Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon Keep A Wonderlands One Shot Adventure Trophy Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: FPS, RPG.
Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep directory.
Welcome to the Tiny Tina’s Assault On Dragon Keep A Wonderlands One Shot Adventure Trophy Guide.
- Platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC.
- Trophies: 31: Platinum: 1, Gold: 5, Silver: 9, Bronze: 16.
- Release Date: 01-Feb-2022.
- Missable Trophies: None.
- Glitched Trophies: None.
- Online Trophies: 2: Challenge Accepted, Friendship Rules.
- Difficulty Rating: 5/10.
- Approx. time to 100%: 50 Hours. Which could be a lot higher depending on your luck at getting Chubby Bones to spawn for Cute Loot.
When you start the game you will need to choose a class to go in as. If you want to get the Platinum the quickest then choose either Zer0 or Salvador as both of these characters will need to be levelled to a certain point but be aware Zer0 is more for players that know the game. If you’re new to Borderlands then go in as either Axton / Gaige as their Action Skills rip through enemies better than other classes. Work your way through the game completing the story on normal difficulty where you can then access TVHM (True Vault Hunter Mode) where the game is a lot harder but the loot and XP rewards are a lot more plentiful meaning you can level up with better gear. Below I’ll guide you through every trophy in the game with video support where necessary.

Dragon Keep Assaulted
Unlock all Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep trophies

Challenge Accepted
Complete the first rank of all non-level-specific challenges with a single character.
Click the link to go to the Challenge Accepted Trophy Guide.

Not Quite Dead
Reach level 5.
See Capped Out… For Now for more information.

Better Than You Were
Reach level 10.
See Capped Out… For Now for more information.

Always Improving
Reach level 25.
See Capped Out… For Now for more information.

Capped Out… For Now
Reach level 35.
Near enough everything you do throughout the game will earn you XP which then contributed towards your total level. As you level up you will become more powerful and therefore be able to equip higher level gear. You will hit level 35 as you work your way towards both Challenge Accepted and Did It All as you will easily obtain more than enough XP along the way. You will gain a lot more XP during the TVHM playthroughs of the game which can be accessed after defeating the final boss then from the main menu selecting the TVHM options which will boost your gain significantly. Once you get to level 35, your Trophy will unlock.

Decked Out
Have Purple-rarity gear or better equipped in every slot.
Gear is rated depending on the rarity and has 5 tiers to go through which are:
- White: Common.
- Green: Uncommon.
- Blue: Rare.
- Purple: Epic.
- Orange: Legendary.
In order to unlock Decked Out you need to have purple or orange gear in the following slots:
- Weapon 1.
- Weapon 2.
- Weapon 3.
- Weapon 4.
- Shield.
- Grenade.
- Relic.
- Class Mod.
Purple / Orange gear is found easiest whilst fighting The Ancient Dragons Of Destruction (see Make it Raaaaaid for more information) and can be any level just as long as it’s suited for your class (a Commando may not equip a Gunzerker Class Mod for example). Once you have equipped purple / orange gear in all 8 slots your Trophy will unlock.

Sabre Rattler
Kill 100 enemies with the Sabre turret.
The Sabre Turret is Axton’s action skill and does a good job of clearing out low level enemies and can be maxed out to become a minigun inspired nuclear explosion homing missile death device. The Sabre Turret becomes available for Axton when you hit Level 2 and is well worth investing skill points in as it can become an invaluable asset. Use the Sabre Turret frequently against low level enemies until you have taken out 100 to earn your Trophy then use it some more for fun.

Phased and Confused
Phaselock 100 enemies.
You can Phaselock enemies as Maya and it’s a good way to get a breather if you have a tough enemy as when phaselocked, smaller enemies can’t do anything for a few seconds. Phaselocking is unlocked once Maya hits level 2 and can be used on nearly any enemy who isn’t a boss / mini-boss. Once you have Phaselocked 100 enemies your Trophy will unlock.

