forest and farm the Orc camp found before the exit to the Immortal Woods. - Cheerful Green Giants:
Kill Treants> 10.
Treants are the large trees found in The Forest. - Ew Ew Ew:
Kill Spiders> 25.
Spiders are found in The Forest and the Lair of Infinite Agony. - Can’t Fool Me:
Kill Mimics> 5.
Mimics are chests that look normal but hold a Monster inside. If you need to farm Mimics go through to Dragon Keep then check the chest at the bottom of the stairs then the 3 chest up the stairs where 2 / 4 chests are usually Mimics. - Bone Breaker:
Kill Skeletons> 50.
Skeletons are found throughout the game. - Knighty Knight:
Kill Knights> 10.
Knights are found in Immortal Woods and Hatred’s Shadow. - Rock Out With Your Rock Out:
Kill Golems> 10.
Golems are found in the Unassuming Docks and The Mines of Avarice. - Scot-Free:
Kill Dwarves> 50.
Dwarves are found in The Mines of Avarice after the Orc Camp.
Correct usage of an element can make or break a fight. Use incendiary on red (flesh), shock on blue (shield), green on yellow (armour) health bars then use explosive and purple (slag) whenever you can.
- Slag-Licked:
Deal bonus damage to slagged enemies> 5,000.
Slag is the purple element and it essentially makes enemies weak to any other damage type, especially non elemental. Slag weapons are rare but fortunately, the Magic Missile grenade drops throughout the game, especially from the 4 Kings boss in the Immortal Woods. Slag an enemy then switch to another weapon and rack up at least 5,000 damage points. - Boom:
Kill enemies with explosive damage> 5.
Explosive is the yellow element and usually comes on a Torgue weapon which are lootable / purchasable from Marcus’ vending machine in Flamerock Refuge. Get 5 kills with direct explosive damage. - Acid Trip:
Kill enemies with corrosive damage> 5.
Acid or corrosive is the green element and is best used against enemies with yellow health bars as it rips though armour. Corrosive weapons are rare so when you find one, keep hold of it and kill 5 enemies (Spiders in The Forest for example). - Corroderate:
Deal damage with corrosive DoT (damage-over-time) effects> 5,000.
You cause DoT on an enemy once you have inflicted significant damage on an enemy with one damage type where they will then appear to be bubbling with damage happening to them on top of your shots’ damage. Cause at least 5,000 DoT to either one or multiple enemies. - Cowering Inferno:
Light enemies on fire> 25.
Any red element weapon will set an enemy on fire as long as the enemy isn’t resistant to fire and you will see flames envelop them where you know you’ve done it right. Set 25 enemies on fire which will be easiest against the Dwarves in The Mines of Avarice. - Say “Watt” Again:
Deal damage with shock DoT (damage-over-time) effects> 5,000.
You need to cause consistent shock damage on an enemy to then cause them to be shocked where they have electricity going across their body cause consistent DoT to them. Cause at least 5,000 shock DoT to either a single or multiple enemies. - I Just Want to Set the World on Fire:
Deal damage with incendiary DoT (damage-over-time) effects> 5,000.
Causing consistent incendiary damage to an enemy will cause them to burn which causes incendiary DoT. Cause at least 5,000 incendiary DoT against a single or multiple enemies.
You should complete this section naturally then if you need a legendary (orange) weapon, farm the Handsome Sorcerer.
- Gun Runner:
Pick up or purchase weapons> 10.
You’ll get this naturally as you play through the game. - Open Pandora’s Boxes:
Open lootable crates, lockers, and other objects> 25.
Open any container / chest / treasure chest 25 times. - The Call of Booty:
Open treasure chests> 5.
Treasure chests are the large chests that can be Mimics and there’s plenty to find throughout the game. In the Dragon Keep there’s 5 treasure chests before you get to the boss; 1 off to the right, 1 next to the stairs, 1 at the top of the stairs, another next to the Jakobs water pump and another at the top of the stairs before portalling up to the boss. - Nothing Rhymes with Orange:
Loot or purchase legendary items> 1.
Legendary items are rare drops from bosses or the Lootapult and can be anything from a skin to a weapon. Farm the Handsome Sorcerer in Dragon Keep to get legendary drops. - I Like My Treasure Rare:
Loot or purchase blue-rarity items> 3.
You shouldn’t have any trouble getting blue rarity items. If you do then farm the 4 kings in Immortal Woods. - It’s Not Easy Looting Green:
Loot or purchase green-rarity items> 5.
Green rarity items drop consistently throughout the game. Collect 5 of them. - Purple Reign:
Loot or purchase purple-rarity items> 1.
