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WRC 10 Trophy Guide

Welcome to the WRC 10 Trophy Guide.

  • Platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC.
  • Trophies: 47: Platinum: 1, Gold: 3, Silver: 9, Bronze: 34.
  • Release Date: 02-Sep-2021.
  • Missable Trophies: None.
  • Glitched Trophies: None.
  • Online Trophies: 3: Challenging the Best, Team Work, Taking One for the Team.
  • Difficulty Rating: 6/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 25+ Hours.

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the sport and the 10th anniversary of the WRC game series by driving historic cars around historic stages alongside all rallies and teams from the 2021 season.

WRC 10 WRC 2021 trophy
PS5 Platinum Trophy

WRC 2021
Earn every trophy in the game

WRC 10 Welcome Aboard trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Welcome Aboard
Start a new career in WRC10

From the main menu choose career followed by new career then when you sign a contract for your first team the headquarters will then load and at this point your Trophy will unlock.

WRC 10 First Victory trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

First Victory
Win 1 Special Stage in Career mode

See Top Driver for more information.

WRC 10 Professional Driver trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Professional Driver
Win 20 Special Stages in Career mode

See Top Driver for more information.

WRC 10 Top Driver trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Top Driver
Win 50 Special Stages in Career mode

Career mode consists of 5 different types of stages and they are:

  1. Shakedown.
  2. Super special stage (SSS).
  3. Power stage (PS).
  4. Epic stage (ES).
  5. Special stage (SS).

For this trophy, you need to win 50 special stages which are the most common stage on each rallies itinerary, stage wins will come along your way towards the WRC title.

WRC 10 Nocturnal trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Win 5 Night Special Stages in Career mode

Stages can take place at all times of the day just like in real life, so look out for these night stages as they only appear randomly then when they do appear win 5 in total for the Trophy.

WRC 10 Good Work trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Good Work
Complete a season objective

Season objectives are only available in the WRC class of career mode, your objective will be to set a finishing position in an upcoming rally which is randomly generated as you sign a contract with a WRC team so it could be as easy as a 5th place finish or as hard as a rally win. All you need to do is meet the goal target once to unlock your Trophy.

WRC 10 Keener trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Complete 5 objectives of any type during the same season

Objectives appear as short term (1-4 weeks) and medium term (3-8 weeks), examples of short term include don’t use soft tyres in the next rally and don’t use hard tyres in the next rally. Examples of medium term include don’t spend £40,000 in the next 5 weeks and keep your car’s condition above 35 for the next 7 weeks. Each season consists of 10 rallies so you will have ample time to observe exactly what objective you have to complete so ensure you pay attention and you can get this done by the halfway point of your WRC career.

WRC 10 Climbing the Ranks trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Climbing the Ranks
Join the WRC Championship

See World Champion for more information.

WRC 10 Like a Boss trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Like a Boss
Finish a career in Realistic duration mode

When starting a new career you’re given several options including the rally length which has to be set to realistic. Below is a picture of how you need to set your game up, with this all set up your Trophy will unlock after last rally of the season.

WRC 10 World Champion trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

World Champion
Become World Rally Champion

Starting your career mode off you accept a contract with a Junior WRC or WRC 3 team and your aim is to perform well in rallies and manufacturer try-outs to get the attention of a WRC 2 team. They will offer you a contract, by repeating the same method eventually you will get an offer from a WRC team. Now you need to perform consistently over the 10 rallies that make up each calendar year, you won’t need to win every rally but getting a podium will increase your points total nicely. Other things to take note of is the final stage in each rally is called the power stage which offers points for setting the fastest time in this stage which will all help. Once the season has ended and you have become the WRC Champion, your Trophy will then unlock.

WRC 10 Winner in Monte Carlo trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Winner in Monte Carlo
Secure a podium finish at the Rallye Monte Carlo in Career mode

See Stepping Up for more information.

WRC 10 Winner in Sweden trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Winner in Sweden
Secure a podium finish at the Rally Sweden in Career mode

See Stepping Up for more information.

WRC 10 Winner in Kenya trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Winner in Kenya
Secure a podium finish at the Safari Rally Kenya in Career mode

See Stepping Up for more information.

WRC 10 Winner in Croatia trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Winner in Croatia
Secure a podium finish at the Croatia Rally in Career mode

See Stepping Up for more information.

WRC 10 Winner in Portugal trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Winner in Portugal
Secure a podium finish at the Vodafone Rally de Portugal in Career mode

See Stepping Up for more information.

WRC 10 Winner in Sardinia trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Winner in Sardinia
Secure a podium finish at the Rally Italia Sardegna in Career mode

See Stepping Up for more information.