So Much Blood!
Gunzerk continuously for 90 seconds.
Gunzerking can be performed as Salvador and in order to be able to Gunzerk for 90 seconds you need to be at least level 12 so play through the game until then where you will need to go to Flamerock Refuge, use the Quick-Change Station and reset your skill points. The 5 skill points you need to have to get this done as easily as possible are:
- Inconceivable: 5 points.
- Last Longer: 5 points.
- 5 Shots or 6: 5 points.
- Steady as She Goes: 1 point.
- Yippee Ki Yay: 5 points.
The standard Gunzerk lasts 20 seconds then with the Last Longer skill that’s then 35 seconds meaning with the Yippee Ki Yay skill giving you +3 seconds per kill you will need to achieve 19 kills to go over the 90 second mark which is easiest in the Immortal Woods. Once you have these skills acquired you then need to ensure that in the four weapon slots you have 2 powerful, large clipped weapons which are different so either an SMG / Pistol or Assault Rifle / Shotgun for example as when you’re reloading it means you aren’t killing. In the Immortal Woods head right then take down every Skeleton / Knight you find where you will easily have enough kills. Once you have Gunzerked for 90 seconds straight you will then unlock your Trophy.

Cute Loot
Kill a Chubby.
Whilst Chubby enemies in the main Borderlands 2 game (where this game comes from) were fairly common and had variety to them, here you have only one Chubby enemy; Chubby Bones who has a ridiculously low spawn rate. I have been unlucky in getting Chubby Bones to spawn and it has taken me 38 hours of consistent farming before he appeared and can be a challenge if you’re not prepared / low on ammo. He’s essentially a badass skeleton who has a chance on spawning anywhere a normal Skeleton would so that’s mainly the Unassuming Docks, Immortal Woods and Lair of Infinite Agony.
Farm whichever of these areas you feel most comfortable with and be prepared for a potentially long grind. You might be lucky and meet a Chubby Bones through normal play or you might have to spend hours and hours farming for one. Either way, once a Chubby Bones eventually turns up take it down to earn your Trophy.

Token Gesture
Redeem 25 tokens.
Tokens in this regard are the Badass Tokens and are incredibly useful due to the fact they boost your stats giving you faster reloads, higher shield capacity, faster firing rate etc. Which is only ever a good thing in a game like this. You earn badass tokens for pretty much anything you do in combat then redeem the tokens in the badass token menu (Touchpad> R1> Badass Rank> Redeem Token). You can increase your stats however you like selecting any of the upgrades available but if you want to spread your points out evenly giving you overall boosts which I recommend then select the first option every time as the game rotates through the skills itself. Redeem 25 Badass Tokens to earn your Trophy.

Unseen Predator
Remain in Zer0’s Decepti0n mode for 10 seconds straight.
Zer0 is a Ninja essentially and the Decepti0n mode is the name of his action skill. What you need to do first is get yourself up to level 15 where you will then have enough skill points available to buy the 7 necessary skills which are all found in the Bloodshed skill tree:
- Killing Bl0w: 5 Points.
- Ir0n Hand: 5 Points.
- F0ll0wthr0ugh: 5 Points.
- Execute: 1 Point.
- Resurgence: 5 Points.
- Like The Wind: 5 Points.
- Many Must Fall: 1 Point.
The Many Must Fall skill is the important one here with the other skills being there to enhance the effect. Once you have the required skills go to The Forest on normal difficulty then head through to the first area where the Stumpy’s will appear then activate your Action Skill where every melee kill you earn will reset the timer for every enemy you kill. You can get this done in 2 kills but it can be close so consistently melee and kill the enemies closest to you where after 3 – 4 kills you will then go over the 10 second mark unlocking your Trophy in the process.

Well, That Was Easy
Complete the mission “Shoot This Guy in the Face”.
Starting from the final area in the game, drop down then head back into the Lair of Infinite Agony and head back through the area using the cogs to open the doors as you go. It’s a linear path to Face McShooty who is found at the bottom area of cells and will require you to shoot him in the face so bring a decent accuracy weapon such as a Pistol / Sniper Rifle and avoid things like Rocket Launchers / Shotguns. Accept the quest then line up the shot and pop him in the face to unlock your Trophy.

How Do I Look?
Unlock 10 customization items.
Customisation items come in the form of either skins or heads and they are plenty to be found across the 6 characters in the game and any combination of these will suffice. In order to unlock a new head or a new skin you need to firstly pick up the item (drop a weapon if your inventory is full) then go in and click on the cosmetic item to then unlock it. It doesn’t matter what class the items are for as long as you unlock 10 heads and or skins your Trophy will unlock once you’ve unlocked the 10th item.

Friendship Rules
Revive someone from “Fight for Your Life!” that is on your friends list.
First off, get a friend who also has the game then Pause> Invite Friend> Invite where your friend then needs to go down in battle. Once they’re down take out any major threats then hold Square whilst looking at your friend to then revive them where your Trophy will then unlock.