Purple rarity items are rare drops but easy to acquire if you farm the Handsome Sorcerer. - Another Man’s Treasure:
Loot or purchase white items> 10.
This should come naturally given white rarity drops are very common, if not, buy white weapons from the weapon vending machine in Flamerock Refuge.
Money And Trading
Money does make the world spin, so get yourself an online boosting partner to trade with then get saving and then spending.
- Limited-Time Offer:
Buy Items of the Day> 1.
Any vending machine offers an “Item of the Day” which can be found to the right side of the vending machine.
They can be expensive but they’re usually worth the outlay. Buy one Item of the Day. - Dolla Dolla Bills, Ya’ll:
Collect dollars from cash drops> 5,000.
Cash drops from most places including enemies / chests / smashable urns. Collect $5k. - Whaddya Buyin’?:
Purchase items with Eridium> 1.
Eridium is a rare drop from any loot source and you can purchase ammo / storage upgrades from Crazy Earl in Flamreock Refuge to the left of the Seraph Vendor.
The cheapest upgrade costs 4 Eridium. - For the Hoard!:
Save a lot of money> 10,000.
Hold at least $10k in your inventory. - Psst, Hey Buddy…:
Trade with other players> 1.
You need to be in a co-op lobby (pause> Invite Friend> Invite>) then hold Square to trade then you each select an item and choose accept the trade. - Wholesale:
Sell items to vending machines> 10.
Your inventory will fill up quickly so go to any vending machine then press R1 to the sell tab and sell any unwanted gear. Do this 10 times.
Health And Recovery
Completing this section can be tricky so ensure you keep a high damage shock / corrosive element weapon when you find one and you will also need an online boosting partner to help you get the 5 revives.
- Badass Bingo:
Get Second Winds by killing badass enemies> 1.
This is a tough one and is best done when you’re very high level (use TVHM to level up) then go back on Normal difficulty. You will always face a Badass Knight at the start of the Immortal Woods. Down yourself with either splash damage from either a grenade / explosive element after reducing the Badass’ health then unload your best weapons at the Badass to get a Second Wind completing this challenge. - I’m Back! Shocked?:
Get Second Winds by killing enemies with a shock DoT (damage over time)> 1.
This can be tricky as you need an enemy with enough health to not die to quickly but low enough that they die through the DoT effect.
Get a shock weapon which fires quickly like a pistol / SMG then get down by something like a badass skeleton on normal difficulty (there’s always one in Dragon Keep). Get downed then fire rapidly at the enemy allowing the shock damage to envelop the enemy then shoot the enemy a few more times if there isn’t that low allowing the shock damage to kill the enemy thus giving you the Second Wind.
Keep a decent shock weapon with you and you might get this one through natural play. - Green Meanie:
Get Second Winds by killing enemies with a corrosive DoT (damage over time)> 1.
Just like the I’m Back! Shocked? challenge (above) this can be tricky as corrosive weapons are the most effective against armoured enemies but they can be to effective for this challenge. First things first, get a decent corrosive element weapon that fires quickly such as an SMG then get downed by an enemy tough enough to not die to quickly but weak enough to die from the DoT effect such as a badass skeleton in Dragon Keep. Once you’re downed, rapidly fire until the corrosive damage envelops the enemy then shoot them a few more times if their health isn’t getting low enough quick enough ensuring that it’s the corrosive damage is the thing that kills them. - I’ll Just Help Myself:
Get Second Winds by killing an enemy> 5.
This should come naturally through the game. - Heal Plz:
Recover Health> 1,000.
Health drops from any loot source when you’re low on it so this will come naturally through the game. - This Is No Time For Lazy!:
Revive a co-op partner> 5.
You need an online boosting partner to make this easier then once they go down hold Square to revive them which you need to do 5 times.
Grenades are one of the single most useful things in a Borderlands game as they are the best when it comes to crowd control.
- Health Vampire:
Kill enemies with Transfusion grenades> 5.
Transfusion grenades are grenades that damage an enemy then transfer a portion of that damage to your health bar. You can use any transfusion grenade and the explosion can be the thing that kills them. Keep checking the ammo vending machines for a transfusion grenade then keep hold of it until this challenge is complete. - Chemical Sprayer:
Kill enemies with Area-of-Effect grenades> 5.
Area of effect (AOE) grenades usually cause an explosion then leave a lingering effect such as burn damage for incendiary AOE grenades, acid damage for corrosive AOE grenades etc. You don’t necessarily need to kill the enemy with an AOE effect, the initial explosion will be fine as long as you are using an AOE grenade at the time. - Woah, Black Betty:
Kill enemies with Bouncing Betty grenades> 5.
