
Zombie Derby 2 Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Zombie Derby 2 trophy guide which will help you earn every trophy in this side scrolling gore-fest as you ram your way to safety with an increasingly more resilient vehicle.

  • Platforms: PlayStation 5, 
  • Trophies: 12: Platinum: 1, Gold: 11.
  • Release Date: 20th March 2025.
  • Missable: None.
  • Glitched: Nothing as yet.
  • Online: None.
  • Difficulty Rating: 2/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 1 Hour.

Zombie Derby is a side scrolling zombie slaying game where you use a vehicle to run the undead down or strap a big gun to the top of your motor then systematically remove the hordes or go old fashioned by fitting a now plough on the front of your truck then smash through the biters without taking your foot off the gas. You can add all manner of upgrades to your vehicle(s) all of which will give you certain advantages as well as small customisations in the form of stickers. You will need to play through a level several times and have pretty much every upgrade available in order to get to the end of the course.

If you find yourself running out of fuel take your thumb off the gas whilst in the air then get back on the gas when you land, you can also equip a gun which you should be using to shoot the barrels rather than ramming through them whilst favouring the plough to ram through the zombies, Avoid the mines and use your boost to clear any canyons you come to and you will be well on your way to the end of the levels. From the start of the game you should be focusing on unlocking the following trophies:


With those 3 unlocked you can then try to get as far through stage 1 as you can which you will need to do several times where you can purchase some more upgrades for your vehicle which will help you work towards unlock:


You will now have enough money and experience in the game to then finish things off unlocking:


With everything above earnt you will then unlock:

Zombie Derby 2 Good Job trophy
PS5 Platinum Trophy

Good Job
Get every Trophy in the game

You will unlock Good Job after earning the other 11 trophies throughout Zombie Derby 2.

Zombie Derby 2 First steps trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

First steps
Complete tutorial

The tutorial will be the first section of the game you can access and serves as a showcase of what you can expect. Simply get to the end to unlock First Steps.

Zombie Derby 2 First love trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

First love
Unlock your first car

Your first car will unlock once you have completed the tutorial. Go into the garage and claim your vehicle to unlock First Love.

Zombie Derby 2 Stuntman trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Make 3 flips

You will need a few upgrades before you can start mainly flips namely tyres and nitro which will give you enough speed and boost then as you approach a high hill of which there are many, use your boost then as you hit the crest of the hill hold either left or right to do a flip. As long as you land back on your wheels it will count so do this 3 times across 3 different runs if needs be to unlock Stuntman.

Zombie Derby 2 Birder trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Kill 2 birds

There will be a bird roughly a quarter of the way through stage 1 and before you can hit it you will need to upgrade your tyres and nitro then as you hit the hill use your boost to get enough height to hit the bird. Do this another time on your next run to unlock Birder.

Zombie Derby 2 3 stars trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

3 stars
Get 3 stars at one level

Before you can complete a level you will need a good number of upgrades if not be fully upgraded then as you work your way through the level ensure you take out as many zombies along the way, shoot barrels rather than smashing through them and keep your speed up. Ease off the gas when you’re in the air if you are running low on fuel then continue through to the end where you should receive 3 stars which of course unlocks 3 stars.

Zombie Derby 2 Machine Gun trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Machine Gun
Buy a gun

You can buy a gun after your first or second run depending on how well you did. Before you leave for a run you will be in the garage, go to the gun which costs $140 to purchase which will then unlock Machine Gun.

Zombie Derby 2 Vandal trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Die 2 times

A death is where your vehicle flips then lands on its roof where it will then explode not just simply running out of fuel so stick some upgrades on your ride then get some air holding down a direction, land on your roof, restart the stage and blow your vehicle up again where you will then unlock Vandal.

Zombie Derby 2 Visual tuning trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Visual tuning
Buy a sticker

Stickers are cosmetic items and as such they serve no real purpose in the game except for giving you an extra bit of style whilst you ramming through the undead. Go to the right of the Plough in the garage and click the paintbrush then choose any sticker all of which cost $250. With a sticker purchased you will then unlock Visual tuning.

Zombie Derby 2 Full set trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Full set
Fully upgrade your car

Out of all of the vehicles you can use in Zombie Derby 2, the first one will be the easiest and cheapest to fully upgrade which will cost a total of $2,220 and requires the following upgrades:

  • Fuel.
    • Level 1: $140.
    • Level 2: $160.
    • Level 3: $170.
    • Level 4: $250.
  • Tyres.
    • Level 1: $80.
    • Level 2: $140.
  • Gun.
    • Level 1: $120.
    • Level 2: $130.
    • Level 3: $180.
  • Nitro.
    • Level 1: $120.
    • Level 2: $130.
    • Level 3: $180.
  • Plough.
    • Unlock: $220.

Once you have purchased every upgrade for your first vehicle you will unlock Full set.

Zombie Derby 2 Big haul trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Big haul
Earn 1000 points

You will receive points every time you complete a run, these are identified by the number next to the trophy symbol. Keep playing through the game until you have achieved a total of 1,000 points which will be a lot easier with a fully upgraded vehicle to unlock Big haul.

Zombie Derby 2 Butcher trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Kill 500 zombies

This will more than likely be the last trophy you unlock in Zombie Derby 2, you can either keep playing stage 1 or try out some of the other stages taking out as many zombies as you can along the way. Once your run has finished and you have ticked over 500 zombies total throughout the game you will then unlock Butcher.

That’s the Zombie Derby 2 trophy guide complete, I hope it helped you through the game.




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