WRC 10 Winner in Estonia trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Winner in Estonia
Secure a podium finish at the Rally Estonia in Career mode

See Stepping Up for more information.

WRC 10 Winner in Finland trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Winner in Finland
Secure a podium finish at the Rally Finland in Career mode

See Stepping Up for more information.

WRC 10 Winner in Spain trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Winner in Spain
Secure a podium finish at the Rally RACC Catalunya – Rally de España in Career mode

See Stepping Up for more information.

WRC 10 Winner in Japan trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Winner in Japan
Secure a podium finish at the Rally Japan in Career mode

See Stepping Up for more information.

WRC 10 Stepping Up trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Stepping Up
Win all rallies in Career mode

You need to secure a victory in all 10 rallies that are in career mode, any victory in any car class counts but only whilst driving in the WRC class will you drive through all 10 rallies. These can be done over several seasons and the 10 rallies are as follows:

  1. Monte Carlo.
  2. Sweden.
  3. Kenya.
  4. Croatia.
  5. Portugal.
  6. Sardinia.
  7. Estonia.
  8. Finland.
  9. Spain.
  10. Japan.

Once a victory has been secured at all 10 locations your Trophy will unlock.

WRC 10 Gaining Experience trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Gaining Experience
Reach level 10 in Career mode

See Reaching New Heights for more information.

WRC 10 Moving On Up trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Moving On Up
Reach level 20 in Career mode

See Reaching New Heights for more information.

WRC 10 Fast Learner trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Fast Learner
Reach level 50 in Career mode

See Reaching New Heights for more information.

WRC 10 Reaching New Heights trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Reaching New Heights
Reach level 80 in Career mode

Each time you participate in career rally or activities you score experience points which can then be used in a skill tree. For winning a rally you will earn around 2,000 experience points, you will need to earn a total of around 100,000 experience to reach level 80 so this might take a couple of seasons to complete. Fortunately, through natural career mode progression starting from the Junior WRC and moving up to the WRC class this Trophy will unlock on your way to the WRC title.

WRC 10 Branching Out trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Branching Out
Complete a Skill Tree branch in Manufacturer Team mode

In order to complete an entire skill tree branch you will need a minimum of 18 skill points which can be earned by simply levelling up. You can invest these skill points into one of 4 categories which are:

  1. Team.
  2. Crew.
  3. Performance.
  4. Reliability.

It’s best if you avoid crew as this takes 32 skill points to max out with the others only need 18. With enough skill points earned, purchase every perk in the skill tree to unlock your Trophy.

WRC 10 Collector trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Have 4 legendary cards in an active crew

You can win legendary crew member cards for reaching podiums in rallies during your career mode, you can also hire legendary crew by visiting the crew recruitment menu from within the career mode menu. Crew in WRC 10 have a star rating from 1-3 stars in their card legendary crew members are rated 3 stars then with 4 legendary crew cards in your crew reserve add them into your active crew line-up and once you have all 4 as active crew your Trophy will unlock. Check the image below for a visual reference on what’s required.

WRC 10 Collector Image
WRC 10 Indecisive trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Change team 3 times

To change teams you need to perform well in manufacturer try-outs which will then lead into a manufacturer challenge. Exceeding the target in the challenge normally grants you a contract with a new team so sign for 3 different teams to unlock your Trophy.

WRC 10 Spooked trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Create a Ghost in Quick Play

From the main menu choose solo and quick play, now choose any stage from any rally and any car in the game. Enter and complete the stage and once you cross the finish line the game will make a save of your ghost unlocking your Trophy in the process.

WRC 10 Challenging the Best trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Challenging the Best
Download an online Ghost in Quick Play

Choose online> leader boards. Now choose any rally and stage you wish, then highlight any players name in that leader board and select it, choose download ghost and finally save to unlock your Trophy.

WRC 10 Force of nature trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Force of nature
Complete 3 Special Stages with dynamic weather in Quick Play

Choose quick play from the main menu then select any car class, car, rally location and stage you wish. Ensure the weather is set to dynamic and win this stage, with that done repeat the process 2 more times to unlock your Trophy.

WRC 10 Fighting Spirit trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Fighting Spirit
Beat a Ghost

Follow the same steps as explained in Spooked for how to set a ghost then go back into the same stage by choosing the restart option to beat your ghost time unlocking your Trophy.

WRC 10 Nostalgic trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Win an Anniversary event

Anniversary events appear randomly in career mode so choose calendar and when you’re not participating in a rally weekend the option for an anniversary event will appear. Choose the event then enter it, it will be a random car around a random stage so as this has a win requirement it could take several attempts but with the win secure your Trophy will then unlock.

