
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands A Farmer's Ardor Side Quest Guide

Area: Queen’s Gate> Buttsville.
Quest Giver: Flora.
Requirements: Complete the Goblins In The Garden Side Quest.
Rewards: Pistol, 6,545 gold.
The A Farmer’s Ardor side quest is a long fetch quest guide where you are helping a dejected Flora find her true love.

After you have completed the Goblins In The Garden side quest for Alma you can then go behind Alma’s house and speak with Flora who will ask you to ask out Alma with some flowers so go do that then when Alma is done laughing you can then begin the long task of making a polka dot Goblin who can sing.

Your first task after giving Alma some flowers will be to go off and find 3 loincloths so head to the mission marker and deal with the Goblins that will stand in your way where you can then find the first loincloth on the wooden rack as you enter the area. The second loincloth is found over to the right on a set of small rocks near the edge of the area overlooking the ocean and the third is found by taking down a very fast moving Goblin: Grimble the Stinky.

Once you have all 3 loincloths, return to Flora where after she’s done talking will task you with getting the polka dot dye which is obtained by jumping in the catapult, shooting the target and firing yourself over the ravine then going through the tunnel to the left once you have dealt with the skeletons.

Careful in the tunnel as there are a lot of traps including 2 wind traps that if you’re caught in their streams will send you straight off the map so wait then duck under the stream. Deal with the door guards then go through and collect the polka dot dye then fast travel back to Queens Gate, Buttsville. Turn around then go back to Flora who will still be behind Alma’s house.

Your next task will be to collect Bard tongues to enable Glornesh the Goblin to be able to speak (it’s an odd side quest). The cave with the Skeleton Bards can be found to the left of Almas house up a small ridge then in to a cave. The Bard’s will mob you so deal with them and collect their tongues where you can then return to Flora.

Finally, speak with Alma when prompted who will go round to see Glornesh the Goblin then after the long dialogue section you will have completed the side quest thankfully.

That’s the Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands A Farmer’s Ardor Side Quest Guide complete I hope it helps you help Flora find her true love.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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