Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon Keep A Wonderlands One Shot Adventure Did It All Trophy Guide

Did It All
Complete all side missions.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: FPS, RPG.
Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep directory.
Here’s the Tiny Tina’s Assault On Dragon Keep A Wonderlands One Shot Adventure Did It All Trophy Guide. There are 27 side quests to complete as you make your way through the game, however, the majority of them won’t become available until you have complete the games’ main story by defeating the Handsome Sorcerer at the end of the game and have rescued the Queen. You need to complete 25 of them, the final 2: Magic Slaughter: Badass Round and The Magic Of Childhood are optional and not required for the trophy, however, we have covered them here as well.
A side quest is shown on your map as a yellow exclamation point and can range from petting Butt Stallion to needing to take down some very tough Raid bosses which whilst can be solo’d are best tackled with 4 max level players. The main areas of the game for the most part have their own respective side missions which are:
- Unassuming Docks: No Side Quests.
- Flamerock Refuge: 10 Side Quests.
- The Forest: 1 Side Quest.
- Immortal Woods: 1 Side Quest.
- Mines Of Avarice: 4 Side Quests.
- Hatred’s Shadow: 1 Side Quest.
- Lair Of Infinite Agony: 3 Side Quests.
- Dragon Keep: No side quests.
- Murderlin’s Temple: 7 Side Quests.
There will be some side quests listed below which won’t be available to you when you’re in the area, that simply means you need to go through the story where afterwards every side quest will be available to you. Every side quest below has a level associated with it that is based on Normal difficulty, expect these levels to rise significantly on TVHM. Below we will go through every side quest, the pre-requisites where necessary as well as how to complete each side quest;
Unassuming Docks
The Unassuming Docks area has no side quests.
Flamerock Refuge
Flamerock Refuge has 10 side quests which are:
- Fake Geek Guy.
- Roll Insight.
- Ell in Shining Armor.
- Critical Fail.
- The Sword in the Stoner.
- Winter is a Bloody Business.
- Find Murderlin’s Temple.
- Post-Crumpocalyptic.
- Raiders of the Last Boss.
The side quests in Flamerock Refuge are the hardest out of the lot to complete purely because of the Raiders of the Last Boss side quest which requires you to take down the Ancient Dragon’s of Destruction.
Fake Geek Guy
Mr. Torgue. Level 3.
You need to find 3 questions to prove Mr. Torgue is a geek after all. To get the first question use the Blimp to get over to the island being careful of the Skeleton Archers then jump grab the question. You might find it easier to jump off the island and respawn rather than trying to get on and off the blimp. The second question requires you to go the opposite way to the runner as he’s faster than you unless you are Krieg and activate your Buzzaxe Rampage. Hit him 3 times to take the question. The third question is found by going through to the platform and activating the crank where you can take the question from the Skeleton in the cage.
Roll Insight
Sir Reginald Von Bartlesby. Level 3.
One of the simplest quests in gaming history. Speak to Sir Reginald Von Bartlesby then wait for him to get flattened to complete the Side Quest.
Mr. Torgue. Level 6.
Firstly, ensure you have a Sniper Rifle before going through as it is a mission requirement, you can buy one from the Weapon vending machine next to the fast travel in Flamerock Refuge when it’s available or loot one out in the world. Go through to the Immortal Woods then go through to meet up with the other players (they’re NPC, not online). You need to take down the initial skeleton then take down the other players in certain ways:
- xxDatVaultHuntrxx:
You can take him down however you like but you need to mash Circle over his corpse to “teabag” him twice. - 420_E-Sports_Masta:
Melee kill him twice. - [720NoScope]Headshotz:
Only headshot kills with a Sniper Rifle will count here so take him down twice using either scoped or no scoped shots, whichever is easier for you.
You will then need to take down a Badass Skeleton allowing you to go back and turn the mission in.
Ell In Shining Armor
Eleanor (Ellie). Level 6.
Go to The Forest then head to the marker clearing out the enemies which will allow you to hit the tree next to the house. You then need to choose either the skimpy or the bulky armor, I chose bulky but it’s up to you then go back to Ellie where you can turn the side quest in.