Bouncing Betty grenades are rare so even if you have one that’s level 1 it’s better than not having one at all. A “bouncing” grenade for the most part will bounce around until it hits an enemy then explode. I seem to have good luck using the Lootapult in Flamerock Refuge (click the link to go to the Let There Be Loot video guide for the Lootapult’s exact location). Once you have a bouncing grenade, get 5 kills with it. - Singled Out:
Kill enemies with Singularity grenades> 5.
A Singularity grenade is a grenade which creates an initial explosion pulling all local enemies in then exploding and are great for crowd control. The 5 kills you need with a singularity grenade can be with one grenade or 5. - Pull the Pin:
Kill enemies with grenades> 10.
You’ll get this as you make your way through the game. If you don’t then use grenades more often. - EXPLOOOOOSIONS!:
Kill enemies with MIRV grenades> 5.
MIRV grenades are the grenades which spawn baby grenades dealing a wide area of damage and are usually available from the vending machines / 4 kings boss. The Magic Missile which is a very common blue grenade which drops from mimics / 4 kings in Immortal Woods and the Handsome Sorcerer is a MIRV.
Shields are either looted out in the world or purchased from the Zed’s Apothecary vending machines which are found throughout the game and come in a good number of variations which should suit most playstyles.
- Roid Rage:
Kill enemies while buffed by a Maylay shield> 5.
Maylay Shields will deal bonus melee damage when they’re depleted and depending on the level of the Shield the damage can be significant. Get 5 kills which will be easiest against low level weak enemies such as the Spiders in The Forest. - Game of Thorns:
Kill enemies with reflected damage from a Spike shield> 5.
A Spike shield is a shield that damages an enemy when they physically attack you (gunfire doesn’t count). The problem is you need to kill enemies so get yourself to a decent level (20+) then equip a Spike shield and go to a low level area like The Forest and let the Spiders attack you where you will kill them with Spike damage. Do this 5 times. - Amp It Up:
Kill enemies while buffed by an Amplify shield> 5.
Amp shields deal additional bullet damage with a single shot and can be very useful on a well built Zero but any class can use an Amp Shield which do work best with Sniper Rifles. Ensure your Amp Shield is fully charged in between each shot then get kills whilst using the buff 5 times. - Super Novas:
Kill enemies with a Nova shield burst> 5.
Nova Shields are can be very powerful as they release an elemental blast which usually inflicts DoT (damage over time) causing greater damage to enemies caught in the nova. Whilst they do need fully charging in between nova’s they can give you a good tactical advantage against enemies that like to get up close and personal. Kill 5 enemies with the nova shield blast.
Rocket Launcher
Rocket launchers on one hand are really useful crowd control weapons which can clear the field with one or two well placed rounds. The downside is that you can’t buy rockets from the ammo vending machine until TVHM (complete the game on Normal then go in from the main menu) meaning they won’t have much benefit on normal difficulty. You can, however, buy rockets on TVHM then go back in on normal to make these challenges easier.
- Catch-A-Rocket!:
Kill enemies with direct hits from rocket launchers> 5.
Aim carefully then, with a decent accuracy rocket launcher, kill 5 enemies with direct hits. This will be easiest against larger enemies such as Treants in The Forest. - Sky Rockets in Flight…:
Kill enemies from long range with rocket launchers> 10.
A good place to get this done is in The Forest at the Blacksmith’s Cottage (first right). Run forward to trigger the enemies then head back to the opening and fire on the enemy before they get close which should kill a few at a time. You might need to save and quit but it won’t take long to get 10 kills with a rocket launcher. - Splish Splash:
Kill enemies with rocket launcher splash damage> 5.
Rockets cause damage over a wide area so aim next to an enemy / group of enemies then send a rocket into them where you will clear the local field with splash damage. - Gone with the Second Wind:
Get Second Winds with rocket launchers> 1.
Allow a low level enemy to down you when you have a rocket launcher equipped then kill the enemy with the rocket which will give you a Second Wind. - Rocket and Roll:
Kill enemies with rocket launchers> 5.
This should happen along the way through the story, if not, get a Rocket Launcher and kill 5 enemies with it.
Sniper Rifle
Sniper Rifles are a fantastic addition as they allow you to lay down powerful rounds at great distances keeping you away from most opponents melee attacks.
- Snipe Hunting:
Kill enemies with critical hits using sniper rifles> 5.
You will more than likely get this as you go through the game. If not, get a sniper rifle then go to The Forest and shoot the Stumpy enemies in the face (aim for the eyes) where you will, at high level kill them with one or 2 headshots. - Longshot:
Kill enemies with sniper rifles> 10.
