
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Working Blueprint Side Quest Guide

Area: Overworld to the East of Shattergrave Barrow.
Quest Giver: Borpo
Requirements: Begin the Thy Bard, With A Vengeance story quest.
Rewards: 1,663 gold plus access to the Eastern part of the Overworld.
Working Blueprint is an essential side quest as completing it will unlock many other side quests and areas in the Overworld so get it completed as soon as it becomes available to avoid any potential hinderance for the other side quests.

Simply accept the quest from Borpo then make your way around the cliff face to the Mines then clear out both waves of enemies to be able to loot the chest containing the blueprints.

Return to Borpo to have him build you a rainbow bridge leading to another section of the Overworld.

That’s the Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Working Blueprint Side Quest Guide complete I hope it helps you recover the blueprints.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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