Critical Fail
Moxxi. Level 8.
Another wonderfully irritating mission courtesy of Tiny Tina. Go to the Immortal Woods then roll the gun and go off to find it again then roll one more time where it will then go to The Forest. In The Forest you will need to take down Arguk the Butcher who can hit hard where you can then finally collect the SMG and turn the side quest in.
The Sword In The Stoner
Roland. Level 9.
Go the Unassuming Docks then head up the coast to the stoney area where you will need to try and pull the sword out of a Golem taking it down 3 times in total whilst trying to retrieve the sword. Once you have the sword, take it back to Roland to complete the Side Quest and receive a powerful shotgun for your troubles.
Winter Is A Bloody Business
Roland. Level 12.
Nice little Game of Thrones Easter egg here that will take you a while to get through given the amount of enemies you need to take down in order to open the paths you need to take which are all linear. Go through the Hatred’s Shadow as you usually would to the area just before the boss fight with the Handsome Dragon, where as long as this quest is active you can go left once the secret wall behind the vending machines opens (takes a few seconds). Head into the Throne room and take down the 4 guards then the 2 guards then slap Prince Jeffery about (better than being poisoned as per the TV series I guess) then head back to Flamerock Refuge and speak to Roland when prompted to complete the Side Quest.
Find Muderlin's Temple
Moxxi. Level 15.
A nice easy task that sees you cross the bridge underneath Flamerock Refuge then into Murderlin’s Temple which can only be done after having completed the main story. Speak to Murderlin the Wizard to complete the Side Quest.
Moxxi. Level 16.
You need to collect 15 crumpets which are scattered throughout 5 areas in the game and are fairly easy for the most part. The 5 locations you need to find the crumpets in are:
- Flamerock Refuge.
- Unassuming Docks.
- The Forest.
- Mines of Avarice.
- Lair of Infinite Agony.
The hardest to find are the the final one in the Mines of Avarice which require you to go up and around pass where the “Wizard” (Claptrap) opened the gate allowing you to collect one of the dwarven letters then keep going up pass the 2 Golems then carefully drop down onto the platform below. The Lair of Infinite Agony requires delicate footwork as one is down a drop you need to crouch to get to with a secret Borderlands symbol hidden in a crevice and another is on the pillar strut to the right of the second elevator. The third crumpet plate is found by dropping down into the swamp pass all the Spiders then use the ladder to get up to the platform. Once you have all 15 crumpets you can then go back to Flamerock Refuge and turn the side quest in with Ellie.
Raiders Of The Last Boss
Mr. Torgue. Level 17.
This side quest will see you face off against 4 Level 20+ very powerful dragons so ensure you’re max level with some very powerful gear before attempting it. You also need to ensure you have around 50 Eridium then when you’re ready speak to Mr. Torgue to accept the quest and head over to the Lair of Infinite Agony. You will see the exit point for the Winged Storm on the East side of the map and to get there, go through and take the 2nd elevator up then open the doors in the large hall dropping down to the swamp going right then up the stairs.
Open the gates then go through to the statue placing the 20 Eridium in the bowl which will open the way so go through and follow the path around and drop down into the arena enabling you to accept the contract and start the fight in the Winged Storm. When the battle starts you will have a serious fight on your hands and it’s recommended that you take down the Dragon’s in a certain order as each one affects the other Dragons in different ways. The order below is best case scenario as the Dragons will land on the arena floor in a random order but it’s also the best time to attack them as you can land direct hits rather than trying to hit fast flying enemies where most of your shots won’t be on target.
- Healianth:
This Dragon can be a nightmare as it has the ability to heal the other Dragon’s as well as itself making this fight seemingly never ending so take Healinth down as a priority as soon as you can. - Boost:
Boost has the ability to raise the other Dragon’s level which can, after one or 2 levels make this fight impossible as even a single level can seriously increase the damage and defence of the Dragon’s. - Incinerator:
Whilst Incinerator doesn’t directly affect the other Dragon’s it does have a nasty ability when it lands where it will shield itself and reflect an damage dealt back to the player attacking it meaning you can be downed in a split second so wait for its wings to open then attack it side on avoiding the fire streams as best as you can. - Brood:
I always try and keep Brood alive as its the only Dragon who can summon smaller enemies giving you a vital second wind opportunity should you go down. It’s a lot easier trying to take down a Basilisk than a fully grown Dragon.