Any kills with a sniper rifle will count towards this challenge. - Surprise!:
Kill unaware enemies with sniper rifles> 5.
There are a few places you can get this done and it all hinges on the fact the enemies aren’t aggro’d towards either you or other enemies on the field. Personally I got this at the start of the Immortal Woods on normal after completing the main game. You need to kill the enemy with one shot as any more than that will alert them meaning they are no longer unaware. At the start of Immortal Woods there will be 2 Knights and a Badass Knight walking down towards you, behind them will be 2 archers. Shoot and kill one of the archers (if you don’t get the kill get a more powerful rifle) then save and quit and repeat until you have the 5 kills. - No Scope, No Problem:
Kill enemies with sniper rifles without using the scope/ironsights> 5.
Get up close to low level enemy’s then kill 5 of them without going ADS (aiming down sights) - Leaf of the Second Wind:
Get Second Winds with sniper rifles> 1.
Ensure you have a sniper rifle equipped then allow a low level enemy to down you where you can kill that enemy with a sniper rifle getting your Second Wind. - Longshot Headshot:
Get critical hits with sniper rifles> 10.
Critical hits for the most part are headshots and given the fact sniper rifles are built for accuracy, aim down the scope and score 10 critical hits.
Assault Rifle
Assault rifles are a good way of laying down heavy hitting consistent fire on your opponents with some of the latter AR’s having some serious effects and power, an Assault Rifle is a must have for any aspiring vault hunter.
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Assault Rifle:
Kill enemies with assault rifles while crouched> 5.
You crouch with Circle then once crouched kill 5 enemies. The Spiders in The Forest are a good choice here. - …This Is My Gun:
Kill enemies with critical hits using assault rifles> 5.
For the most part, critical hits are headshots so aim carefully and score 5 critical kills. - From My Cold, Dead Hands:
Get Second Winds with assault rifles> 1.
Ensure you have a decent assault rifle then either down yourself or allow a low level enemy to down you then get the Second Wind by firing the assault rifle, killing them in the process. - This Is My Rifle…:
Get critical hits with assault rifles> 10.
Critical hits are headshots for the most part so aim carefully and score 10 headshots. Spiders’ critical points are either the face or the abdomen. - Aggravated Assault:
Kill enemies with assault rifles>? 10.
This should come naturally. If it doesn’t then equip any AR and kill 10 enemies.
SMGs usually have an element attached to them and allow sustained fire with fast fire clips allowing you to lay down some serious DPS (damage per second).
- More Like Submachine FUN:
Get Second Winds with SMGs> 1.
As long as you keep an SMG equipped this should come naturally, if not, keep a powerful SMG equipped, allow a low level enemy to down you then kill it to complete this challenge. - High Rate of Ire:
Kill enemies with critical hits using SMGs> 5.
Go to a low level enemy area such as The Forest then kill 5 Orc with headshots (can be done against any enemy). - Constructive Criticism:
Get critical hits with SMGs> 10.
Critical hits are usually headshots so aim high and get 10 rounds in 10 heads. - Hail of Bullets:
Kill enemies with SMGs> 10.
This should come naturally throughout the game. If not, equip an SMG and get 10 kills.
The second most powerful weapon behind rocket launchers, shotguns can really get you out of trouble, especially the later, over powered ones you can get.
- Faceful of Buckshot:
Get critical hits with shotguns> 25.
Critical hits are headshots for the most part so aim high then get at least 25 critical hits which, given the spread of bullets should come naturally. - Shotgun!:
Kill enemies with shotguns> 10.
You will get this as you play through the game, if you don’t then equip a shotgun and kill 10 enemies. - Open Wide!:
Kill enemies at point blank range with shotguns> 10.
Press the shotgun into your enemy and pull the trigger for maximum damage ensuring the end of the barrel is touching the enemy. - Shotgun Surgeon:
Kill enemies with critical hits using shotguns> 5.
Critical hits are usually headshots so aim high against low level enemies and kill 5 enemies with shotgun blasts. - Shotgun Sniper:
Kill enemies from long range using shotguns> 5.
This can be a bit tricky given the fact shotguns are close range weapons. An easier way of doing it is to level yourself up (20+) then go to The Forest on normal difficulty. Take a right into the Blacksmith’s Cottage area and take down the Stumpy’s / Spider’s at long range. - Lock, Stock, and…:
Get Second Winds with shotguns> 1.
Given their damage output, shotguns are a good choice to have to get a Second Wind so keep a powerful one equipped then get the Second Wind when you can.