Better Than Money
Purchase 5 items from the Black Market.
The Black Market can be accessed from Flamerock Refuge through Crazy Earl who only takes Eridium as currency.
Eridium can drop from any loot source in the game and you should have anywhere between 50 and 100 Eridium by the end of your first playthorugh. Eridium in Borderlands 2, where the DLC was originally released serves to give you Storage Deck Upgrades allowing you to hold more ammo / grenades or carry more equipment before your inventory is full and are as cheap as 4 Eridium going up in price from there. Simply purchase 5 different SDU’s from Crazy Earl to unlock your Trophy.

Did It All
Complete all side missions.
Click the link to go to the complete Did It All Trophy Guide.

I Totes Planned That Boss
Slay Mister Boney Pants Guy.
Mr Boney Pants Guy is the first boss you come to in the game and is fairly simple to take down. Aim for the head and use up what ammo you have then get in and melee him to death. If you’re struggling then get one of the mobs to low health but don’t kill them then if you go down you can then kill the low health enemy to get back up at full health. The mechanic is called Fight For Your Life and learning it is key to getting through the game. Once Mr Boney Pants Guy is down you will then earn your Trophy.

Introduce thyself to the White Knight.
Continue through the story where you will find the White Knight in the area; Immortal Woods. Help Roland take down the Dragons then speak with him to unlock your Trophy.

Shorty, You So Best
Complete thy quest by rescuing yonder queen.
Play through the game to where you fight and take down the Handsome Sorcerer where at the end of the fight you can go through and free the Queen unlocking your Trophy in the process.

Girl’s Gotta Eat
Feed thy noble queen thrice during a single visit to her quarters.
Firstly, you need to rescue the Queen (see Shorty, You So Best for more information) then go to Flamerock Refuge where you will find ButtStallion in a makeshift stables. In here you will need to go through a quick side-quest where you pet Butt Stallion allowing you to then feed her Eridium at the cost of 5 a go by pressing Triangle. You need to stand there and feed her Eridium 3 times in a row to unlock your Trophy.

It’s Like That One Video
Show thine worst enemy, the abomination known as “The Darkness”, who is the nerdiest of them all.
Once you get to the Hatred’s Shadow area, go through pass the Orcs then carry on pass the cave where you can do the Loot Ninja Side Quest (see Did It All for more information on the side quests) then rather than going left through the open portcullis go right down the steps. In this area over to your left will be a dark section of wall which is called The Darkness and if you throw a Magic Missile Grenade at it you will be able to go through the open door to a chest, however, you won’t receive your trophy. You need to shoot the Darkness with any other weapon except the Magic Missile to earn your Trophy.

They Was All “Hey, That’s Mine!”
Unsheathe 5 swords from Immortal Skeletaurs without leaving the area.
As you’re going through the story and have met up with the White Knight, follow him through to a fight against 4 Kings. During this fight you will have a lot of Immortal Skeletons aiding the Kings in trying to bring you down. In order to unsheathe a sword from an Immortal Skeletaur you need to empty their health bar then get behind them and press Square when you see the on screen “Pull” prompt to remove the sword, killing them. Do this 5 times during the process of taking down the Kings in the fight to unlock your Trophy.

Dang Girl, You Ace At This Game
Win the most challenging round in Murderlin’s Temple.
Murderlin’s Temple is an arena style area that is only accessible after you have completed the main story then go and see Moxxi in Flamerock Refuge to receive the quest; Find Murderlin’s Temple. In total, there are 7 rounds, however, you only need to complete 6 of them. You will need to complete all of which have many waves of ever increasing enemies culminating in a battle against an overwhelming amount of max levelled badasses that are very tough to take down even at max level with Seraph gear.
You will have a better chance of getting this done with 4 other max level players but it is tough whichever way you go for it. Go in on normal to have a much easier time of it, I only recommend TVHM if you have a team of dedicated players with you as it’s very easy to die. Also, the entire arena is one big trap with spikes, fire, lightning and pitfalls with the latter being an instant kill if you fall in one. Clear the 6th round of Murderlin’s Temple to unlock your Trophy.