The order above is best case scenario but ultimately take them down as well as you can. Now the reason I said bring around 50 Eridium is 20 will get you in the fight, you’re also more than likely going to need to restock ammo which can be done at the green ammo shrine on the edge of the arena and costs 5 Eridium per time. If you are losing consistently then you’re simply not high enough or your gear isn’t powerful enough. As you can see in the video below I solo’d the Dragon’s at level 30 with mid 20 gear so it is very doable when maxed out.
Farm gear on TVHM with the lootapult / Four Kings / Handsome Sorcerer / Seraph Vendor then go back in and try again. Axton, Salvador and Gaige have the easiest time of this fight whereas Krieg Maya and Zero’s action skills aren’t suited for this fight. Once you have taken down all 4 Dragon’s go back to Flamerock Refuge and turn the side quest in with Mr Torgue. Taking down the Ancient Dragons of Destruction will earn you Make It Raaaaaid.
The Forest
The Forest has 1 side quest which is:
Tree Hugger
Aubrey the Teenage Treant. Level 8.
Head through to Aubrey then get ready to clear out a lot of Orc as you protect the sapling then escort Mosstache from hut to hut. You will have a lot of Orc to take down so come back for this one at a higher level as you can easily get overwhelmed at lower levels. Once all 6 Huts are destroyed return to Aubrey to complete the Side Quest.
Immortal Woods
Immortal Woods has 1 side quests which is:
Lost Souls
Crestfallen Player. Level 8.
A very nice Easter egg from the Dark Souls series where you will need a fire based weapon to progress through which you can either loot from the world or buy one from Marcus’ vending machine in Flamerock Refuge when one becomes available. Once you have a fire weapon speak to the Crestfallen player then go through lighting the 3 bonfires and collecting the souls as you go. Once you have all 12 souls go back where the player will restore their humanity then be invaded. Take down the invader to be able to turn in the Side Quest.
Mines Of Avarice
Mines Of Avarice has 4 side quests which are:
Ensure you are a decent level 15+ on Normal and have a decent amount of powerful weaponry including an Explosive and a Shock based weapon.
The Bane
Found on a Scroll in the Mines of Avarice. Level 8.
Once you have accepted the side quest go and speak with Marcus in Flamerock Refuge then head over to the Unassuming Docks to find Horace. After you have the Scroll of Horace go to the Immortal Woods then take down McNally and colect his scroll where you then need to go back to Flamerock Refuge to collect Gar’s Map which can be tricky.
Gar’s Map is located in a bird’s nest up in front of the fast travel point and to access it cross the bridge towards the Seraph vendor then look right to see a cable which you can walk up towards the balcony above you. From here, jump off the right side on to the roof (it might take you a few tries but it’s doable) then jump over to the bird’s nest and collect Gar’s Map. Once you have Gar’s Map you can then go back to the Immortal Woods and interact with the grave, kill Gar, The Cursed who is essentially a powerful badass skeleton then turn the side quest in.
The Beard Makes The Man
Claptrap. Level 9.
This is a long mission where you will need to go through a serious amount of enemies as you work through the Mines so ensure you’re appropriately levelled and geared up before going for it. Go through to Claptrap and accept the mission then lure the Dwarves up to the crusher (mission marker). It is a secondary requirement to get the Dwarves drunk first but it’s more hassle than it’s worth and you won’t receive anything additional for doing so.
Crush the Dwarves using the control panel when they’re in the kill zone, collect their beards and make your way down to the forge which can be a tough slog, especially whilst dealing with the Badass Iron Golem who you need to defeat in order to open the gate when you’re abour half way to the forge. Push through to the forge then place the beards and strike them with the hammer a few times where you are then prompted to return to Claptrap allowing you to turn in the side quest.
My Kingdom For A Wand
Claptrap. Level 9.