WRC 10 Tourist trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Drive over 200km in any mode

See Globetrotter for more information.

WRC 10 Globetrotter trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Drive over 500km in any mode

You should cover this distance naturally whilst heading towards the WRC title, should you do everything required in the game and still don’t have this complete, run through quick play stages to reach the 500km mark. Either way, as soon as you cross the 500km milestone, your Trophy will then unlock.

WRC 10 Stuntman trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Perform a jump longer than 30m

Choose quickplay then Rally Sweden and add the Super Special Stage Karlstead, then choose a WRC class vehicle. On the 2nd half of this Super Special Stage loop you will go over a bridge so drive as fast as you can over this bridge and it will register as a 30m jump, unlocking your Trophy.

WRC 10 Team Work trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Team Work
Complete a race in Co-driver mode as the driver

This can be done online or in split screen using 2 controllers, online is probably the harder way to get it but if you don’t have 2 controllers this might be your own only option. Either way choose to be the driver and complete the stage to unlock your Trophy.

WRC 10 Taking One for the Team trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Taking One for the Team
Complete a race in Co-driver mode as the co-driver

Use the same method as explained in Team Work with the only option to change is to be the co driver and with the stage compete your trophy will unlock.

WRC 10 Smart Move trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Smart Move
Cross-mount tyres in Career mode between 2 Special Stages

At the start of a rally select your rally starting tyres and choose a mixture of hard and soft tyres. During a service area you can change which tyres you have equipped on the car, make sure you have a mixture of the hard and soft tyres then select confirm to unlock your Trophy.

WRC 10 Lightning-fast trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Finish a rally with at least a 30s lead

This may come naturally but if you reach the end of career mode and have not won a rally by 30 seconds I suggest doing a single rally with a lower difficulty setting. Choose rally Sweden as the AI seem to driver slower at this rally and with the final stage complete and with a 30 second lead, your Trophy will then unlock.

WRC 10 Clan Leader trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Clan Leader
Create a Club

Choose the competition tab and then clubs, now choose the option to create a club with all the linear steps complete your Trophy will then unlock.

WRC 10 It's the Taking Part That Counts trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

It’s the Taking Part That Counts
Participate in 20 Club games

Club events take place over 1-8 stages per event where each event has a completion time limit of between 1-10 days. You can be part of up to 4 clubs which is one created by yourself and 3 created by others. If you take part in club events created by another player you need to not only participate and compete the event but remain part of that club until the timer expires so it may take longer to do this using only your club but it removes the element of hoping others create regular events. With 19 events completed then when you load up the 20th event, your Trophy will then unlock.

WRC 10 Bronze Idol trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Bronze Idol
Win Bronze in at least 10 challenges

See Gold Medalist for more information.

WRC 10 Gold Medallist trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Gold Medallist
Win Gold in at least 10 challenges

From the main menu choose solo and then challenges, in the challenges sub menu you take part in the same events that feature as activities in career mode, these include:

  • Extreme weather.
  • Training.
  • Maintenance.

Each challenge has a bronze, silver and gold time or distance that you need to reach so simply obtain 10 gold medals to unlock your Trophy.

WRC 10 Unforgettable trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Complete 12 Anniversary mode events

From the main menu press Left and select 50th anniversary mode, in this mode you can participate in over 20 events that feature various historical rally cars and stages. Simply compete 12 of these events to unlock your Trophy.

WRC 10 Four Seasons trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Four Seasons
Complete a full season in Season mode

Completing a season in career mode does not count so you need to play a season via the season mode from the main menu. Choose any car / driver combination you wish and then take part in the entire season, once you compete the last stage of the last rally in this mode your Trophy will then unlock.

That’s the WRC 10 Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.




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Rod Felix
Rod Felix
3 years ago

Nice. Seems straightforward and not much headaches haha. Soo good they ripped grind/mileage trophies, was afraid 😐

3 years ago
Reply to  Rod Felix

Hey dude, this is gonna be a good time of it. We’re working on the video guides currently so they’ll give you a quality look at how the game plays.

3 years ago

maybe tell us how to play the co-driver mode in split screen? There is no option to even choose it. Either in split screen or in co-driver mode.

