Worms Rumble Trophy Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Platformer.
Worms Rumble directory.
Welcome to the Worms Rumble Trophy Guide.
- Platforms: PS5, PS4, PC.
- Trophies: 27: Platinum: 1, Gold: 6, Silver: 8, Bronze: 12.
- Release Date: 01-Dec-2020.
- Missable Trophies: None.
- Glitched Trophies: None.
- Online Trophies: All 27 Trophies are online.
- Difficulty Rating: 4/10 personal estimate, however, Worms Rumble is heavily luck and or skill based.
- Approx. time to 100%: 35 Hours estimated, however, some trophies can be achieved very quickly through luck or take a long time such as hitting a bazooka projectile with a baseball bat.
Worms Rumble has completely re-written the possibilities of what a Worms game can be. Gone is the turn based 2d arcade game. Worms Rumble is now a Battle Royale 2d mayhem-fest bringing back the weapons you know and love like the Bazooka, the Sheep Launcher and of course the Holy Hand Grenade. Here is the complete Trophy guide to help you through this amazingly addictive game.

Full Wormage
Unlock all other trophies

Boot Camp
Complete Training
More than likely the first trophy you’ll earn in the game, select Training from the Main Menu then navigate through the very short course following the on screen instructions. Once you have completed the training course, your Trophy will unlock.

Express Yourself
Use an Emote
You will need to be in match then hold Left to open your Emotes, you do have one equipped as standard when you start the game so select it and use the emote to unlock your Trophy.

Buy a customisation item
You are able to purchase Cosmetic items once you reach level 2. Once you have done so, head to the main menu and select the Worm tab. Scroll down to Style then Headwear. You will need at least 500 coins to purchase an item here which you should easily have by the time you have completed a couple of matches to get to level 2 then simply purchase any one of the available items to unlock your Trophy.

Finish your first game
Complete any game in any mode that isn’t Training to unlock your Trophy.

Level up
See Maxed Out for more information.

Making Progress
Reach Level 10
See Maxed Out for more information.

Swing Batter Batter!
Rebound a Bazooka projectile with the Baseball Bat
You will need some serious luck to get this one done. You need to hope that someone fires a bazooka round at you which you then need to hit with the Baseball Bat (press Circle) which requires you to be facing towards the opponent with the bazooka then get a swing which can be a bit finicky to actually hit the shell as it arcs up then down. You’ll get there with a bit of practice, once you successfully hit a bazooka round with the Baseball Bat, your Trophy will unlock.

High Life
Play 10 games in Transforming Towers
This will come naturally as you play through the various matches.

Go Sports!
Play 10 games in Portal Park
This will come naturally as you play through the various matches.

Retail Therapy
Play 10 games in Missile Mall
This will come naturally as you play through the various matches.

Double Figures
Get 10 kills
Self explanatory.

Three Sir!
Kill a worm with the Holy Hand Grenade
The Holy Hand Grenade can be acquired from a chest so find one and hope you get lucky. Once you have a Holy Hand Grenade throw it at an enemy carefully, whilst the grenade has a wide blast radius Worms can move very quickly in this game and can easily get out of range. Once you have achieved a kill with the Holy Hand Grenade, your Trophy will unlock.

Hot Streak
Get a kill streak of 3
You will need to kill 3 Worms in a row without dying. Doing this in Deathmatch will be a lot simpler. Ensure you have a weapon such as the Shotgun or Bazooka or a special if you can get one then be quick at taking down the enemies before they take you down. This is as much a luck based trophy as it is a skill based one as the opponents you’ll be up against will determine the difficulty of the Deathmatch. Get 3 kills in a row to unlock your Trophy.

Born Winner
Win a Deathmatch Game
From the main menu select Deathmatch, you then need to ensure you win the match by getting more kills than any other player on your Team as well as being on the winning team. This is another potentially luck based trophy as it all depends on how good your opponents and team mates are. You become a lot better at the game over time so practice until you get first place where your Trophy will unlock.

On a Roll
Roll 1000 meters
You roll by holding L2 and moving in any direction, this can be done in the training section of the main menu to make it even easier to unlock. You can see the total distance you have rolled on the main menu by pressing Touchpad then go to the top (Total) section and scroll down to Distance Rolled. Once that figure hits at least 1000, your Trophy will unlock.