Before starting this side quest you need to ensure you have both a shock and an explosive weapon (2 separate weapons) as they are mission requirements. You can either loot the weapons from around the game or purchase them when they become available from Marcus’ vending machine in Flamerock Refuge then once you’re appropriately geared go and accept the side quest from Claptrap.
Claptrap will give you a Wand that he needs infusing with magic to become a true Wizard and to do so you need to “insert” the wand into various enemies then kill them in specific ways. To start off with you need to defeat the Golem with explosive damage to blow it up, the spider needs to be killed with Shock damage and finally the Orc needs to be put down with a headshot using any weapon of your choosing (I’d recommend a Pistol / Sniper Rifle and avoid Rocket Launchers / Shotguns). Once you have defeated the 3 enemies as required go back to Claptrap and turn the side quest in.
The Claptrap's Apprentice
Claptrap. Level 9.
Disclaimer: The video below is very flashy so if you have an eye condition / epilepsy / anything else that is affected by flashing images, please do not watch it. My eyes are fine but they were hurting after recording the video so please take care!.
Claptrap needs your help so follow him to the ledge then get ready to deal with a lot of enemies taking care not to get slapped off the ledge to your doom below. You will have everything from normal Brooms to Badass brooms to deal with and they all pack a punch so ensure you’re appropriately levelled for this one before attempting and you have weapons with either infinite or large ammo magazines. Take down every wave of broom to eventually be able to turn in the side quest.
Hatred's Shadow
Hatred’s Shadow has 1 side quest which is:
Loot Ninja
Sir Gallow. Level 12.
Head through Hatred’s Shadow to Sir Gallow then go off to question his companions checking out their loot as you go. You will have a much easier time of this side quest if you bring a caustic weapon (green element) as the 3 mission specific targets are all armoured. Every time you question one of the Knights they will then become offended and attack you which, as long as you’ve cleared out the other enemies in the local area and are appropriately levelled / geared once pose to much of an issue.
The third Knight; Sir Stew can be found on a ledge which is accessible by dropping down ether side of the centre part of the upper battlements. Once you have taken down all 3 Knights go back to sir Gallow to find out the truth about the missing loot and take down the enemy accordingly where you can then go to Flamerock Refuge and turn the side quest in with Mr. Torgue.
Lair Of Infinite Agony
Lair Of Infinite Agony has 3 side quests which are:
Ensure, before going for the, The Amulet quest that you clear out every enemy in the local area including the Flaming Skulls further down the corridor so as to avoid any damage to Mr. Miz as if he gets hurt you won’t be able to get the Amulet until your next playthrough.
Shoot This Guy In The Face
Face McShooty. Level 12.
Head through to the cells to find Face McShooty, accept the quest then ensure you shoot him in the face. He’s a bit excitable and you need to get a headshot so aim high with a high accuracy weapon like a Pistol / Sniper Rifle then get the head shot to turn in the side quest. Completing the Shoot This Guy in the Face side quest will award you Well, That Was Easy.
The Amulet
Mr. Miz. Level 12.
This is a strange quest as the quest giver; Mr. Miz isn’t always there so to make this simpler go through into the Lair of Infinite Agony from the Dragon Keep then open your map and see if you have the mission available. Once it’s there, take out the Sorcerer’s Daughter boss if you need to then go through and follow the path left through the closed doors (use the cogs to open the doors). From here, ensure you have taken down every enemy in the local area including the Flaming Skulls as any damage caused to Mr. Miz will fail the mission.
We’re looking at getting the Hmmmmm at the same time as completing this side quest and any damage caused by you or any enemy will mean you have to get through again on another playthrough making this potentially highly missable. You need to have around 10k to ensure you can purchase the Amulet on Normal or 30k+ on TVHM then once you have the Amulet, equip it to unlock your Trophy completing the Side Quest in the process.
My Dead Brother
Simon. Level 12.
Go through and speak with Simon who grants you the ability to resurrect the dead in a bid to find his lost brother. Go through touching the graves and re-killing the re-animated corpses where you will then eventually need to make a choice on whether or not to kill Edgar or Simon. Personally, I chose to kill Edgar but either one is fine then turn the side quest in with the brother you didn’t kill to complete the Side Quest.