3 years ago
Reply to  nMEW

Hey dude
That’s all coming in the developer’s October update so we’ve been told 👍

Martin Steele
Martin Steele
3 years ago

The collector trophy is the only one i’m having trouble with keep getting to 3 then one quits just before I get the 4th, one quit due to underperforming right at the end of a season even though i had won every single stage, then I get one who is the same profession as one I already have so I can’t use the 4th anyway, now i’m back down to 2, it’s winding me up as i’m just grinding now hoping to get lucky with this one trophy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Martin Steele

Hey, how did you get 20 club events trophy? I checked trophy statistics and it shows that 0.0% of players have aquired it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Martin Steele

Hey dude
Crew in WRC 10 have been massively altered from previous versions as they now have contracts and you can now have more crew than before but the same rules apply, once you have got a legendary member keep them in your active squad that way you don’t lose them, hopefully you can then get 4 and get your trophy done

3 years ago

Is 20 club games trophy bugged? Completed 20 stages and trophy didn’t unlock.

3 years ago
Reply to  Viktor

Hey dude
I can’t confirm this yet as the game mode is still to be tested for 20 club events created by a single user

3 years ago
Reply to  Griffin  

Hey, thanks for the reply. I looked a bit and found information that it is due to 24 hour event reset time. So in theory you can create one personal club event group and join up to three public club event groups which means that you will need to play race and then wait 24 hour reset. So minimum it will take 5 real time days: 4 (club event groups) x 5 days = 20 club event games. And I think it is true cause game was released on 02.09 and first trophies started to appear on 06.09 (exactly 5 days). If someome can confirm it or I will do it after 4 days 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by Viktor
3 years ago
Reply to  Viktor

Just got this trophy. So in the end you need 7 days (7 days x 3 public event groups = 21 events) instead of 5 as for some reason events count separately from one another (personal/public event groups) because I didn’t get trophy while had 15 public and 5 personal events done. My guess is any of it will do. I got by reaching 20 events counter under public event groups (can check current completed count under – driver card / online tab). I dont suggest switching public groups as counter will then drop even if you waited 24 hour reset time. Try to join those groups where are at least 2+ active members and where you see reset time until next event for that club group.

Last edited 3 years ago by Viktor
3 years ago

For trophy Unforgettable what is meant by word complete? Do you need to beat the reference time in 12 different events in Anniversary tab mode? Or just can finish even if didn’t finish in the required time?

3 years ago
Reply to  Viktor

And in case if you need to beat reference time – do you need to do it for 12 different anniversary stages or you can repeat same one with which you are comfortable with?

3 years ago
Reply to  Viktor

Looks like it’s 12 different in the end. I’m stuck on 3rd anniversary event (Rally Monte Carlo) and I’m about to give up, best result had 5m02s and for me I drove ideally, but still was 10 seconds slower than needed. Do you think they will nerf it sometime in future? I find it quite frustrating that we can’t choose any event from available pool (25 if I’m not mistaken) and in order to unlock new events you need to beat the timer of previous one first. It’s like they lock us from their own game content and I wont see the rest 22 anniversary events 🙁

Last edited 3 years ago by Viktor
3 years ago
Reply to  Viktor

Hey, got a trophy. If someone else is also struggling then here is what I did. I found information that without day one patch reference time is less punishing. So if you have physical copy of the game then reinstall game without a patch (I paused it, as it automatically adds it to download queue and will install after base game is downloaded). Without day one patch reference time for 3rd event is 5 minutes and 2 seconds (with day one patch – 4 minutes 52 seconds). And also without day one patch the car is more sturdy. So after like 4-5 attempts I beated race with time 4 minutes 57 seconds. Everything after that was piece of cake in comparison to this event. Hope this will help someone 🙂 P.S. And I’m not ashamed as timer is really tight with day one patch and car starts to spin like crazy after minor bumps etc whereas without patch car is a lot more sturdy on the road.

Last edited 3 years ago by Viktor
3 years ago
Reply to  Viktor

Thank you for sharing your experience. I also think this 3rd event is hard. Unfortunately, I own a digital copy of the game. I will keep trying to get it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Viktor

Hi, I deleted the patch and did 12 events skipping Montecarlo but I didn’t get the trophy. Any idea?

3 years ago
Reply to  Marco

Hey dude
Playing the game on 1.00 probably doesn’t have the trophy set active on the save data so any progress made would not alter the progress counter 👍

3 years ago
Reply to  Griffin  

And if I delete all the saves and try to do it with 1.00 from scratch?

3 years ago


Thanks for the guide. I would like to ask about “team work” trophy. It is mentioned that it can be done with 2 controllers in split screen but I can´t really find how to do it. When you choose split screen there is no option to do this, just race against the other controller. I don´t know what I´m missing.