Pistols are very powerful in the Borderlands universe and with versions like the Infinity Pistil which drops from the 4 kings in Immortal Woods and slagged versions allowing you to deal massive damage to your enemies. I always have a pistol equipped.
- Pistolero:
Kill enemies with critical hits using pistols> 5.
Critical hits are usually headshots throughout the game. Equip a pistol then aim carefully at the head and fire of 5 rounds. This will more than likely come naturally through the game, as long as you use a pistol of course. - Quickdraw:
Kill enemies shortly after aiming down the sights with a pistol> 5.
You aim down the sights (ADS) with L2 so get through to any area with a lot of low level enemies (the right of Immortal Woods for example) on normal difficulty then aim, count to 1 then fire. Do this as many times as you need to until you have killed 5 enemies. - The Killer:
Kill enemies with pistols> 10.
Grab a pistol, get 10 kills. - Deadeye:
Get critical hits with pistols> 10.
Critical hits are headshots for the most part, get 10 throughout the game. - Hard Boiled:
Get Second Winds with pistols> 1.
Ensure you have a decent powered pistol equipped then either down yourself or allow a low level enemy to down you then kill them with the pistol to get your Second Wind.
This section will get you up close and personal with your enemies and to be honest, melee attacks are under rated and pretty powerful for the most part.
- A Squall of Violence:
Kill enemies with melee attacks using bladed guns> 10.
Bladed weapons are a rare thing in Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep but a guaranteed way of getting one is to complete the side quest; The Sword In The Stoner (Click the link to go to the, The Sword in the Stoner video guide). Once you have SWORDSPLOSION!!! shotgun, equip it then go up to low level enemies and press R3 to attack them with the blade on the gun. Get 10 kills using this method. - Fisticuffs!:
Kill enemies with melee attacks> 10.
Melee attacks are performed by pressing R3. Kill 10 enemies with melee attacks.
General Combat
The majority of these challenges will complete themselves as you play through the game then ensure when you find a Tediore weapon you keep hold of it to complete those challenges.
- Knee-Deep in Brass:
Fire a lot of rounds> 300.
You’ll get this along the way through the game as long as you don’t try to punch everything. - …To Pay the Bills:
Kill enemies while using your Action Skill> 5.
You unlock your character’s Action Skill at level 2 and everyone but Zer0 and Maya have direct damage caused by their initial Action Skill. - Boomerbang:
Kill enemies with Tediore reloads> 5.
Tediore weapons can be hard to come by, you can buy one from Marcus’ vending machine or by farming the Handsome Sorcerer then once you have one fire one shot then reload which will throw the gun at the enemy causing it to explode. The more rounds you have in the magazine, the more damage the explosion will cause. Go to The Forest and kill the Spiders on normal difficulty with the Tediore reload explosions 5 times. - Gun Slinger:
Deal damage with Tediore reloads> 5,000.
Tediore is a brand of weapon like Dahl / Torgue etc. Except, Tediore has a nice trick where when you reload you will throw the weapon which then explodes after a few seconds. The more rounds you leave in the magazine the higher the damage the explosion causes will be. This might take you a while but the hardest part is finding a Tediore weapon (check Marcus’ vending machine or farm the Handsome Sorcerer). - Not Full of Monkeys:
Kill enemies with stationary barrels> 5.
Barrels are found throughout the game especially in The Forest. Go on normal mode then get some enemies close to the barrels, the one in the blacksmith cottage area will work well then get 5 kills by shooting and exploding the barrels. This might take you 5 goes or if you’re lucky and have a lot of low level enemies close by you might get the 5 in one go. - Critical Acclaim:
Kill enemies with critical hits. And rainbows> 10.
Critical hits are usually headshots so get 10 headshots to have this done.
This section essentially finishes off the list with the only tricky part being to win a duel which can be done against any online player as long as you’re of similar levels / gear.
- Yo Dawg, I Heard You Like Challenges…:
Complete many, many challenges> 5.
This entire guide is about completing challenges so once you have 5 done you will get this one as well. - Sidejacked:
Complete side missions> 1.
Side missions are represented on your map as yellow exclamation points and can be very easy or a serious challenge. Go to Flamerock Refuge then in head left from the fast travel to find Sir Reginald Vin Bartlesby who has a side quest that takes less than a minute to complete. - Hater’s Gonna Hate:
Win duels> 1.
You can initiate a Duel with another online player by you both meleeing each other then you need to be the one to win the Duel once it starts without leaving the Duel area.
Complete every challenge listed above to earn your Trophy.
That’s the Tiny Tina’s Assault On Dragon Keep A Wonderlands One Shot Adventure Challenge Accepted Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you complete the first rank of all non-level-specific challenges.