Dragon Keep
The Dragon Keep has no Side Quests.
Murderlin's Temple
Murderlin’s Temple has 7 side quests which are:
- Magic Slaughter: Round 1.
- Magic Slaughter: Round 2.
- Magic Slaughter: Round 3.
- Magic Slaughter: Round 4.
- Magic Slaughter: Round 5.
- Magic Slaughter: Badass Round.
- The Magic of Childhood.
You will need to be max level with some very powerful gear if you have a hope in getting through the last 3 rounds in the Temple. Seraph weapons / shields are a big help as is ensuring you have fully maxed out your ammo carry capacity at Crazy Earl in Flamerock Refuge.
Magic Slaughter: Round 1
Murderlin. Level 17.
Here you will face a series of enemies across 4 rounds. Take care of the traps and put down every enemy that appears. If you struggle then go and level up some more or get better gear then come back and try again.
Magic Slaughter: Round 2
Murderlin. Level 17.
You will have an Army of Dwarves to power through in these 4 rounds with a few Knights thrown in for good measure. Take care of the traps and taken down the Badass Dwarves as a priority as they can really ruin your day. Clear all 4 rounds to be able to turn the Side Quest in.
Magic Slaughter: Round 3
Murderlin. Level 17.
You have 4 waves of heavy hitting Skeletons here with Seer’s which disappear but are weak to explosive, Badass skeletons and Skeleton Giants. Take care the midgets don’t send you into a trap door or the suicide skeletons don’t send you off the side of the map. Bring fast firing explosive weapons to have an easier time here. Don’t fall into any of the traps or die to the enemies to then complete the Side Quest allowing you to then turn it in.
Magic Slaughter: Round 4
Murderlin. Level 17.
In Round 4 you will face Dwarves, Skeletons and Knights in every variation from standard to Badass with near enough every combination in the game. The Badass Fire Archers and Necromancers can cause you hassle here given their power and range. A Seeker Assault Rifle which is acquired from the Seraph Vendor and fires homing rockets is a good help of getting through here as are powerful homing grenades. Clear all 4 rounds without falling prey to any of the traps or enemies to be able to turn the Side Quest in.
Magic Slaughter: Round 5
Murderlin. Level 17.
You will have an onslaught on Skeleton midgets at the start then 5 rounds of fun to get through with the plenty of Badass Skeletons, Necromancers and Dragons to fight which can be a challenge, especially given the amount of enemies that flood the field.
Magic Slaughter: Badass Round
Murderlin. Level 17.
As the name suggests you will have a high number of badass enemies to take down whilst navigating the many traps that are present. Whilst you do have a lot of normal enemies to take down always keep an eye on your mini-map to ensure there won’t be a badass orc coming up behind you to throw you off the map or into a trap door. Complete all 6 waves to be able to turn the side quest in where you will also earn; Dang Girl, You Ace At This Game.
The Magic Of Childhood
Murderlin. Level 17.
This can be very tough solo so I recommend you are very high levelled with some fast firing, accurate, high magazine weaponry with a good amount of variety. Don’t go in with 4 SMGs as they will all use the same ammunition meaning when one runs out they all run out so get a decent pistol, SMG and Assault Rifle then get ready for a tough tough fight. You will be on a small island where you have the Orc Rampager’s sprinting towards the dome around the island with their exploding barrels in a bid to destroy Murderlin’s son.
You need to fire just in front of where the enemy are sprinting as for the most part, when your shots get there they will already have run away. Gaige / Axton will have a slightly easier time here given their action skills whereas Zer0 and Krieg’s action skills are pointless. If you have a well built Salvador / Maya you might do well but it’s tough either way. Go off and get some better weaponry if you’re failing consistently then go through and try until you succeed. There’s no way around this one. It’s a tough time solo so like the side quest says; “bring some friends with you“. Once you have taken down all 5 waves of Orc without the tower dome being destroyed you will then be able to turn the Side Quest in.
Complete all 27 Side Quests to earn your Trophy.
That’s the Tiny Tina’s Assault On Dragon Keep A Wonderlands One Shot Adventure Did It All Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you complete all side missions.
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