Fall Guy
Fall 1000 meters
Given the nature of the arenas’ styles in Worms Rumble you will be falling a lot as you navigate your way around the various arenas. To see how far you have fallen, press Touchpad on the main menu then go to the top (Total) section then look for the Distance Fallen section. Once that figure hits 1000, your Trophy will unlock.

Better Than Most
Place in the top 50% of a match
As you are playing through a Deathmatch you will need to get a good amount of kills to place in the top 50% but you will get there with it just be consistent and stay on the move. The more people you have on your team, the higher the chance of getting into the top 50%, if there are 20 players you have to get into the top 10, if there are 4 players you will need to be in the top 2 and so on. As soon as you place in the top 50%, your Trophy will unlock.

Half Way There
Reach Level 25
See Maxed Out for more information.

Last Worm Standing
Win a Last Worm Standing Game
I recommend leaving this one until you are a pretty high level (40s should be fine) then select a Last Man Standing match (main menu> select mode> last man standing). Your objective here is to get first place which can be either fairly easy or incredibly challenging depending on the opponents you have. Make good use of your weapons and spacing, try and let the herd thin itself out without you getting involved until you need to take out the last couple of enemies. To achieve a win, you need to simply be the last worm standing. Once you have done so, your Trophy will unlock.

Get 100 Kills
You will need well in excess of 100 kills on your way to the Platinum so keep killing Worms until your Trophy unlocks.

Tooled Up
Reach level 10 with all weapons
In order to level up a weapon you need to use the weapon, defensively if you the Rocket Shield or offensively if you have any other weapon to get them to level 10. You’re going to need a lot of either kills or usage to level up a weapon. Each kill awards your weapon with xp which is tallied up at the end of a match. You can acquire these weapons in Deathmatches easily enough by checking chests or looting enemy drops. To see what levels you are with a given weapon, go to the Weapons tab on the main menu. The 10 weapons available to level up are as follows:
- Bazooka.
- Assault Rifle.
- Shotgun.
- Baseball Bat.
- Hand Cannon.
- Sheep Launcher.
- Plasma Blaster.
- Rocket Shield.
- Sentry Launcher.
- Hammerhead.
Once you have reached level 10 with all 10 weapons, your Trophy will unlock.

Complete 50 daily challenges
Daily challenges appear on the main menu and you have 3 you can complete per day so this will take you at best, 17 days minimum to unlock. That is of course, providing you can complete all 3 daily challenges per day. The challenges can be anywhere between get a certain amount of kills with a certain weapon in a certain game mode or deal a set amount of total damage with a particular weapon or win a set number of a certain match type so depending on your opponents, this can be challenging. If there’s a particular challenge you don’t like the look of, press Square to have a chance of changing the challenge to an easier one, increasing your chances of successfully completing it. Once you have completed 50 daily challenges, your Trophy will unlock.

Big Spender
Spend 100,000 money
This will be one of the last trophies you unlock in the game, you will need to unlock every customisable item (reach level 50) then go and purchase them to be able to spend 100,000 money this will include all weapon skins. You will receive money for kills and placing high on the leaderboard when you finish a round. Spend at least 100,000 money to unlock your Trophy.

One Worm Army
Get a kill with each weapon and grenade
Click the link to go to the complete One Worm Army Trophy Guide.

Geared Up
Unlock all levelling customisation items
You will need to get to level 50 then purchase every customisable in the game which will cost you a serious amount of money and time making this the last trophy you should be looking at unlocking in the game. Go to the Worm tab from the main menu then go through and purchase everything you can after reaching level 50. After you have purchased all customisable items in the game, your Trophy will unlock.

Maxed Out
Reach Level 50
You will need to play a lot of matches to reach level 50 and near enough all other trophies in the game should be achieved as you make your way towards the highest level. The more kills you manage and the higher up the leaderboard you place the more xp you will earn so keep at it and the levels will soon start coming. When you hit level 50, your Trophy will unlock.
That’s the Worms Rumble Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.
Hi, this is amazing and helpful guide, just one question, are you certain the born winner trophy for winning a death match can be gotten in squads?
Ah awesome, thank you for the feedback. Glad to know the guide’s helping
Yes dude, that’s where I managed to get mine, if they’ve patched it since I put the guide up, then grab the win in another mode which will hopefully result in the Trophy unlocking
Let me know how you get on with it if you can
All the best