Wield the Mysterious Amulet.
The Mysterious Amulet is a Relic which is acquired during the side quest; The Amulet and you need to be careful before taking the quest. I highly recommend you clear the area of all enemies including the flaming skulls which spawn in the same corridor where you find Mr. Miz as any damage inflicted on him will negate this trophy for the entire playthrough you are on currently meaning if you go for it on Normal you will have to either try again on TVHM or go through as another character / fresh playthrough before you can acquire the Amulet again.
Getting to Mr. Miz will be a lot easier going back through the Lair of Infinite Agony from the Dragon Keep and might take several runs to do as he’s not always there. You will know if he’s present as there will be a yellow exclamation point (see the image below). If he isn’t then save and quit and go back through.
Once you do get to Mr. Miz and all the enemies are down speak with him and accept the quest then press Square to go to the “Shop” then purchase the Amulet which for me on Normal difficulty cost $5,901 although this price will fluctuate depending on your level and playthrough. TVHM could see the Amulet go for $30,000 plus so be ensure you have enough cash before going to him. Once you have purchased the Amulet you then need to equip it where your Trophy will then unlock.

Keep Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin’
Demonstrate your skill, or lack thereof, at rolling the magical treasure orb of many sides.
Although this sounds a bit weird, what you essentially need to roll a 20 on any of the red chests dotted throughout the DLC and is complete luck as to whether or not you will get the required score. The easiest of these types of chests are found in The Forest to the right of the main path where you can fight Treants and Spiders before the right you need to take to get the Bloodfruit (story mission item) and to roll a 20 you will need at least 5 Eridium then press Triangle to roll 2 dice rather than the usual one dice. Like I say, it’s complete luck as to whether or not you roll a 20, you might get it on your first try or your hundredth. If you aren’t successful then pause> save and quit then go back in and try again where you will eventually roll the 20 at which point your Trophy will unlock.

Make it Raaaaaid
Vanquish the Ancient Dragons of Destruction.
The Ancient Dragons of Destruction are an optional final boss found in The Winged Storm and can only be access after having completed the story as well as the Fake Geek Guy side quest for Mr. Torgue which allows you to accept the Raiders of the Last Boss side quest. Once you have accepted the side quest go to the Lair of Infinite Agony and head over to the Winged Storm exit ensuring you’re fully levelled and have 20 Eridium which you need to place in the statue before the exit opening the way.
Once in The Winged Storm go through the area dropping down to the arena and accept the contract where the fight will start and it’s a tough one. Going in with a team will help you but it is possible to do solo as well. If you are going in solo ensure you are max level and have max level gear farmed from the Handsome Sorcerer / Four Kings / Seraph Vendor / Lootapult (see Let There Be Loot). Once you’re in the fight, I recommend taking down the Dragon’s in a certain order:
Healianth / Boost then Incinerator and finally Brood. I recommend this order as Healianth can heal the other Dragon’s and Boost can increase their levels whereas Incinerator and Brood only attack you. Essentially, take the Dragon’s down as best as you can but remember, the fight is meant to be played with a team so if you’re going in solo you might have a tough time. Once you take down the Ancient Dragon’s of Destruction your Trophy will then unlock.

Best Friends Forever
Use Deathtrap to kill 100 enemies.
Deathtrap is Gaige’s action skill and can be levelled up through skill points to be an absolute beast. Once you have Gaige to level 2 you can then unleash Deathtrap on any foes who would stand in your way and even its basic swipe is powerful enough to take down a good number of low level enemies easily. You can level Deathtrap any way you want to as any upgrades only enhance its power output then put down 100 enemies with Deathtrap to unlock your Trophy.

Conductor of the Poop Train
Get 100 kills while in a Buzzaxe Rampage.
The Buzzaxe Rampage is Krieg’s action skill and greatly increases the power of his melee attacks whilst also giving you the ability to throw an axe at hard to reach enemies which all deal heavy damage. Go to The Forest then farm either the Stumpy’s or the Spiders whilst in a rampage to quickly rack up the required kills. You will easily take down 100 enemies as long as you use the action skill consistently by the Immortal Woods and if not, keep farming the low level enemies until you get the 100 where your Trophy will unlock.

Let There Be Loot
Fire the Lootapult.
There are 2 Lootapults which can be found throughout the game, the first of which is to the South West of Flamerock Refuge and the second is South East of the bridge you need to cross at the back of the area where the Wizard (Claptrap) opens the gates allowing you to go through and collect one of the Dwarven plaques for the letter puzzle.
You will need 10 Eridium which is a rare drop from any loot source to fire the Lootapult which propels a chest forward usually containing a mix of Eridium, Seraph Crystals, cash and a few weapons to pick up so for the Seraph Crystals alone it’s worth the expenditure. Simply fire either Lootapult for the first time to unlock your Trophy.
That’s the Tiny Tina’s Assault On Dragon Keep A Wonderlands One Shot Adventure Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.