3 years ago
Reply to  Tu-ron

Ok, I did it legit. It took so many tries because it´s really hard to find a match.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tu-ron

Nicely done dude

3 years ago

Why did you put the difficulty level platinum 6/10

3 years ago
Reply to  7SS4N

Hey dude
Valid question
Depending on your chosen console generation and your ability to play the game at its optimum settings depends on how easy or hard it can be for the platinum
The anniversary events are harder than expected and if your running the PS4 / Xbox One version you can only go at 30fps

Only the ps5 / Xbox Series X /S and PC version can do 60/120 fps making it easier

Kevin Smits
Kevin Smits
3 years ago

Heyo! First of all, great guide, as usual! I got a quick question about the clubs trophy. It’s possible to stack 8 events per club. Would these all count as an individual event, or do they all count towards 1 event and then reset after the 24h timer is up?

3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Smits

Hey dude
Whether it’s 1 or 8 stages added it’s only one event once the create event option has been selected (There’s a new description going in for the It’s The Taking Part guide to make this easier to understand).
Best of luck with the game

Kevin Smits
Kevin Smits
3 years ago
Reply to  Griffin  

Thanks for the quick reply. Have been scouting for clubs that have just a few hours left on the events, so i could do more than 4 a day. I can confirm you can immediately leave a club after the timer of the current event runs out, and then join a new club in that slot. Just got the trophy after doing this for the past few hours, just search for clubs that have an event that has less than an hours left!

3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Smits

Ah nicely done fella. Feels good to have that one done and out of the way 🥇

3 years ago

My collector trophy can’t be done cause of 0 recruitment available even if i change the constructor. I’m blocked with two 3* … I finished my season of WRC without recruitment. Is that a bug ?
Is there a solution other than restarting a career ?

3 years ago
Reply to  Styylayy

Hey dude
This is an issue I have not encountered but others have made me aware and their solutions was to respec the skill points and remove the bigger reserve perk and crew members started to appear again

3 years ago
Reply to  Griffin  

Hey dude 🙂
Really thanks for your quick answer ! i’ll try this

3 years ago
Reply to  Styylayy

Best of luck with it dude

3 years ago

Hello can anyone help me with 2 co drivers trophies? Just can’t find any lobby for codriver

Kevin Smits
Kevin Smits
3 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

sure, are you on ps4? If so, add kevin-smits.

Kevin Smits
Kevin Smits
3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Smits

No longer need this and no longer have the game installed

Kevin Smits
Kevin Smits
3 years ago

If anyone wants to do the 2 co-op driver trophies, please add kevin-smits on psn. I’m on ps4!

Kevin Smits
Kevin Smits
3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Smits

No longer need this and no longer have the game installed

3 years ago

Hello mate,
i have a question about the clubs trophy. I’ve done 25 events over 4 clubs and never left any of those 4 clubs. Somehow i still dont have the clubs trophy, any idea if this is bugged or something?

3 years ago
Reply to  Brian

It ended up unlocking after 29 events spread out over 4 active clubs. Strange… Got the plat eventually, thanks for the guide!

3 years ago

hi. why dont you write a guide- road map too? like step 1 create a junior season while getting … trophies … step 2 ….
i hope you can write a roadmap too
greetings and thank you for the trophies tips

3 years ago
Reply to  walt

Hey dude
We’d rather give people the choice for how to do things but I can see your point with it.
If there’s anything specific you’d like to know regarding a guide, let me know and we’ll put something together for you.

It is a very trying time for us behind the scenes in our regular jobs so it might take a minute for us to respond but we’ll get back to you as soon as we can

Best of luck with the game

All the best


3 years ago

Anyone up to get both co driver trophies? These are the ones I can’t get. Cheers

3 years ago
Reply to  zed


3 years ago

I need help for the coop trophies if you wanna help add TheWhiteVeteran Thanks

Luan F
Luan F
3 years ago

I need someone to make the copilot trophies, add me luanfernando23

2 years ago
Reply to  Luan F

Don’t suppose you’re still after them?

Daniel Bowen
Daniel Bowen
2 years ago

Anyone still playing help with the Co-Driver trophies please? Add: Danbozo

Aaron Koronkiewicz
Aaron Koronkiewicz
2 years ago
Reply to  Daniel Bowen

Do you still need them? I need them too and will be more than happy to help. Add: mabaal_zahari

1 year ago

Hey Aaron – Are you able to help me please? 🤔

1 year ago
Reply to  Daniel Bowen

Hey Daniel – Are you able to help please 🙏

2 years ago

Ciao, for It’s the Taking Part That Counts
Participated in 20 Club games, do you have to participate in 20 races or 20 full events?

1 year ago

Hi, I need help with the 2 co-op trophies (last two to get). I’ve been trying for a week at random times of the day (UK) but no joy. If anyone could help that would be awesome. PSN G-MA 👍